171 Replies to “Coulda Had Max”

  1. Like Dad used to say, “If you take all the woulda/shoulda/coulda’s in one hand, and a toonie in the other, you can get a nice cup of coffee down at Tim’s.”

    Of course, when Dad said it he actually said a quarter…

    1. … not to mention that that was also a time when there was no GST/HST/PST (whatever) on a freaking cup of coffee!

    2. Canadians enjoy being slaves to the government. That must be one explanation for the stupid that we put up with.

  2. He’s such a threat – to the Libs and red Tory Laurentian elite, Trudles and Andy Sche(m)er.

    One offers the carbon tax, the other, carbon tax lite – an “alternative” to the carbon tax that Sche(m)er refuses to tell us the cost of. What is Andy hiding?

    Can still have Max!

  3. Max is right, Climate Barbie is a liar and a fraud. Profaning the flag by wrapping herself in it, while all the while destroying Canada’s resource industry.

  4. Take a toonie out of your pocket.
    That is paying the carbon tax.

    Now put the toonie back into your pocket. That is the federal rebate of the carbon tax.

    Now send 10 cents to Ottawa. That is the federal GST on the “service”.

    Did taking the toonie out of your pocket cause you to drive less? Or cause you to turn down the heat in your house? Nope.

    It is a tax that won’t work re it’s supposed purpose of cutting individual CO2 emissions.

    Now it will make industrial and commercial activity more expensive. So Canadian jobs go to China and India where they build new coal plants. Or they go to the US where voters turn down carbon taxes (even in eco-states like Washington).

    Time to get rid of team Turdeau.

    1. Nice way to dumb the tax down.
      Many folks here say they will vote for Smilin’ Scheer however Andrew is very vague in his answers. Take today on the CBC; “When will you balance the budget if you are PM”? Andrew———–> “In the short term”.

      Sounds like something Justin would say.


      1. “Sounds like something Justin would say.”

        No. Zoolander literally said, “the budget will balance itself.” Really, Zoolander said that.
        The difference between “I’m going to do it”(Scheer) and “it’s going to do itself”(Turdeau) seems to be lost on you.

      2. It is impossible to balance the budget because we have more people at the trough taking money out than there is putting money in. Basic economics has long since escaped the average Canadian.

      3. The job of an opposition is not to present your party’s detailed budget plans and policies way before the election. Especially when the media is liberal friendly.

        Throat is how you loose elections.

  5. Screw Ottawa screw Ontario and screw Quebec sick of you bast rads sticking it to the west,Electing the likes of Trudeau and McKenna you need your heads read

    1. Yeah. Electing Notley and Nenshi is wayyyyyyyyy smarter.

      Albertans always think their shit doesn’t stink.

      1. It don’t but the farts are pretty bad. Anyways you never complained before, never seen your hand shaking when the Alberta welfare rolled east.

    2. No…they need their collective heads lopped off.

      They are not interested in the Environment…that’s something that Affects YOU….not them. This is and has always been, part and parcel of creating ENERGY POVERTY for All…CO2 Taxation, Renewables, EV’s the bloody lot. The Goal nothing less than the death of Capitalism.

      The UN IPCC has said EXACTLY that.

      Climate Barbie is simply a useful little Nazi in that endeavour, but besides Trudeau, Butts, Telford, Morneau, Wernick, Freeland and a few other Liberal NAZI’s, she would/should be next in line for the Guillotine…..the old “Orders were Orders” routine died at Nuremburg.

      The WEST must free itself from this vipers nest of de-Facto NAZI’s.

      1. And the climate Nazis are using vegans, and every racial identity group (non-whites of course) to man, er person their Concentration camps. Just living in our Western, industrialized, civilized society – warm, cozy, and free from “need” is now defined as a crime against the planet. The pampered elites are guilt-ridden over their luck of birth, and are bent on … “tearing it all down maaaaan” … just like their Marxist grandmothers shouted in 1971.

  6. Climate Barbie is a stupid liar, I never considered it “free to pollute”, I have always been aware of the cost of fueling my vehicle and heating my home, what good does it do me to have those costs artificially increased, as well as the cost of all necessary consumer items that require transportation? It just seems like a revenue grab and a bureaucracy-building action. It used to be that Canadian politicians were very nervous about sticking their hands in our pockets, what the hell happened?

    1. “ It just seems like a revenue grab and a bureaucracy-building action. “

      The principles of the Liberal party in a nutshell.

    2. Yes yop.
      One edit, 3rd last sentence.
      From: just seems like
      To: is.
      It is a revenue grab.

  7. Every year I release many tons of carbon dioxide into my greenhouse. You should see what a difference it makes for plant growth. Plants love carbon dioxide! It’s not pollution. It’s a nutrient. Life can’t happen without it. McKenna talks and writes like a well-indoctrinated Grade six student. Thankfully, I live near the U.S. border. Gas prices today across the line: $2.89 a gallon. That works out to 77 cents per litre. With the exchange rate, this is about $1.00 per litre – a full 56 cents cheaper than the local gas station in Langley – a mere 10 kms north. This, then, is the price of Canada’s economic and taxation follies: 56 cents per litre! How can we compete with Americans when we operate at such a huge disadvantage? NOBODY is helped by this new tax and LOTS of people are harmed – ordinary people who are now penalized for taking their kids to soccer, driving to church, going on a vacation or just trying to get their small business product to the marketplace.

    1. Trevor.
      They dont want us to COMPETE….
      Thy want us destitute & enrgy Poor
      They want a Trans National State of Abject MISERY
      They want to kill Capitalism
      They are Fucking NAZI’s….indistinguishable from the National Socialists of the 1930’s.

      Check it out…you’ll see their policies are near identical…

    2. “This, then, is the price of Canada’s economic and taxation follies: 56 cents per litre!”

      …and yet there are idiot leftists on the cbc bleating about how “greedy” oil companies are.

      1. You are being generous with your idiot comment they are ignorant , lying, evil, stupid, arrogant, moronic, aholes who need to be jailed for life.

