76 Replies to “September 4, 2023: Reader Tips”

    1. Michelle Wu: Mayor
      Harvard, economics
      ….She also has announced plans for the city to spend $2 billion on school construction projects as part of a “Green New Deal” for the city’s public schools.

      This should go well.
      I’ll bet her mouth runs non stop.
      If these people had any sense their conflicting ideas would generate a spark and blow their heads clean out of their a55es.
      But no.

    2. All those who believe we can live and survive without coal, oil, gas, mining, transportation, farming, I could go on, but such people need to stopped as their policies will kill people. We cannot survive without that which we now currently have.

    3. “The executive order notes that municipal emissions constitute 2.3% of Boston’s carbon emissions, and that 70% of emissions are from the city administration’s 16 million sq ft of property.”

      Step one, should be to eliminate the city administration’s 16 million sq ft of property, along with anyone employed by it

    4. The use of animals is also out, they breath and produce CO2. I sugget Kangaroo hides sown together with walrus teeth needles for the roof, sun-dried mud brick for the walls.

    1. Color me surprised, and…

      Yes! The local media already has lost interest.
      The one report I’ve seen (CTV Fake”News” Ottawa), didn’t even mention the ethnicity of the victims or the attackers.
      Gee… I wonder why? The first thing that crossed my mind when I saw the report was “Diversity is our strength.”

      1. The photos are interesting – all of police just standing around. No photos of people who were at the wedding. No interviews with wedding guests. This is the new how to tell a story without giving any details.

  1. Back in 1993 or so, I played alternating ABBA and GnR on a jukebox in a bar in New Westminster.
    3 large gentlemen came up to me and asked, in no uncertain terms, that I never do that again.

    1. We loved to do stuff like that. Find the worst song on the jukebox and pump in the quarters to play it over and over. The annoyed and confused looks from the crowd was hilarious.

  2. Wish I could link but,Viva Frei and his Law buddy had a good go around about the legalities of the FDA being ruled “Not a Doctor” and people being able to sue the people who denigrated Ivermectin users,and anti-maskers. I hope that ruling has some backlash in Canada, in particulat NDP BC bill -36 and it’s nazi like powers in this province.. Also, hopefully it opens up lanes to go after vaxx pushers like the cknw pet reporter Keith Baldrey who went on the radio constantly berating ordinary folk for their reluctance to jibby-jabb. As Viva says… It was sickening to listen to.. Such a puke.

  3. Graph showing that undergraduate students in the U.S. are actually rational when choosing the better majors to choose when selecting a career:

    Shows the percentage change in majors, from the 2010-11 school year to the 2020-21 year, 10 years later. As the graph shows, the declining fields were all woke fields: social science, education, fine arts, English/literature, liberal arts and humanities. The STEM fields are all doing well. Undergraduates look at the insane professors and are fleeing.

    1. We have enough over-educated wokist liberal morons to staff the coffee houses and kiosks for a couple of centuries. What we need are plumbers, electricians and welders.

    2. I noticed that education was down by 14%. I predict more home schooling and more private schools for the future.

  4. Dividends paid to shareholders between April and June 3023, in billions of dollars.
    Did you get yours?

    US: 148.0
    France: 53.9
    Germany: 44.7
    Japan: 36.7
    UK: 30.7
    Switzerland: 27.3o
    Canada: 17.4
    Sweden: 14.0
    Spain: 9.4
    Italy: 9.2
    China: 6.2
    India: 4.7

  5. SDAers can flame me for posting this, but it is a good Poilievre commercial in the sense that he is overtly embracing the working class over ruling elites:

    It’s also a well-made social media ad. One of the roadblocks hurting previous Conservative leaders was their miserably-produced TV ads. The latter ads were dumb and overly-simplistic.

    1. I won’t flame you for supporting PP. I’m actually rooting for him to “bring it home,” but I won’t be voting for him.

      His speeches, his ads, all have that slick, Toronto marketing feel to them. Pretty hard to digest when he refers to us mere mortals as “the common man.”

      I’m still trying to decide if PP is for real, or if he’s a snake-oil salesman that would do what the turd is doing, only slower. Regardless, he can’t be any worse than the snake that’s currently in office, but I’m voting for a TRUE conservative, Mad Max of the PPC, not some Con-light, wanna-pretend-to-be-conservative PP. It was his lack of support (to put it mildly) of Christine Anderson that waved the red flag on PP IMHO.

