What’s The Opposite of Diversity?


Blacklocks- Campuses Lead In ‘Jew Hate’

Dr. Ted Rosenberg, former assistant professor at the University of British Columbia medical school, resigned January 4 due to “naked Jew hatred” by students and faculty alike, he said. “UBC medical professors and senior residents posted blood libels about organ trafficking, Christ killing and anti-Semitic conspiracies with impunity,” said Rosenberg.

“They reposted demands that Zionists physicians, Jews like me, were racist and should be removed from the selection process for postgraduate resident positions,” said Rosenberg. “These are not innocuous political differences.”

33 Replies to “What’s The Opposite of Diversity?”

  1. Well Zionism is held by both Jews and Christians and Zionism is extremely racist holding that one tribe is superior to another.

    1. Literally every “Tribe” by definition thinks their way of life is superior. Your tribe appears to be stupid, I assume you think stupid is superior

    1. ‘ hatred of Jews is expected.’


      Because of what specifically?

      It seems like you are looking for a reason, any reason, to hate someone or some cause. You may have a good reason or something worthwhile to hate.

      Convince me I’m wrong.

      1. “Sozis” are left wing socialist not see wingnuts. He’s not looking for a reason to hate, he’s pointing out that universities are infested with these types.

    2. Same spawn of rich democrats who would have tried to keep jews out of colleges and country clubs a hundred years ago.

  2. Kate bylines various posts with “Scratch a Leftist, find a Racist” (or something to that effect). Humorous, yes. But, also true more often than not. It’s the expected byproduct of Identity Politics. The left will use minorities as a tool to their own ends. They are so diluted in ignorance that they couldn’t even tell you why that guy over there has more melanin content in his skin (as simple as evolving to accommodate exposure to the weather over time in their particular region). They couldn’t tell you why Asians have an eye fold and appear different from them (same reason, essentially).

    Instead they categorize people by their differences of a physical nature, and ignore the substance of who that person is. The same is being applied towards Jews, but based on religion. Throw in a heaping helping of the necessity to be accepted by their peers, and the application of trends shapes the narrative. These bigot idiots have taken their online infatuation and applied it to the real world. Real life “likes”. Real life “trending.” A vast majority of them could not tell you what they stand for. They couldn’t even recite the historical events that have taken place escalating the whole scenario on and since 10/7. That’s not their motivation or concern. It’s all about acceptance within the cesspool of peers and the necessity to stand out in a field of mediocrity.

    We joke about Leftists being NPC’s and lemmings. But, they truly are. And, they are too damn lazy to do the leg work that would educate them enough to realize that is just what they are.

    1. Great post Orson, I particularly liked, “It’s all about acceptance within the cesspool of peers”.

      1. GerryK.
        “It’s all about acceptance within the cesspool of peers”. and that also applies to the biblepounders demographic, which is amply displayed in here over time.

          1. Hey GYM, for 25 cents, you could be a quarter pounder! Get back to me for details if you’re interested.

  3. L – Without the higher than average I.Q Askenazim, a subgroup which has invented, discovered and
    over performed, to great benefit of Western Civilization; our historic achievements would be fewer,
    and we’d be weaker and much easier to conquer.

    (e.i. During the Lockdown/Mandates a local Freedom Advocate, was seriously ill in hospital, diagnosed
    with Covid-19. Claiming local hospitals were overwhelmed with unvaxxed sick people evacuate some
    to hospitals down east. He was luckily transferred to a Jewish hospital in eastern Canada. Where the
    physicians quickly diagnosed him as suffering from bacterial pneumonia, for which they treated him
    successfully and saved his life. Health care mandates locked down the minds of many medical professionals.

    How many Covid-19 labelled deaths were actually from bacterial pneumonia? A very good question,
    one which only Dr. Sukarit Bahkdi has publicly addressed.

    Of course, to avoid such a problem, the late Dr. Vladimir Zelenko(Orthodox Jew) treated high risk
    patients, on an early outpatient basis, with a combination HCQ, Zinc, adding an antibiotic to prevent/treat
    bacterial pneumonia; it being a possible complication and did so to great effect.

    Dr. Zelenko deserves a Nobel Prize in Medicine for that, but would an anti-Semitic infected medical
    community, add another Jew to the long list of Askenazim with Nobel Prizes.

    Anti-Semitism is largely motivated by resentment, from those trying to blame a scapegoat for their own
    lack of achievement. It is another mark of Cain…

  4. UBC sounds like a nest of nasty nazis. Didn’t we fight a big war to eradicate these monsters.?

    1. Wayne West,

      We did. And our ancestors are roiling in their graves. They made enormous sacrifices we know nothing of.

      I will be damned if I’ll let that go without one hell of a fight. They would expect it and rightfully so.

      They are monsters and state protection will not save them for long. Reality will catch up and a passenger on that train is Karma: waiting to exact retribution on those that have it coming.

    1. @Buddy

      It’s not like there will be a “legal” or “illegal” in any western nations future. The Liberal Progressive globalist Order has insured that today’s kangaroo legality will disappear entirely in due time.

    2. When they are taking volunteers for the firing squads, let me know. I thought my father cleaned up these pieces of shit 80 years ago.

  5. That leftist ignorants have descended to believing that race, color and creed somehow bestow nobility, or the absence thereof, reveals exactly the hateful inhumanity we always suspected infested them.