    1. No the missed opportunity was the last Fake Conservative Majority of Harper.

      Did he get rid of the CBC? NO and why not? Think about that long and hard before even considering voting for Puppet Scheer…

      Harpers Scandals

      SUPREME COURT TUSSLE: Harper’s frustration with the courts came to a head in 2014 when his appointment of Marc Nadon to the top bench was rejected because Nadon failed to meet eligibility requirements. Harper accused Supreme Court Chief Justice Beverley McLachlin of making “inadvisable and inappropriate” attempts to reach him on the issue, an episode author John Ibbitson describes as the “nadir” of his time in power. “Not only did he lose the fight; he tarnished his reputation and damaged what should be the sacrosanct separation of powers between executive and judiciary,” Ibbitson wrote in his book, Stephen Harper.

      Sound Familiar to Trudeau and his Liberals eh!

      Closing of regional veterans affairs offices.

      G8 Funding
      Tony Clement personally directed a $50-million “legacy” fund, funneling millions in infrastructure to his Muskoka riding. Municipalities far from the actual summit site were given hundreds of thousands of dollars for sidewalk improvements, parks, and most infamously, a gazebo. A subsequent investigation by the auditor general showed funds were doled out with no bureaucratic oversight or paper trails. Clement was later promoted to president of the Treasury Board, the department that oversees government spending.

      SEARCH AND RESCUE FINDS PETER MACKAY: Then defence minister Peter MacKay was caught using a Cormorant search and rescue helicopter in 2010 to pick him up from a private salmon fishing lodge on the Gander River in Newfoundland at an estimated cost of $16,000.

      1. Yep Harper pissed his pants. And lied as well to his supporters. I hope Trudeau wins again. That wil give Albertans incentive to get out. He may as well stay in there, as get a shizen like Harper that lies to his supporters and then goes all whiny assed Liberal.

    2. Canadians have missed opportunities all my life and it is getting worse. One has to be reasonably intelligent to identify an opportunity.

  8. It is time that the “Liberal” idiots are told that they have no bloody idea what Canadians want.
    As the motto of Ms Kate instructs the idiots, they don’t speak for me and one suspect for some 75% of Canadians, however much one does not like to use the demagoguery what Canadians want.

    And yeah, “coulda hada Max” is exactly where we are.
    Cheeks Andy is not there.
    Just talked to a guy that has a connection with who writes speeches, told him Andy needs to pick some energy, he said that he is calling on the airheads resignation, told him that is easy. Needs to work on the hard parts.

    Too bad that there are so many CINO’s in that party, you gotta vote for them as a default.

    We need a conservative revolution, a renaissance if you like.

    1. 75% of Canadians will vote the liberal socialist line every time. There will not be a not cure until we are starving and freezing and even then the fools will still support those that impoverished them.

  9. Posted this yesterday but it may be more opportune today.

    The biggest April Fools joke today comes from the wanna-be PM, Andrew Scheer. His solution to the Trudeau Carbon Tax, “Fill up your tank, before the Tax kicks in.” Like that will work, and you dyed in the wool conservatives that are going to back the CPC in October will no doubt run out and fill your tank like instructed. Climate Barbie on the other hand has just told us that 90% of the tax will be returned to us. Aren’t we fortunate the government is going to return 90% of the money it is going to take from us. If I could I’d retire to Bedlam because there would be more sanity there than what now exists in Canada. The Carbon Tax is going to increase the cost of living so fast that it will be impossible to chart it. Every company that does business in Canada, from the Mom and Pop corner store to Manufacturer’s Insurance, to Costco and Wall-mart will have to increase their prices to cover their overhead and you the Canadian customer and taxpayer will have to accept the increase costs. Lucky you. When they put the last shovel of dirt on the grave of Canada the tombstone will read “Alas Poor Reader, they didn’t realize what the incremental loss of their freedoms would lead to!”

    As an addendum I’d like to add that when the big corporations that own all of the tall buildings in TO and Montreal start turning off their lights at night to conserve energy and try and cut down overhead costs that their customers find too hard to swallow, well then we’ll see the number of bird deaths increase to what they were in the Sixties. Talk about one of the unintended consequences.

    1. Also…CPC are claiming their ‘environment plan’ will meet Paris numbers. That , of course is reference to the Paris Accord.

      The Candidate that has the guts to call Paris Accord and Human-caused Climate Change the scams of the century will get my vote.

  10. A couple of data points that won’t make the news:

    Blacklock’s Reporter
    Brutal @environmentca
    memo says #CarbonTax will cost #Saskatchewan $3.9B and lower emissions 0.6% — not a typo — 0.6.

    Environment Canada in Access To Information memos calculates its national carbon tax to take effect April 1 will cost billions, with a marginal impact on greenhouse gas emissions in at least one province studied. The department calculated impacts on Saskatchewan, the first province to defy the Greenhouse Gas Pollution Pricing Act: ‘Emissions would be reduced by about 0.6 percent.’

    Twitter – Brad Wall
    Jan 23
    If the carbon tax enables Cda to hit its Paris targets, global emissions will be reduced by a total of .51%

    I’m sure proponents would argue against those numbers -but- what you don’t see is proponents offering their own numbers in a similar format. Cost vs Benefits.

    At best the carbon tax is a symbolic gesture. At worst it’s callously, cruel symbolism that harms people and families via job losses, reduced business investment in resource and ag industries and needlessly increased costs of essentials such as heat, electricity, fuel and food costs for a ridiculously low, insulting miniscule reduction in CO2. The “but the rebates” nonsense is just salt in the wound at this point.

  11. It’s interesting to read what people on this forum and others think of Andrew Scheer. I shared the same opinion that he wasn’t the right leader. He lacked charisma. He wasn’t blunt enough. His position on climate was not the same as mine. In short, he was not the right guy. I attended a lunch with about 20 people and had a chance to actually speak with him, ask some questions and get clarification on his policies regarding climate, the economy and corruption in government. I found that his positions were not substantially different from my own. I realized that I was looking at Andrew through other people’s lens and they all have an agenda. I will be voting for Andrew and the conservatives even though they are not perfectly aligned with me. They may not be totally “right” but there is no doubt that Trudeau and his gang of collaborators are completely wrong. I like mad Max but his chances are slim to none and a vote for him is a vote for four more years of stupid.