      1. You know how Britain’s “Conservatives” aren’t conserving anything? That’s what we can expect from Canada’s Conservatives.

        In my riding I can vote for PPC and it will have no effect on the outcome. PPC isn’t going to win a single seat and with any luck the Cons will win, but don’t expect anything to change when they do. They believe in mass immigration and the phony climate crisis. Hopefully Trudeau will be gone, but nothing will change.

        1. “the Cons will win, but don’t expect anything to change when they do. They believe in mass immigration and the phony climate crisis.”

          And that all Canadians are guilty of ‘genocide’ for trying to exterminate our natives in residential schools. If he believes that, he may even be gullible enough to think that the Russians are also committing ‘genocide’ in Ukraine. He’s just not smart enough to be PM.

          (oh, and he also supports the Quebec dairy cartel who keep the prices of dairy and poultry products artificially high, hurting poor and middles-class families in favor of wealthy corporations. Gotta keep those donations coming, right?)

      2. Another politician who talks about “the common man” but doesn’t include themself in that group.

      3. A vote for PPC and Max is a vote for the liberals. (dons flame retardant suit).

        I’m not going to argue the values that Pierre P. stands for (I believe he will do a lot of what he is saying), and as much as I like what Max stands for, there is no way in hell PPC will win a seat in the house. This is a pure numbers argument.

        How many seats would have the Conservatives won if the PPC hadn’t removed votes in the last election?
        “In 21 ridings across the country, the size of the PPC vote was greater than the number of votes by which the Conservative candidate lost that riding: 12 in Ontario, five in B.C., two in Alberta, one in Quebec and one in Newfoundland.
        Fourteen of those losses were to Liberals, while six went to the NDP and one to the Bloc Quebecois.”

        While this would not have given the Con/Bloc a lead in seats, it would have been very close and may have affected how the past two years (and the next) would play out.

        The PPC is not going to remove Trudeau and his gangsters from anywhere. If the goal is to get Liberal/NDP out, voting PPC instead of Conservative is not going to help.

        If you’re OK with the way Canada is going right now and want to send Conservatives a message, vote PPC. If you’re not OK with Canada right now, consider the above.

        1. “The PPC is not going to remove Trudeau and his gangsters from anywhere. If the goal is to get Liberal/NDP out, voting PPC instead of Conservative is not going to help.”

          Not the point at all.

          The point is that the current leadership of the CPC are NOT conservative…they are Liberal Lite, much like the so-called ‘Progressive’ Conservatives were. A vote for them says that’s okay. It is NOT okay. Last election enough support was given to the PPC to deny the Liberal-in-disguise Erin O’Toole a victory in several ridings…this may have (depending upon who you ask) cost him the election, and that’s a good thing. We saw enough flip-flops from him during the campaign to know exactly how he would have governed once in power: exactly like a Liberal. How is that a benefit to me? Every promise you make to gun owners, people concerned with the indoctrination of of our children, people who reject vaccine mandates, people concerned with the security of our borders, people worried about increasing crime…all those promises are MEANINGLESS; once in power, you will forget about them entirely, and we know it.

          Every vote that goes PPC (or Maverick, etc) is a vote that the CPC *lost*, and they need to be painfully aware of that fact.

          I completely reject the “you have no choice but to vote for me or Justin Trudeau will win again!”. I absolutely DO have a choice, and I will use it. You want my vote? Earn it. Start by telling the truth about who you really are and what you really represent.

          1. All I wrote was to consider the above.

            If you’re in a riding where Conservative don’t stand a chance of winning and the local polls show this, rock on with the PPC vote. If you’re in a riding where it is up for grabs, just consider the above.

            It’s not just the Conservatives that need to be “painfully aware”, it is Canada, including you and yours, that may continue to be painfully affected.

      4. Brilliant. let good be the enemy of great.
        Sure, it would be great to have a true libertarian government but that’s just not in the cards in this country.
        it’s time for your ilk to take a page out of my NDP-supporting teacher sister’s book and learn about strategic voting.
        it’s guys like you that kept Trudeau in government last time around.

        1. It’s not even good. Immigration and phony climate change are at the root of ALL of our problems. If you’re not going to do anything about those two issues, you are not going to do anything of substance at all.

