23 Replies to “May 26, 2024: Reader Tips”

  1. Imagine two Presidential candidates having election events in the same city at the same time.
    Is that ‘bad form’, somehow not allowed or illegal?
    Just curious.

    1. It happens. Swing states. Everyone goes to the state fair. Last night.
      No rule against it.
      I think they generally avoid it though.
      Keep from straining the local cops.
      Want to draw the biggest crowd possible, all the attention on yourself. Don’t want opponents’ supporters heckling you. etc.

      1. Bunny,

        “…Keep from straining the local cops.
        Want to draw the biggest crowd possible, all the attention on yourself…”

        In this case that’ll happen with only 1 Candidate.
        The Rightful President of the United States; Donald J Trump.

    1. I actually think that 2 years in the military after high school graduation would be a “good thing” for both sexes. You live away from “mommy and daddy”, you learn how to make your bed and keep your clothes tidy, our youngest brother learned how to fix simple mechanical problems in vehicles (as he said “There is NO CAA to call when you are going into battle”) and you actually learn something useful.
      If you are a pacifist, then perhaps you can spend 2 years planting trees for the government or working on northern reserves, helping people.
      Just some thoughts from a 72 year old woman.

      1. Not so sure about that. “learned how to fix simple mechanical problems in vehicles” I am not sure that self sufficiency is in the Canadian Army manual. Fix a vehicle without being a mechanic and you will end up on a shit list.

      2. It’s not a bad idea but 2 years of doing something hard for todays generation, after being coddled on every front for eighteen or nineteen years isn’t going to do much , when they haven’t had a proper compass heading handed directly to them in the first place.
        Myself I’ve found it’s a total waste of time, and unfortunately to a society I think it may be terminal.
        It all depends if the useful kids have the fight in them to compete with the dead weight the progressives love.

      This will likely happen here in Canada as well…Bet on it

      All draftees will be sent to Ukraine for euthanization.
      All part of the Planetary de-population aimed100% at Euro Centric Humans.

    1. I meant to add a link to this…


      And I maintain this is 100% part n parcel of the Global Cabal of Filth wanting to ELIMINATE Euro Centirc Folks from the planet….so what better way than sending every 18-21 yr old in the country to UKRAINE.?? Accomplishes 2 things. Kills em all, and less men remaining to procreate.

      We are in a war against those who see HUMANITY as a Plague. And you CAN BET that our filthy POS PM, will follow suit….bet on it.

    1. So in other words some guy with balls beat all the women.
      Boo’s…? He shoulda been tarred n Feathered.

      These Filthy Scumbags need to begin Disappearing….on a Permanent basis IMO.

    1. David – when the Guardian agrees with scientists that you’re idiots, they might want curb their enthusiasm. Great link.