    1. Go home

      You accuse us of fogging your glasses towards Scheer and you turn around and do to us what your complaining about…

      You come across as a liberal…

      Go vote for your Puppet Globalist controled Scheer…

      I am voting Max for he is the only one who is offering what true conservatives want, not the fake CPC…

      Voting for Max doesn’t scare me for the one party Globalist system of the Liberals and Cons both need to be decimated…

      The UN does not come first before Canada and voting the liberal Cons in gets the UN policies first.

      Max Hates the UN…

      So do I…

    2. “I like Andrew but his chances are slim to none and a vote for him is a vote for four more years of stupid”
      There fixed it for you….

    3. Brian, there are those who spoke to the Turd, and found that he appeared quite suitable for the job, now 3 years down the road???? It’s easy to say the right thing at the right time, but a little different to do the right thing at the right time. There are those of us who have tried to communicate this to the CPC, and have been completely ignored, just as the libtards would ignore.

  12. Finally the Catastrophic Anthropogenic Global Warming scam hits the taxpayers attention.
    Sure while some of us have seen this scam for what it is for years,the average taxpayer has had better things to do.
    The taxpayer knows better to waste their time listening to politicians and Presstitutes, but now their attention is gained,because something real has been done to their income.
    A tax on air.
    Now the real battles begin,all the previous climate caterwauling has just been the preliminary jawwing.
    The politicians have finally attacked the taxpayer.
    Let the games begin.
    Climate Barbie Maths will be all over the Presstitutes chins for the next little while,as the taxpayer gets all summer to simmer in the lies and theft.

  13. ” I like mad Max but his chances are slim to none ….

    Here, let me finish that sentence for you.

    ….because folks keep voting for gutlessness instead of for principles.”

    Scheer. His first act was to order his MPs tp support turdo on climate change.

    1. B I N G O.

      I take an extremely dim view of strategic anti-vote-split voting ala that recommended by otherwise smart commenter Liz J. I take a less dim view of abstaining when I face tweedle-dum tweedle-dee.

      How is the party with the right policies going to get a foothold if you postpone voting for it out of a vain notion than you can play the election market?!

      I forget the Scandinavian country, but a brand new party recently rose to the top in a single election.

  14. Is there any other politician who actually espouses policies that would make the average Canadian’s life better? Not a single one. That’s the sole reason mad Max was removed because the elite know now that you have to take them out immediately. You cannot let anyone who will do what the people want get elected.

    1. Well said

      So True

      Let’s prove those corrupt fuckers wrong.

      Vote for Max…

      1. They already won. That’s the point. If voting mattered they wouldn’t let you do it.

        1. True, james, but in the US voting actually mattered for the first time in a long time and deep state does not like the result. If the left regains power it will be last time anyone gets to vote again, ever. Can’t take the chance another Trump gets elected.

  15. Thought of the day about Alberta and Saskatchewan:

    People my age and older saw what Trudeau’s NEP did to our provinces. People my age, older and younger will see the damage Trudeau’s carbon tax will do to our provinces. Aboriginals (large demographic in both AB &SK) are seeing Trudeau’s true colors regarding promises about native issues and his insulting disrespect of “difficult” natives. Trudeau’s Quebec First policy shows our provinces that’s we’re still second class citizens. Equalization shows how taxpayers in our provinces are being shamelessly exploited and how little we get in return — not needed pipelines, not even politeness — from the rest of Canada. That’s at least 3 or 4 generations in Alberta and Saskatchewan who have experienced economic abuse by a Trudeau and the rest of Canada.

    No wonder separation support is between 50-57% on the western prairies. There’s probably never been a better opportunity to get this started.

  16. I was talking to this stunned c*nt the other day and she referred to Climate Barbie as a dumb blonde. A couple of dumb blondes overheard and wouldn’t stand for that, started clamouring, “No! She’s a stunned c*nt.”

    1. Oh I am so offended, such language is unCanadian. Oh My Oh Dear. (SARC Off) What you have in Canada is the full UN Agenda Globalist Cabal right now being run by the Cabin Boy Justa Turd.
      Nothing will change until your Province leaves Canada.
      With a slight change. ‘Canada, (America) is at that awkward stage; it’s too late to work within the system, but too early to shoot the bastards.’ Claire Wolfe.

    1. He’s started a new political party, splitting the vote on the right. Last time that was tried, with the Reform party, it took 20 years to get a right-leaning PM. Canada doesn’t have another 20 years.

  17. The Carbon Tax will never be removed by the Liberals, the Cons. or the NDP it is part and parcel of the UN Agenda. You will get used to it, you will accept it you will love it, your schools have been indoctrinating your children for at lest 20 years bout climate change. The little brainwashed darlings will accept the yoke. As you have accepted the YOKE all your life.
    The only way out, is for Provinces to reach critical mass with the Bullshit and get out. The only clean way out is with the UDI.
    No Treaty’s, No Canadian Courts or Jurisdiction, RCMP out no Ottawa.
    If Albertan’s had done this 30 years ago, they would be 500B ahead right now.
    And one of the cleanest, wealthiest jurisdictions in North America if not the world.

    1. UDI is probably the best way to go, if the Brexit shambles is anything to go by.

      It’s a shame Quebec did not vote to separate, had they done so, we would not have Turdeau, SNC Lav, and all the other crooks. For sure we would still have the Ontario liebrals, but without those in K-Bec their numbers would be countered by the ROC so we would have a better chance of a decent Government.
      If it does come to the independent Country of Buffalo, I would seriously consider moving there while I still can (in Ontariowe now)

  18. As everyone knows, PM Turnip is a big proponent of symbolism. Symbolic clothing, symbolic apologies, symbolic parades, symbolic hiring policies. Now he’s added a symbolic tax so he can pad the general revenue of the depleted federal treasury because the tax sure as f**k isn’t going to change anyone’s daily actions.
    PM Turnip and No Time McKenna perfectly symbolize every smug, self-righteous, pontificating politician who will never be affected by their own asinine policies and legislation.
    As a symbol of my respect for those two assholes I had a raging fire in my wood stove yesterday.

