“an invented term with a bogus pedigree”

The ‘two-spirit’ identity is based on a crackpot rewriting of Native American history.

The term two-spirit was first formally endorsed at a conference of Native American gay activists in 1990 in Winnipeg in Canada. It is a catch-all term to cover over 150 different words used by the various Indian tribes to describe what we think of today as gay, trans or various forms of gender-bending, such as cross-dressing. Two-spirit people, the conference declared, combine the masculine and the feminine spirits in one.

From the start, the whole exercise reeked of mystical hooey. Myra Laramee, the woman who proposed the term in 1990, said it had been given to her by ancestor spirits who appeared to her in a dream. The spirits, she said, had both male and female faces.

Incredibly, three decades on, there are now celebrities and politicians who endorse the concept or even identify as two-spirit. The term has found its way into one of Joe Biden’s presidential proclamations and is a constant feature of Canadian premier Justin Trudeau’s doe-eyed bleating about ‘2SLGBTQQIA+ rights’.

Read the whole, ridiculous thing.

30 Replies to ““an invented term with a bogus pedigree””

  1. In more primitive cultures, spirit animals were used as totems, as examples for people to live up to. The bear was seen as a symbol of strength, stubbornness and ferocity, something that was expected of men. As such, it became a common name for men in several cultures, including Northern European cultures.

    A lof what you are seeing with these mockeries of native culture is no different than the hippies who turned to Eastern Religions, while “forgetting” that a lot of those faiths are just as strict and traditional, if not more so than Christianity.

    1. The commonality being the act of getting high and thinking you actually saw god or some other spirit being rather than just hallucinating.

  2. I have a couple native friends and they think it’s hilarious how easily we are manipulated. I tend to agree.

    1. However, those who are, or are related to, members of the council or chiefs push the white liberals’ narrative.

    2. Buddy of mine was married to a native woman out in Alberta. Apparently in the past they though white people were stupid to sell them muskets, knives or metal tools in exchange for animal skins. They called the French coureur des bois the same name they gave to those glass beads they sold. People think Natives were exploited this way. News flash: Glass was rare and expensive. AND they were “magical beads”. If a warrior got enough of those beads as a present to a squaw, he was sure to get laid. We’ve come a long way, women don’t fall for shiny expensive baubles anymore.

      1. Oh no,no. Many women actually still DO fall for shiny baubles, and terrible move-in, no commitment “partners” who are barely grow-ups. Even smart girls with education, money and assets make seriously dumb decisions.

  3. Gay Winnipeg and Bogus all in the same story isn’t really news.

    1. It is a catch-all term to cover over 150 different words used by the various Indian tribes to describe what we think of today as gay, trans or various forms of gender-bending, such as cross-dressing.

      Hahahaha ha ha … you mean like how the “Eskimo” have 150 different words to describe snow? Oh those magical Indians … so magic. So mystical.

      1. Well I think the English language has about 150 different words to describes homos, but can’t use most of them in polite company…

  4. Not only is it spiritual but its gay as well.. Its the perfect platform for a eye watering lecture on how to peel a onion..

  5. Remember, the people who tell you you’re a gullible mental patient for dedicating your life to being a fine, upstanding human living the principles taught in the Bible are also pushing this crap.

  6. Also, it’s amusing that the “Two Spirit” idiots got moved to the front of the alphabet line. Expect to see more people “identifying” as this since it gets more visibility before 90% of the people start to roll their eyes.

  7. I once sat with a friend of my wife’s who, while explaining the latest LGTLMNOP additions, mentioned Two spirited.
    I asked her if that was new and she said it was thousands of years old and how accepting of gay people that native culture was and is.
    She went on to tell me that that Two spirited people were often the medicine man (person?) in the tribe.

    At this point, I pointed out that it’s pretty convenient that a culture with no written language or records has suddenly announced that Twin Spirit people have been living amongst them for hundreds of years and in fact would hold the second most important title in the tribe. I commented that if I got to re-write history, I’d be sure to insert myself and my family at the top of the food chain as well.

    Shortly after that line of conversation, she chose to call it quits for the night and we were ushered out of her home.
    Facts have always been a sore spot for her and pointing them out was always a sure way for me to wrap up an otherwise tedious and insulting visit to her house.

    1. I well remember, Geoff, that – when it was being decreed that homosexuality was to be accepted – a fair few aboriginal groups demanded to be excluded from said acceptance on the grounds that homosexuality was seriously NOT part of their culture. I’ll believe the reports of those days before the “remembrances” of your wife’s friend.

    2. By the same expedient, a culture that has no written language or records can claim a helluva lot of land.

  8. I am so confused. There are 2(Two)spirits and they are part of the LGB(see Binary, meaning two) TQ community

    Never mind, I know logic and common sense does not exist, and math is hard

  9. Justine Turdeau is very much for all and any way that individuals may wish to express their gender and sexuality outside heteronormativity and the gender binary.

    1. “heteronormativity and the gender binary.” I’ll shorten that for you: “normal”.

  10. I’m a Two Spirit person.
    1) Mean.
    2) Nasty.

    Wait up… I win. I’m actually a Three Spirit person!
    3) Rude

    /sick of it all

  11. Being Binary Spirited is clearly seriously a thing…! I scientifically call it B.S. myself…

  12. Well I guess the spirits in that there dream confirmed there are only 2 genders.

  13. It’s a no win situation because either they made it up or it actually shows evidence of demonic possession.

  14. I took a few courses in Anthropology in the late 60’s, and assigned books did mention that the now-called alphabet people were to be found in many cultures, at a very low % (.5-1). And sometimes they were actually shamans, as the men could do that role vs. being a husband/father/hunter.

    I still think that some aversion to heterosexual activity is “hard-wired” in all cultures, but today, there are “experimenters” and sex in general is way too open and in your face.

    No one, except guys, wanted dumb Hollywood movies showing it all. And of course, no one wants to watch the alphabet kissing these days, as most of we (99.5%) have a revulsion issue, which is why Disney woke shares are in the toilet. Ditto Netflix!

    Two-spirited is actually a very gentle term, apparently a US-absorbed term, borrowed by Canada, so no problem, unless they require reparations, changes to legislation (ooops done) or special treatment. The red line is drawn, as I should not be responsible for the genetic inheritance of other people and their hang-ups or paying for useless often fake gender identity therapy via health care. Tommy Douglas, not dead enough yet!

    And brick bats to the Trudeaus, to whom I sadly secretly wish Jr. a bad wave fall on the next Tofino expensive vacation for ruining our already bad constitution. I can no longer tolerate the Canadian government, and hope that the west will become Canada West. Not enough people thought that joining Canada in 1905 was a seriously bad move.