          1. “It’s not even good. Immigration and phony climate change are at the root of ALL of our problems. If you’re not going to do anything about those two issues, you are not going to do anything of substance at all.”

            Agreed. All talk, all of them. At least by voting PPC I let them know that I am not onboard with their complacence.

        2. It was vote PPC or there was an independent guy that seemed level headed. Third alternative was spoiling my ballot. Erin was fourth in my consideration.

    2. Yes but he will continue following WEF policies. Note there is not a single policy statement on the CPC web site; they are ashamed of them. PPC and Mad Max for me.

    1. Been going to the CIAS for over 50 years. They bring this crap out every year. If you can’t hear me screaming this at you because of the jets, it’s GFY’s!

  6. Winning!
    The Ukrainian Armed Forces will accept individuals who carry any of the listed diseases:

    ▪️ – clinically cured tuberculosis;
    ▪️ – viral hepatitis with mild dysfunction;
    ▪️ – asymptomatic HIV;
    ▪️ – endocrine disorders with mild dysfunction;
    ▪️- Mild short-term painful manifestations of mental disorders;
    ▪️- neurotic, stress-related and somatoform disorders (phobic, anxiety, obsessive-compulsive, adjustment, somatoform and other neurotic disorders, neurasthenia, reactions to severe stress) with moderate, short-term manifestations;
    ▪️- slowly progressive diseases of the central nervous system;
    ▪️- episodic and paroxysmal disorders

    1. And their battlefield fatalities will plummet. Must have been a recurrence of HIV killed that battalion.

    2. Ukraine should just surrender and let the Russians kill them without a fight. It’s so much less messy that way.

      1. Yes Rusty, spoken like the stupid person you are. The Russians don’t murder their prisoners. That’s a Ukrainian thing!

      2. “Ukraine should just surrender and let the Russians kill them without a fight. It’s so much less messy that way.”

        The Russians have no intention of doing that….why would they? They are happy with the territory they have now. If the Ukrainians want to continue to throw themselves at the Russian fortifications like lemmings off a cliff, so be it. The cold, hard fact of the matter is that Russian is not leaving Ukraine until they are good and ready to do so, and failing a negotiated peace agreement only NATO troops on the ground *in actual combat* against the Russian army would have even a hope of changing that (which everyone with a functioning brain knows will never, ever happen…need I explain why?). Continuing to push the Ukrainians into mass suicide against well built Russian fortifications demonstrates an appalling disregard for human life.

        I see that Zelensky is pressuring Germany into sending back 160,000 or so military-age Ukrainians who fled to avoid his draft. Good luck with that.

  7. Things are getting tight for Doug Ford. Now his housing Minister Steve Clark has been forced to resign. Last week in an attempt to stem the bleeding his chief of staff Ryan Amato took the high jump.

    The ethics commissioner took the Ford government out to the woodshed over the handling of lands in the greenbelt. Millions were made on the nefarious dealings and Ford is at the centre of it all.

    Who paid for your daughters wedding Doug? The same developers who benefited from this land deal? Asking for the people of Ontario.

    1. That was a very revealing and important post. I hope Naomi Wolfe is successful in raising awareness.

  8. One billion people will die from climate change by 2100, study claims

    “Scientists have given a terrifying prediction about the future of humanity on this planet. According to experts in Canada, one billion people – one eighth of the current global population – will die due to climate change if global warming reaches or exceeds 3.6°F (2°C) by 2100. Most of those who die will be poorer humans living in the developing world, they say, while the ones contributing to mass fatalities will likely be the top execs at multi-billion dollar oil and gas companies.” …

    1. Lessee… it’s 2023 and 2100 is 77 years away. A fair portion of the world still has an expected lifetime less than 72 years. Then there are a few billion right now who are 40 years and under.

      Hmmmm…. I predict that somewhere around 6 billion people, give or take, who are alive today will be dead by 2100. So why should they give a flying freep about dying from climate change.

      A billion? Pffft.

  9. Racists have Human Rights, other Canadians not so much.

    Two First Nations – Lil’wat First Nation and N’Quatqua First Nation – decided unilaterally
    on August 23 that they were immediately shutting down public access to Joffre Lakes Provincial Park so that members of their two nations could privately go berry-picking on the grounds.

    The First Nations’ statement said they would reopen the park five weeks later, on National Truth and Reconciliation Day (September 30).