  19. I recognize pollution. It’s everytime a liberal opens their mouth and sound comes out !

  20. “Coulda Had Max”

    Yes pity he lost. He would be a much better than the noodle spine Sheer. Pity also that MAX then decided to throw a temper tantrum and help Libranos get reelected.

    1. Gee you already gave up all over Max getting kicked out of the corrupt CPC…

      That was the best thing to ever happen to Max and all Canadians….

      A new party not controlled by elitist leftist Globalist is a great thing Period…

      You are weak and a pretend conservative just like your fake Puppet Scheer who is Trudeau’s twin brother in screwing Canadians for that’s what the liberals and conservatives have been doing for decades….

      Time for a complete change…

      It’s Mad Max Time…

        1. Useful idiot will help re-elect Turdo and his bots will be boasting on how it makes no difference. Then they will disappear until the next election cycle.

      1. Could it be that some of the foul mouthed ‘alleged’ Max fans on here are liberals trolls trying to help PM Zoolander? Sure fits what we see with leftists, no rational discussion or argument, proceed directly to cursing and name calling.

        1. Of course they are. Exactly when PM socks got into the SNC trouble all those trolls came here and started demanding purity tests and acting as if Max was the Holly Grail we all have been searching for.

        2. The truth hurts

          Go back to your safe space

          Scheer will protect you from no one…

          Liberals are finished now for the cons…

          The corrupt of this world are losing the narrative and power.

          Vote for Max and take back Canada away from the Globalist controlled PPC UN First Party.

      2. “It’s Mad Max Time…”

        LOL Max will be lucky to get a whole 1% of the vote. But that is the 1% that may help Turdo elected… and that is precisely you want, isn’t it?

        Max is Turdo’s useful idiot.

    2. Agree Colonialista. Max is NOT on the menu. You order off menu and you get another helping of PM Zoolander. It’s that simple.

      So many people say Max is smart? For the sake of argument let’s say he is.
      Max knows that the province he lives in, Quebec, is going to get a good deal no matter who wins the next general.
      On the other hand, Alberta and Saskatchewan are going to be hooped if people are so stupid as to split the vote on the right.
      Quebec and Max make out just fine(his whole political base such, as it is, is there), Alberta and Saskatchewan get destroyed.

      I can’t believe some of the stupid shit people on this blog say, “We can still have Max.” Geeze Louise!
      No you CAN’T still have Max. Think of the LIVs.

      Max speaks Chretienese pidgeon English.
      Max is not a Charismatic man or he would have WON the CPC leadership. He is going to split the vote.

        1. “Heh OZ I’m french Canadian but from Alberta”

          Yeah, sure, and I’m the Czar of all the Russians. Dumbass. You’re no Albertan.
          As I said above; vote Max and Canada gets another helping of PM Zoolander. Disaster for Albertans.

          1. Alberta’s Francophone communities

            Alberta has approximately 2,000 communities and natural sites with French-influenced names, such as:

            Grande Prairie
            Lac des Arcs

            Over the years, these names have transformed into English approximations. For example, Grande Prairie retains the French spelling but is anglicized as “Grand” Prairie in pronunciation.

            Some early Francophone communities were ministered by the Oblates of Mary Immaculate (OMI), a prominent religious congregation at the time, who named these communities in honour of patron saints. Other communities were named after the wildlife or geography of a specific region, or after prominent local French-speaking individuals.

            Four Alberta municipalities are officially bilingual:

            Beaumont (15 km southeast of Edmonton)
            Legal (35 km north of Edmonton)
            Falher (420 km northwest of Edmonton)
            Plamondon (204 km northeast of Edmonton)
            These and 5 other municipalities (Morinville, St. Albert, St. Paul, Bonnyville and the Municipal District of Smoky River) form the Alberta Bilingual Municipalities Association (ABMA).

            See also: Map of Alberta Municipalities with Thriving Francophonie
            French-language population growth

            French is the mother tongue of 1 in 5 Canadians and approximately 86,705 Albertans (2% of the population).

            According to 2016 Census information, Alberta’s French mother tongue (Francophone) population is among the fastest-growing French-speaking populations in Canada.

            The francophone population grew by approximately 27% between 2006 and 2016. Excluding Quebec, Alberta has the third largest minority Francophone population after Ontario and New Brunswick.

          2. Yes, I know about the French in Alberta. Size of demo is irrelevant.
            Francophone Albertans DO NOT BENEFIT from Turdeau getting another term.
            It would be a Disaster for Alberta to split the vote by voting for Burn?-Yay!
            Language notwithstanding.

          3. hey Ooooz, you are the a$$hole who wanked off about the gubermint not taking yer couch, and then tried belittle a successful medical program. Yer credibility is zero to less than zero. And I also have French friends who are, and live in alberta. Now FO goof

        2. “Heh OZ I’m french”

          You’re saying it like it isn’t something to be ashamed off? Tolerating Fwench was like making deals with savages, two of the biggest mistakes that lead to all the following mistakes in Canada’s history.

          1. You take everyone in Quebec and who is French and you demonized them.

            You can’t judge a whole group as one it’s Un Christian and a sin.

            You will reap what you sow.

            Galatians 6:7 Do not be deceived: God cannot be mocked. A man reaps what he sows.

            1Proverbs 22:8 Whoever sows injustice will reap calamity, and the rod of his fury will fail.

          2. No, I take a huge smelly dump on Quebec and French culture. It has been a cancer that is destroying this country. Appeasing and tolerating it was a mistake from the start.

        3. Later in your list, you forgot Lamoureux, Alberta – now a hamlet but one of the earliest settlements along the North Saskatchewan River.

        4. If Alberta goes Independent are you ready to have an English only Province. I mean no Official French Language. That is one of the 1st things that should be thrown out. NO FRENCH paid for by taxpayers. No French Language Rights. I think your going to howl.

          1. No Fweeeench? Damn, the moment you have a real shot at independence I am moving over.

      1. “…”Max speaks Chretienese pidgeon English….”

        Couldn’t agree with you more … he was speaking to a reporter the other day on CBC — I could not understand what on earth he was saying .. his accent is even more pronounced than Chretiens’ … If he couldn’t be bothered to learn English then what gives him the impression that the rest of Canada should have any respect for him or his lofty ambitions. A vote for Max is a vote for the fool Trudeau …

        The liberal bots yammering on about voting for Max on these threads are now just boring.

