O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas

Strange happenings are occurring in Los Angeles County where the lives of approximately 10 Million people are being controlled by a very bizarre woman named Barbara Ferrer. She refers to herself as a “doctor” but her Ph.D. degree is in “Social Welfare”.

It appears some politicians and members of the media are trying to foist another Covid winter on America, the Globe reported November 28th. “In California the pandemic never really ended. California Gov. Gavin Newsom still clings to his autocratic emergency powers under his March 4, 2020 Covid State of Emergency order, so why not perpetrate another crisis?”

Since then, daily news articles from California media are clearly pushing for mask mandates on school kids.

In Los Angeles County, LA County Public Health Director Barbara Ferrer announced that because weekly Covid cases went up again, “This is the time to put that mask back on,” the Globe reported. Ferrer and the media are again counting “cases” rather than people ill enough to be in the ICU or dead from Covid.

Counting “cases” doesn’t really mean anything.

Dave Rubin has more.

6 Replies to “O, Sweet Saint Of San Andreas”

    1. Jd

      Ain’t that the truth.

      I had never heard the term: “Corona virus” prior to 2020. Came to find out fairly quickly, that applied to pretty much any cold or mild flu.

      Testing: RT PCR. Utterly useless & Never ever designed to “prove” infection or determine viral load. Complete Bullshit.

      But there it was …. an “epidemic” they said (of colds & Flu’s). And finally to keep the fear ramped up, given the Supposed deadly named, COV-SARS2.
      Game On.

      BULLSHIT predicated upon more BULLSHIT ad nausea….

      By 2021, not 1 person in the Western Hemisphere had a Cold or seasonal Flu….amazing eh…???

      Like they say,”Advertising makes it Happen”

  1. They take comfort in knowing that many of those masked kids will end up homeless on those same streets.
