14 Replies to “Saturday On Turtle Island”

  1. Today Blackie continues his taxpayer funded election tour in Nova Scotia.

    1. Be thankful he isn’t giving away FREE student loans to buy votes … or releasing the strategic oil reserve to buy votes … not to mention that “bi=partisan” “infrastructure” Bill that paid for nothing by “green infrastructure” bureaucrat jobs.

  2. Frances Widdowson has a big set of stones on her.
    I hope she causes Lefties and members of the Shameless Grifter Indian Band to hang themselves.

  3. A ref to another article on the Regina renaming article:
    “Regina’s Dewdney Avenue is a constant reminder of the mass killing of Indigenous people.” What nonsense! I think the renaming issue is being exploited.

    1. Maybe the city of Regina itself should be renamed. Didn’t the Indians call it “Pile of Bones” – how appropriate!

    2. Most people have no idea who Dewdney is, in the same way they have no idea who Dundas is, until some useless “academic” comes along and lies about him.

    1. what is remarkable is the number of relatively high-functioning individuals today who, in another time, would be thought of as insane. the same could be said of those who voted in this lunatic…

  4. Everything in Canada must have an Indian name.
    Yes, I’m at the corner of who knows what and I don’t know.. With everything more or less failing.. We need our national identity more than ever to repair the damage..

    Oh, now I get it.. :(..

  5. “I’m at the corner of Incomprehensible Street and, er, I think it’s Glottal Stop Road…”