  21. Canadians will not be told.

    This is the same group of people who believe that public healthcare – an entrenched bureaucracy that can put a cap on medical students and have months-long waiting lists – should never, ever privatise in the slightest because doing so would be AMERICAN.

    Never mind that carbon is not a pollutant. Never mind that these rebates are mere pittances. Never mind that this tax will not prevent actual pollution.

    When Canadians can’t buy stuff, that is when they will get mad. They will not get mad at themselves for not questioning their stupid choices but, well …

  22. Wonder how Canada’s Environmental policies will find a way to shut this down. Alberta Company will pay to connect Alberta Oil to Anchorage Alaska and the lower 48. The Governor of Alaska is seeking a Presidential Permit right now from President Trump to go ahead. Soros and his Canadian stooges in Ottawa will immediately attack.

    1. That bypasses the BC Choke hold on Oil & Gas,,, The next step is the Foothills Pipe (North to South) line’s (Multi) that connect the lower 48 to Alaska & Alberta oil & Gas,,,,,It would be a Slam Dunk for Canada to negotiate a Pacific Spigot in the USA, bypassing the BC price scam and sell internationally at the Well-Head (plus Transportation) WIN… WIN

      1. The sweet part would be when ALberta shuts down all oil to BC and they have to accept oil tankers or push their cars.

  23. “When Canadians can’t buy stuff, that is when they will get mad. ”

    Dead on. I can remember coast-to-coast anger twice in the last ten years or so. The first time it had something to do with the way cable tv companies were billing, and the second time it was when the cell providers started charging for texts. Can’t get anyone riled up over the stuff that matters, though.

  24. To me this upcoming federal election is Canada’s last chance to get it right. We can still have Max, we just need everyone to get behind him and the PPC, to me this is imperative. I know I am behind him all the way.
    GO MAX GO!!!!

    1. Right on. Listening to Max is like a breath of fresh air.

      His four points in the post are spot on. Climate Barbie and the rest of them will constantly refer to CO2 as pollution, its their (sadly effective) way of controlling the debate. We must push back hard every time we hear that nonsense or we will concede victory to those charlatans.

      The big worry in the upcoming election is that the MSM will ignore Max and the PPC, except when they say or do something silly (which they all do), all the while being as positive as possible towards The Chosen One. Apart from SDA, where in the media have you seen this Tweet from Max?

      1. ” Listening to Max is like a breath of fresh air. ”

        And what exactly does fresh air sound like? Does it sound different than stale air?

        To me, the Max sounds like the second coming of Jean Chretien. He sounds like the re-election of Justin Trudeau.
        The guy is 56 years old and hasn’t even bothered to learn to speak proper English. He couldn’t win the CPC leadership.

    2. I am sick and tired of voting for the less of two evils. This time round, I am voting for the Party with a pro-Canadian, common sense, realistic policy, & the only platform that puts that out loud and clear is the PPC under Max Bernier. One example. Scheer says he supports pipelines – talk is cheap. Maxime Bernier has proudly proclaimed that he will build the pipelines and use the not withstanding clause to do so if required.

    3. Unfortunately, with at least 35% of the Canadian electorate currently hard-wired to vote full leftard, that’s just not going to happen.

      The bottom line is: Do we want four more years of Prince Fuddle, or four dull years of low-charisma undoing and repair of four years of Turdeau-induced damage to the country? Electing Max just is not going to happen this time around.

      Any/all votes for Bernier in 2019 would be votes taken away from removing Justin – choose wisely, folks…

  25. No one disputes what he is saying here, but I’m getting sick and tired of people who think that Mr. Bernier is the answer.

    Right now the Liberals are going through their big scandal and seeing people leave Cabinet as a result. How quickly we forget that under Stephen Harper, it was (Quebec’s) Maxime Bernier who had to resign from Cabinet after a series of bizarre gaffes including being involved with some woman mixed up in organised crime. Do you not think we would hear about that weekly from the MSM if he was the CPC leader instead of someone who stands to hurt the CPC?

    Mr. Scheer was not my first choice either. The real fail in the CPC leadership race was letting so many people run that not one was able to get their message out. But right now he is the leader, that is how democracy works, and not supporting him only splits the vote and hurts the country in the end.

    1. The Scheer cons will have truth bombs of corrupt scandals we’ll before the October election.

      Canadians are fighting back against the Globalist controlled and approved Media parties of Cons, Liberals, NDP and greens.

      We have enough of not being listened to.

      We had enough of the crazed leftist agenda.

      We have had enough of the corporate and government revolving doors of stealing our money and putting us the people further into debt for their thefts.

      We have enough of the Global agenda against ordinary hard working Canadians on every front of environmental, pipelines, immigration and economic.

      It’s Mad Max Time…

      For this is our last chance of taking our country back from the insane who currently have or had govern over us.

      A Vote for Max is a vote for positive conservative change.

      No more Puppet Prime Ministers allowed..

      1. You wrote:

        “Canadians are fighting back against the Globalist controlled and approved Media parties of Cons, Liberals, NDP and greens.”

        That’s adorable.

        What country do you think you’re living in?

    2. yah turtle, Max dated a biker bitch with big tits, and that always triggers you bible thumpers. But it is that which shows he’s a real man. Now McScheep has been a trough feeder for much of his life, and NO real life experience, none, nada, nix, save a little extra thumping

  26. The difference between what Scheer says and what Bernier says boils down to this,
    Scheer could become PM so has to say things he could back up,
    Bernier has no chance of becoming PM and so he can say whatever pops into his head.

    1. Scheer waffles and lies.

      Max tells it like it is…

      Max can’t win?

      Your in for a rude awakening for Canadians are waking up and have had enough of corrupt cons and liberals period…

      Go Max Go

      1. Sorry but the hardcore number of conservative Canadians who won’t vote for a party led by a Quebecer is large. Some may have in the past but none will any longer.
        Max should have joined the Libertarian party.

        1. Love how the anti French anti Quebec fools attack Max for being French and from Quebec.

          Mulroney was corrupt so was Harper they are all corrupt For all liberals and Cons Puppet Prime Ministers have been sellouts to Power Corp. since Piere Trudeau it’s a proven fact.

