11 Replies to “Today In Islam”

  1. PP hasn’t said much about this existential threat of FILTHY islam to Canadians.
    He used to deal in reality with the Indians, now he’s down with them. He is on board with all they do, until he isn’t.

    islam, and its Depravity is going to flourish under PP. Prove me wrong

    1. Nope, you made a claim, now prove you’re right. What do you want Polievre to do, piss off every important voting block in the country before the election, so the Liberals under Trudeau or his successor win another majority?

      1. Yes, I do want him to Piss Canadians off. Tell them the damn truth. SOMEONE HAS TO!
        If that means our stupid fellow Kanadians vote this Unflushable Floating Turd back in, then so be it. The fight will happen sooner.
        I don’t think this next generation has what it takes to do the job.
        100 + Catholic Chrches burned
        Existential Threat – Declining Birth Rates
        Massive Vaccine Injuries and Death with no Reckoning for these FILTHY LIBERALS
        ZERO bodies in “graves” found
        Massive Immigration Invasion
        Country is Broke
        CBC asking for almost $2Bn….

  2. A world wide caliphate is the Islamic goal. Not enough people are paying attention, the rest are so stupid they won’t believe it.

    1. What is more disturbing to me is how casually so many nonMuslim people readily begin expressing Jew hate without a second thought after exposure to the caliphate propaganda. Take the CBC article about the hostage video of those five teenage girls. CBC tells the entire story as if it’s all Israel’s fault for not negotiating with the HAMAS. CTV interviewed one of those proHAMAS demonstrators at U of T and she casually, and without any contradiction, tells the reporter there was no rape and murder that the Jews themselves did not do. She isn’t against Jews, only Zionists, like there is some kind of a difference between the two.

    2. Precisely….

      Read up on one Hassan al Banna – An Egypitian & creator of the Muslim Brotherhood 1928. It is he who planned the influx of Islam into the Western world. Called “The Project” (Creation of an Islamic Caliphate throughout the Western Hemisphere).

      1. Those are the FILTHY Jug Eared Kenyans boys.
        He can’t leave his Brother’s behind…
        He helped them takeover Egypt, gave them $500 mil.
        Thats when Lara Logan was gang raped by those Depraved Goatfu#@ing Barbarians.

        Diversity is Our Stench

  3. “we must take very seriously the threat posed to our democracies by the Muslim Brotherhood, their state sponsors, and their far-left allies. Otherwise, I’m afraid, things will end badly.”

    The Tipping Point is coming.
    I see no hope for Canada.
    There are none so blind as those who will not see.

  4. liberal supporters while charming in their naivete are also very dangerous in their lack of common sense

    1. Most of those not so charming Liberal supporters that I know readily and happily call me a Nazi for wanting to vote conservative. I say phuck em.

      1. Seems to me the REAL NAZI’s inhabit parliament as the current Governing party.

        Any Govt that DEMANDS you inject yourself with an unknown, untested and potentially Dangerous New Technology or will literally destroy yer life if you do not COMPLY….??
        Yep, Pretty much NAZI

        Any Govt that Restricts ones Movement, Quarantines folks over a Cold, Demands an “Ausweis” to travel….??
        Yep, pretty Much NAZI

        Any Govt that produces an RFQ for internment Kampfs & tells those who exercise their Bodily autonomy, they are “Not to Be tolerated”….??
        Yep, pretty much NAZI

        Any Govt that requests Leopard Tanks in the Streets of their Capital to quell PEACEFUL Protestors…?
        Yep… ??
        pretty Much NAZI

        Canadians still require a significant HISTORY LESSON. 1933-1945 Along with understanding the ISLAMIC Mind Set – Note that the Mufti of Jerusalem in the 1940’s (was #1 Islamic Holy dude at the time), was Spent considerable time in Berlin being totally Enthralled with the NAZI’s & I do believe Hitler gave him a signed copy of Mein Kampf….and now..??, said book is usually #1 Best Seller in Islam.

        Who KISSES MORE ISLAMIC (_i_) in Canada than JUSTIN TRUDEAU..??
        No one. He facilitates their desires – one good look at Cabinet make up should be Ringing ALARM BELLS….
        But Most are more concerned with some BS flu virus and stocking up on useless masks.

        What a sad Country Canada is…
