19 Replies to “Hating Trump Still Top Priority for the Dems”

  1. the demoncrates are just digging their own grave for the election this year. At all levels they will be chastized by the voters.

    1. The individuals will become dependent on the government, who will all then have no choice but to take jobs at the new government N95 mask factory.

  2. The taste in the globalist wing of the Republican party for lax restrictions on taking bailout money, while firing Americans and buying back stock, is equally outrageous.

    Corporate America spent years neglecting American investment while buying back stock, to help insiders hedge against the financial crisis they expected to be triggered in an attempt to remove President Trump.

    This should be a golden opportunity to hurry along the Great Decoupling.

    If a firm employs Americans, in America, give it bailout funds.

    If its business model is based on trading with the enemy (i.e. Red China), let it fail.

      1. Thank you for appreciating the cartoon. A good editorial cartoon is sometimes able to convey an idea with a very plain simple drawing. I thought that one worked pretty well.

    1. They’d give the virus the VP nomination if they could. Fortunately the virus is of Chinese birth and is constitutionally ineligible.

  3. Hate is the active form of fear. Every corrupt politician in Washington knows that if Trump remains in power their criminal activity’s will be exposed. So better America is lost than they loose their place in the fundamentally changed ChinAmerica.

    1. DLM

      Not really. Trump told HRC that she’d be in jail if he was President. What happened? Won’t happen in a lame duck second term.
      Neither will any other criminal activity.

      If the economy tanks like it looks like it will all bets are off on Trump’s re-election. The same is true of bongo, Bojo, Merkel…..name one
      Peoples personal net worth takes a beating and they will blame the politicians

      1. What happened?… I think Mr. Trump may have over estimated the co operation he would get from “Republicans” especially those in the DOJ.
        I didn’t say anyone would go to jail. Although few things could please me more. I said they would be exposed. They fear exposure because they know that loyal, justice loving Americans will demand that they be deprived of their ill gotten gains, if they are shown to have committed treason.
        When one considers the power of all the forces arrayed against President Trump surly one must think it a miracle that he has done so well and though I don’t usually presume to advise God, just this one time, I am going to ask Him to preserve PDJT long enough for us to see if there are enough loyal American patriots, with the intelligence to figure out who the deceivers are.
        Not sure what you mean by “ Neither will any other criminal activity. “ ?

  4. Another subtle form of Trump-bashing is taking place on my local NextDoor App … tonight, two notices popped up.

    The first was an announcement of local women gathering together to fabricate face masks and shields for our health care workers … “because the Federal Government has failed to act”. Uh, excuse me maa’m … don’t Hospitals have procurement departments to purchase and stockpile supplies for peak events such as this? When did the Federal Govt. become responsible for providing safety equipment to every Dr. and Hospital in our country!? How bogus … these girls aren’t going to make a single mask that will be used.

    The other was a woman who reported she’d been to a UCSF Seminar on the Coronavirus … she listed 12 items they discussed … and the final item #12 … “Multiple errors by current appointees of the current administration demonstrated early on make it impossible to stop the spread – we can only slow it so healthcare can catch up”(sic)

    Yep … the DNC has deployed their Muh Chinese BOTS to use the Coronavirus as a means to destroy Trump. All subtle and whatnot. Just Neighbors caring about neighbors. SMH

  5. Liberals routinely sellout their children for money in pocket today.

    Liberals hatreds are wide but not that deep, they’ll want Trump re-elected, both for their financial portfolios and to have someone to demonize, it makes for good tv.

    Democrats know Joe Biden is senile, in the off chance voters are stupid enough to elect him, they’ll take it. But most Democrats are looking forward to practicing another four years of hate.

  6. Being “for” something is hard work,you have to have some idea of what it is you want to build and the practical steps required.
    Our progressive Comrades are vague about what they want,just “Not That”!
    Very emphatic against,this being the realm of FEELZ, but no clue what they want and absolutely zero comprehension of what they will have to do to get what they want.
    Thus Big Government is their crutch.
    Never build,develop or grow a planned project..that’s for those deplorable practical people..
    They,our progressive comrades, demand that force of government shall be used to magically give them what they desire(this week).

    And our entitled elites are so entrenched that they do not even admit they require theft from the productive,for their very existence.
    Think about a country with generations of “Public service” and “Welfare”.5th and 6th generation .

    It is the Rights of Thieves,this is how we know Canada is a Kleptocracy.

    For the thieves have all the rights and legal protections.
    The taxpayers have none.

    Example the Rail blockades versus the Wuhan Flu Lockdown.

    Funny who faces the most punishing consequences..

    So hating Orange Man,is vital to their mental wellbeing.
    Without the daily hate,they have nothing.

  7. well, they are consistent. democraps are tilting towards the communist ideology,
    this move will kill citizens, and communists are famous for killing their own people more than those of other nations.
    very consistent I’d say.

    how many votes did they garner with this one?