          So hold on to your hate and have it blind you from the real agenda that you are helping to promote and that is

          English vs French

          Alberta vs Canada

          East vs West

          Yes see how they in power keep us separated so we can never rise up to regain power and they use their corrupt Globalist controlled political parties of liberals and cons to keep the corrupt elitist in power.

          Vote for Max and cut the cord of slavery that our Presstitute Media and corrupt political parties engage in.

        2. “Sorry but the hardcore number of conservative Canadians who won’t vote for a party led by a Quebecer is large. ”

          You’re possibly right. But that says a lot more about them than Max. And to their shame (which they certainly wouldn’t feel), it puts them in the same intellectual league as those who will vote for nothing but a Quebecer.

          1. ” But that says a lot more about them than Max.”

            No it doesn’t. It says that they know History. It says they’ve been paying attention. Why haven’t you?
            Tell me about all the good shit Quebec has done for Alberta and Saskatchewan and I might agree with you.

            Do you need me to tell you all of the bad shit Quebec has done, about all of the bad PMs from Quebec?
            Do you need me to start with how Quebecers call Canada Day ‘Moving Day’ and don’t observe it?

    2. Scheer says things that are CBC focus group-approved and thoroughly sterilized but spin-doctor-safe. Scheer is like a eunuch surrounded and protected by alpha females in his caucus, anyone of which has more guts (and likely testosterone and a better leader) than him. Scheer will likely become the next (one term) PM and will go on to be eviscerated by the media that he has sucked-up to, setting the Cons back another decade. Joe Clark has more backbone than Scheer and that is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.

      Yes, Max doesn’t have a hope of winning the next election but he will out-live Scheer politically.

      1. ” Joe Clark has more backbone than Scheer and that is scrapping the bottom of the barrel.”

        Amen. It had to happen – sooner or later someone would come along who would make Joe Clark look like Rambo.

        1. Joe Clark – The genius who ran for election promising a tax increase. Gee – I wonder why he lost? The only Conservative who pissed me off more was Kim Campbell who brought in gun control as Justice Minister.

      2. Unfortunately, the only other alternative to Prince Fuddle-Duddle II would be light-years worse than Scheer (think Rae-Days gone full-federal) and, as much as I like and respect Bernier, he is currently un-electable given that for every vote drawn by him would be offset by fifty chased away, and that’s no way to win an election.

        A smarter alternative would be a Scheer-Bernier agreement to pull Tory no-hope candidates in Quebec ridings where Bernier is strong, and for Berner to pull his candidates from the tighter contests elsewhere. That way if there IS a Tory minority, The Conservatives would be able to form a rational coalition versus having to buy/rent support from the Left & try to govern on one leg.

        Above all, the most important thing is to make Turdoo La Doo a part-time snow-board instructor again…

        1. I like that. The best chance is for Bernier and Scheer to work together. You are right Trudeau needs to go.

  27. Talk to the brain dead suicide cult members who will never stop voting for whatever Liberal Lite is put forward by the Joe Clark party.

    1. ” brain dead suicide cult members who will never stop voting for”

      In 2019, the elections for Alberta and for Canada are for All the Marbles. It’s not about voting “for” anyone.
      It’s all about voting AGAINST Notley and Turdeau. It’s about Getting Rid of these people.
      I’m not going to vote for the UCP or the CPC because I like the leaders.
      I’m voting against the Alberta NDP and the LPC because I hate them.
      I’ll support whichever party is most likely to beat the evil of Notley and Turdeau.

      The People’s Party isn’t even a blip on most folks’ radar. It ain’t gonna win, it’s a vote splitter pure and simple.

      1. You didn’t even know Alberta had Homegrown French population let alone that’s increasing.

        So we’re supposed to believe what you say?

        1. If Alberta goes Independent and you have to pay for your own French shit, we will see how that goes then. Alberta is not French and never will be. General Wolfe should have frog marched all your asses to Louisiana. We been seeing Frog tears since 1763 get over yourselves.

      2. “It’s all about voting AGAINST Notley and Turdeau. It’s about Getting Rid of these people.”

        Precisely. And that is exactly why we are now getting all those Librano trolls infesting this blog with their Max fantasies.

      3. I voted Alberta Independence party. Jason Kenney is a bilderberg Charlatan.

  28. C’mon, Climate Barbie – make up your mind:

    “As of today, it’s no longer free to pollute anywhere in Canada. ”

    – Your carbon tax is aimed at CARBON, not POLLUTION – if it was aimed at pollution, I just might support it. But you and your greeeen friends are the only people calling CO2 ‘pollution’ – botanists call CO2 “nature’s best free fertilizer”, and the world is greening as we speak (except where ice sheets are growing). Doesn’t really jibe with the story you’re trying to peddle…

    Oh, and –

    “Canadians understand that climate change is real and they want us to act.”

    – Judging by Liberal polling numbers and the comments to your tweet, you might just be wrong about that. I’d suggest you freshen your resume before October, you might end-up needing it.

    1. ‘Jibe’ is a sailing term … changing directions at sea ….

      ‘jive’, on the other hand … is … another word for bullshit

      Shuckin’ and Jivin’.

      “Don’t you give me that jive.”

      Hope that helps.
      We need to keep our slang and what they mean known to everyone.
      Don’t want to be a tower of Babel.

      1. Duke, some words have more than one use or definition.

        jibe: verb, to be in accord.

      2. Jibing is turning the stern going downwind to change the direction of the mainsail. Tacking is going into the wind and turning. Trudeau jibes and tacks.

  29. Now, WHY would anyone call our Global Warming minister a ‘climate Barbie’? Because, after all, a ‘Barbie’ would be a superficial plastic fake air-headed toy representation of … of …
    (Umm, never mind…)

    On the other hand, she is an excellent match with the other toys in the Turdoo toy-box, especially the boss toy Buzzed Light-Weight himself.

    I’d love to see a Pixar production of ‘Turdoo Story’, because it’s 2019 and my stomach just can’t take much more of the real thing…!

    1. Climate Barbie makes AOC seem like a candidate for Mensa membership.

      AOC makes Climate Barbie seem like a candidate for Mensa membership.

