22 Replies to “Facebook Is Like A Field Of Spuds”

  1. Good times.
    Eleven?! Potatoe barns the size of hockey rinks. I held a $1600 bag of seed potatoes.
    All to coax McCain into building french fry factory.

  2. And the spelling mistake… I’d call him a tool, but that would actually have a use in SK.

  3. Maybe Sask Power could stop wasting money on bird wackers if they need money for infrastructure upgrading.

    1. Yeah, not gonna happen. The sole purpose of government, and by extension government businesses, is the manufacture of problems that are then solved by raising taxes/fees and manufacturing more problems.

      power outages
      grid instability
      insufficient generation capacity
      intermittent generation

      These are all problems well within the wheelhouse of the Tennessee Valley Authority. I mean PG&E. I mean any government monopoly power company.

    2. Or stop wasting billions, yes billions, on carbon capture and sequestration. You can’t fix stupid and I tried.

  4. OWG, it has come to our attention that you seem to want to persist in pointing out facts about the Death Cult everyday. This is Un Canadian and must stop.
    We have many MultiCult Festivals everywhere in Canada paid for with BILLIONS of taxdollars for your re-education and assimilation. Under Multicult from the Ministry of Heritage.
    If you contact us at the number below we can provide transportation for OWG to take part in these festivities.
    There are many vendors who offer delicious variety in food and drink. Smoked goat entrails, camel urine drinks both hot and chilled. Roast rat with entrails and singed fur, something for everyone.
    For entertainment we have goat herding, farting contests and tap dancing. All of the food is just like in the country of origin, we call it provenance. Flies and rank odors of rotting meat just like in the countries of origin. Lots of very spicy hot goat meat and ruptured duck, we even have fresh dog and cat bound in wire for you to choose from. for your cat soup.
    It is all for your benefit and to help you adapt and give up your old ways. We formerly called this service re-education camps, but this is much nicer and serves the same purpose. You will enjoy it very much.
    Finally in Canada you have a chance to discard your old Canadian ways and thinking, you were raised wrong and Canadians have no culture anyway, so no loss and everything for you to gain. Call 1-800-CULT for lots of fun. Ask for mohammed.

    1. I’m deleting two off topic comments. You should know better, so please — do better.

  5. I deleted a couple of off topic comments. People, read the subject line and if you can’t stick with the program, refrain.

  6. One wonders why a would be private enterprise gets in bed with government.
    If there is money in their idea for an enterprise, they obviously don’t need government to meddle.
    If not, why would government put other peoples money in it?

    The government, because it could not care less if an enterprise is valid, profitable or anything sensible, though the optics are good, should stay the hell out of the way and look after the toilets or something.

    In a similar case, did the smiley fat cheeks of the opposition say anything about eliminating the half a billion to the media cartel?
    If not. Why not.

    1. In the Spudco case, the “private enterprise” existed on paper only. I think the partner threw in about $100.

      1. That would be typical of any government involvement in “private enterprise” or “3P” as the catch acronym would say..
        It’s a standard operating procedure of any government on any level.

  7. Did you get booted from Facebook for that? The algorithms should have nailed you fairly quickly. Unless Canadian socialists just aren’t on their protected list…

    Simpson’s are still on the air, and they made fun of him… Maybe the world really has written off the post national region as that irrelevant?

    1. Kevin. I think that Kate , in her own inimitable way, wrote that in such a manner that it flew well above the tiny heads of our apparatchiks beavering away at Facebook’s Ministry of Truth.

  8. We drove by the Lucky Lake Spudco facility last summer and wondered where the $28M went.

  9. The Utilities are a glorious way to bypass the public service act and applicable rules,just as with the “Non Government Organizations” 100% funded by tax dollars,these “Arms Lengths Agencies” are accountable to no one.

    Where ever we allow pools of public money to form,the parasites turn out to bathe.
    Being hugely rewarded to be on the board of such Quango’s is the professional Parasites dream.
    Look where all our “retired politicians” turn up.
    Kleptocracy in action.

  10. The Province of Saskatchewan has 80 (eighty) crown corporations. Think of the waste. Spudscam was akin to spitting in the ocean.

    The problem is Sk governments are loathe to even talk about getting rid of the Crowns as they are affectionately referred to. So loved are the Crowns that any mention of cutting or heaven forbid elimination is immediately attacked.

  11. LOL !!!!

    ah jeez. when I read the title of the thread I was thinking, this some fraudster criminal got caught with hands in the cookie jar?
    now SDA, pick out the applicable ie true phrases in the above sentence.
    and ya, this shythead needs a proper ‘sentence’.

  12. the spudco bunch had run a fake oil company previous to this , bought the whole town , owned rigs to pay themselves and drilled useless wells.
    my memory is failing me on the name . but the CBC featured them as a huge success , they bought restaurants , service companies , , even the city hall as I recall . scam from start to finish . had a huge eagle on their stationary , took up 1/3 of the page


  13. https://www.taxpayer.com/commentaries/lest-we-forget-spudco

    I had never heard of this scandal until your post,but as the CTF mentioned,this should have been called out.Did the next non-NDP government ever hold an investigation into this? Was there a trial?

    It seems political Parties value protection of the status quo, in which they are members of an exclusive club, a lot more than they value the citizens they are supposed to be leading to the promised land.

    These “gentleman’s agreements” between ALL the Parties is the reason these bastards keep on f***ing us without fear of consequence.