  30. All of the people here that advocate that a vote for Max will split the conservative voting block should look back at a certain MP by the name of Deborah Grey. If you want to make things better then you had better start with a realistic solution. The fact that the Stay Puffed Marshmallow guy won the conservative nomination for party leader with a two percent majority speaks volumes for the disarray that the party is in. The fact that he did it by making a deal with the Quebec dairy farmers also speaks volumes of his integrity. Politics is a blood sport and conservatives generally do not indulge to the extent that the other parties do. They have suffered for this short coming. Now the battle lines are being established behind the Stay Puffed Guy or Mad Max. Mad Max had the incentive to break from the CPC and he has had the incentive to put his position out there for all to see. You can either agree with him and join the battle or disagree with him and line up for more of the same with Lil Tater Head or the Stay Puffed Guy. With Stay Puffed or Tater Head you know where you are headed more tax, more restrictions on your freedom and a continuing erosion of the Canadian identity. Your Choice!

  31. The Mechanics and Impacts of British Columbia’s Carbon Tax

    In 2008, British Columbia announced a bold new climate policy: North America’s first revenue-neutral tax on carbon pollution.
    How does British Columbia look today, six years later?
    The provincial economy enjoys stronger economic performance than the Canadian average.
    Carbon pollution is down.
    The carbon tax now funds more than a billion dollars a year in other tax cuts, resulting in one of Canada’s lowest corporate tax rates.
    During the time the tax had been in place, fossil fuel consumption had dropped 17.4% per capita (and fallen by 18.8% relative to the rest of Canada). [wiki]
    As it turns out, a carbon tax is the most efficient, market-friendly instrument available in the quiver against climate change.[NYT]

    1. And BC sells more gasoline and diesel than ever before. Yep the CO2 tax is working!

      1. // And BC sells more gasoline and diesel than ever before. Yep the CO2 tax is working! //

        Greenhouse gas emissions by province and territory, (megatonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent)
        1990, 2005 2015
        British Columbia (BC) 51.9 63.9 60.9
        Saskatchewan (SK) 45.2 69.5 75.0
        Alberta (AB) 175.3 232.8 274.1
        Quebec (QC) 89.0 88.9 80.1

        Note Quebec & BC [2008] have plans. Saskatchewan & Alberta didn’t.
        In 1990 Quebec had twice the emissions of Saskatchewan, [with seven times the population].
        As of 2015 it had almost the same.

          1. It’s more or less the same data, the increase is in 2016 [the graph shows that uptick]
            // in 2016 in B.C. were 62.3 million tonnes of carbon dioxide equivalent. This is a 1.5% increase in emissions since 2015 and a 2.2% decrease in emissions since 2007 //
            From elsewhere on the page, it looks like road-building is a factor.
            The declining per-person & per GDP unit and the levels holding steady as population & GDP soar is a sign they are trying.

          2. If the CO2 tax was really working then BC CO2 generation should be going down year over year, NOT going UP.

            The carbon tax is working so well that B.C. is thinking of banning purchases of internal combustion cars by 2040

            And the carbon tax is working so well that isn’t ecoVan thinking of banning hydrocarbons for use in heating, hot water, and cooking?

    2. You are so full of shit it is running out of both of your ears at the same time. In fact you look like you are down a couple of quarts better go sit down. Holy shit what a dumb assed sheep. Just give them your whole damn pay check and ask for a bag of oats each week. Canadians already are taxed at criminal levels of taxation and you are ok with more tax. You are the perfect brainwashed slave.

  32. I am not too worried about any vote split. It would be easy enough for concerned conservative voters to formulate lists of preferred candidates between the two parties and influence the outcome that way. Not all of the CPC candidates will be second best, depends on who they are and who the new party nominates to run against them.

    An even better option would be a meeting of the minds in the next month or two and have some mutual agreements not to run candidates in selected ridings (both ways) so that vote splitting won’t prevent the best available conservative candidates from being elected.

    I don’t think the vote split matters that much in ridings that the Libs or NDP (or Green or BQ) are likely to win. In those ridings, it would be useful to get a sense of how much support each party has. For example, where I live, the NDP won fairly easily last time out and the Cons were third. I wouldn’t be very concerned about helping to elect the wrong person where there’s already a nearly guaranteed outcome.

    The CPC needs to understand that opposing the carbon tax is an essential task for any conservative party. Very few voters are going to vote for them so they can bring it in rather than a more enthusiastic party. There seems to be more electoral risk in being wishy washy on this issue than in taking a bolder stand.

    1. Well said. The carbon tax could well be the major issue in the coming election. It was in Australia the last time around.

      1. Ken, the carbon” tax will tax 3-4 months to really sink in, and the Turd is too stupid to see the timing:-)))

  33. If I am being forced to pay more for pollution, then I will deliver a lot more of it. it’s only fair.

    I used to consider recycling, but never bothered, now I’m glad I didn’t.

    I will not cooperate with an idiot government whose purpose is only to be in power and make the rest of us crazy and broke.

  34. Ohhh, that’s what a leader looks like. Hopefully conservative canadians don’t split the vote this election and make the mistake of casting for the Liberal Andrew Scheer.

    Ever increasing CO2 levels and no global warming since 1998. How can there still be cult members that believe in this shinola?

    Time to send another donation to Max for his leadership and truth telling.

  35. not much to say. when the average IQ has slipped to the current abysmal low, this what we get.

  36. So you vote Scheer, and he wins, what will change? Even if he were Einstein, the CBC media will make him out to be an inbred fascist, and his time will be short but difficult. Many on the right consider him to have stolen the nomination by using the dairy cartels to inflate numbers and skew the vote. No recognizable changes in how our country operates will be forthcoming. It will for all intents and purposes be trudeau lite.

    You vote Max, he’ll get a few seats, but most likely the vote split on the right will just give us four more years of Liberal decay. Max is a better candidate, but lacks the political foundations, comes from Quebec, and is not remembered for showing a hardcore conservative tilt when he was a Cabinet minister.

    So where does that leave us? Pick someone who is not Trudeau to keep Trudeau’s policy under a different banner? Strike out on a new direction and probably issue the Liberals another hunting permit?

    I think the time has come to plan and organize new possibilities. High River was no accident, neither was the oil ban or sabotaging the pipelines. Canola crisis has not yet hit, but the indicators are we’ll be looking back at the last few years with nostalgia when the SHTF. Western Canada is in an abusive relationship, and we know how those usually end.

    1. Very good post Jane. You articulate my sentiments very well. We are federally now where Ontario was when Patrick Brown was cursing to victory… *

      At that time I was so disillusioned with Brown’s bull$hit I was not willing to vote for him. Yes, I was willing to let Libranos ruin the province even more. Luckily, it did not come to that. Sheer is not there yet, but he is trying really hard. I hope it will not succeed in convincing me to stay home.

      As for Bernier. His army of trolls notwithstanding, he has little to show for record wise. I like what I hear but it is easy to have bold ideas when you know you are in no danger of ever seeing them come to fruition. His is like AOC of Canadian right. He says things we want to hear, it costs him nothing so why not? And he is French.

      “So you vote Scheer, and he wins, what will change? ”

      I get to keep my guns for starters?

      *…if we could only be that lucky twice.

  37. Carbon dioxide, a trace gas essential to life, is a pollutant and is the main cause of global warming? Have these people ever opened a science textbook?

  38. This thread is hilarious. Do you really think politics can change anything?

    C’mon, we get the politics we deserve. Nothing more or less.

  39. I have a theory, maybe others thought of this before I did, I am not claiming to be the first

    This war on co2 which is fast becoming a war on oil, is actually a war on the USA

    Trump has changed a lot of things and the USA is now or will be very soon the LARGEST producer of oil!!
    bigger than Saudi arabia and anyone else you can think of.

    The canadian liberal party, the Euro Union and the UN ( and their shady friends like Georges Soros) are not actually trying to save the planet, they are trying to make the USA weaker.

    There is a reason why in Canada the liberals are giving you up to $13,000 to buy an electric car, it is because they want to hurt the USA THAT badly.

    They are willing to give every Canadian $ 13,000 so that we DON T buy cars that use gasoline.

    what we are witnessing is anti-Americanism that was already strong and that became a thousand times worse once Trump got elected

    the more Trump is making America Great again, the more everyone else is anti-oil, that is NO coincidence.

    Those idiots are not anti CO2 they are anti-USA.

  40. Reading the comments, Max really is the only way to vote.

    Max wins? Things might actually change, possible win. If nothing changes, west gets out, win.

    Scheer wins? Nothing changes, west gets out, win.

    Trudeau wins? Nothing changes, west gets out, win.

    Voting for Max is clearly the only choice if you want the geographic region of Canada to stay one country. Any other vote, the west is out.

  41. The CPC laid the groundwork for the carbon tax. It was the CPC under Mulroney working hand in hand with UN Undersecretary for the Environment Mo Strong who set up the National Round Table on the Environment & Economy (NRTEE) to promote the green agenda in Canada & globally. Google” Cloak of Green.

    Wow. The cognitive dissonance!!! All these posts and comments on SDA directed against the left & socialism and cultural marxism, but when it comes to voting, the party faithful will vote for a party & puppet leader bought and paid for by the same Globalists who are backing the lefties and pushing socialism and cultural marxism to further their agenda.

    1. No arguments from me on that one. But the socialists did deliberately take over the “evnivomental [sic] movement in the ’80s.

      1. The loony lefties were funded by our government to carry out the brainwashing in schools and via MSM.ca. It’s all in the book “Cloak of Green”.

        These lefty NGOs were just fronts to push UN blue washing and crony corporate green washing, ie. Alberta oil & pipeline Cos. getting in on the wind industry scam carbon offsets/credits.

    2. “It was the CPC under Mulroney”

      The CPC was never under Mulroney. Mulroney was the reason the Reform Party was born.
      The Reform Party lead to the Canadian Alliance and that lead to the CPC.

      It took more than a decade and a half to get there. During that whole time, the Liberal Party of Canada was in power.
      Four times Chretien was elected and then Martin.

      1. Good call. So the pro-globalist PCPC morphed into the pro-globalist CPC .
        As I recall the debate over carbon taxes vs carbon trading goes way back to NRTEE days. Later on the CPC came out in favour of trading vs taxing (Turning the Corner). The trading amounted to a tax on industry that would get passed onto consumers.

        Harper paid production incentives and gave tax credits to wind farm developers who sold carbon offsets while his Fed Health Canada turned a blind eye to health impacts.

  42. Max has the magic wand….no it’s Scheer…not a chance its bongo…wait what about….

    Politics- the opioid of the masses.

    Not one if these ‘leaders’ or parties will change one thing until WE change our thinking. It’s Canadians philosophy that is wrong. Once we demand change it will happen. Until then we rearranged the deck chairs on the Titanic.

  43. It would be interesting to have a poll on SDA at regular intervals to see the level of support for either Bernier or Scheer.

    Considering the comments on this thread I suspect that it would be close to 50% and 50%.

    Personally I still have one leg on either side of the fence as I am waiting for Scheer to show some brass. So far only the female MPs have done so.

    1. Ken one day the Cheshire Cat Scheer will be walking along and he will feel something drop, it will be his nuts finally dropping out of his ass. But on the practical side, this late in the game as much as I like Max, I would let my ass heal up before getting another humping from a Queerbecker. No more French Fries. Number one the French Artiste has to go. In Paree he was the Artiste, In Montreal the C*cksucker.

    2. Off topic question. What happened to the Blogging Tories website? It’s been down for days.

  44. Kevin calls it best.
    Treadeu,Scheer or Max..does not matter.
    Canada is done.
    The East has made it’s hatred intolerance and greed known for decades,if the West wants more of the same,then worry about vote splitting and who wins the polls.
    Otherwise time to wish ’em “godspeed A holes”.
    We cannot afford to stay in confederation,the East has zero intention of paying for their conveniences,that is the young peoples of the wests job.
    Basic mathematics and $20 billion per year to date,just might make this point better.
    The choice is simple, financial ruin and social decay versus independence.
    What a choice.
    Of course our citizens will chose ruin and decay, cause that is the Canadian Way.
