37 Replies to “Hinshaw’s Hickups”

  1. The unvaccinated AKA – those of us with a functioning immune system.

    I have only one question for now … when will the unvaccinated be allowed to fly again?

    I consider it a violation of my civil rights to be denied the right to fly on an airplane within my own country, let alone flying in and out of this fake country.

    1. “The unvaccinated AKA – those of us with a functioning immune system.”

      AKA those of us with two functioning brain cells to rub together.

      1. J. West

        I resemble those two Remarks….
        Vaxxed..?? As if. Am not one prone to coercive efforts…and there sure as shit was plenty COERCION goin on.

        Yet I’ve likely have had more jabs than most: Military service will ensure that happens….
        But to the Left I’m a VERY SCARY face Diaperless, deplorable, racist, misogynist, Far right wing anti Vaxxer.

        What a croc.

    2. completely agree:

      uhuh. buuuuuut according to ontario dougie et al, GYMNASIUMS werent allowed even a skeleton crew permitting a fraction of the membership at any moment, extended hours to accomodate, etc et friggin etcetera. nope. all of them locked down to promote resorting to the propaganda media infested internot.

      1. That’s like in my apartment complex. First, they closed the gym. Then it was opened, however reluctantly, with restricted hours and–get this!–appointments.

        The asininity continued with masks only and, later, “be juiced or else”.

        I had to make do with my 5BX, a portable home gym set that I bought a year ago, and two stairwells for my cardio. No wonder I gained weight.

        Then again, the manager could never be accused of being eligible for Mensa membership.

    3. Brian Peckford has a suit filed, a constitutional challenge, on this very topic. But, of course, this will take most of the year to get heard and dealt with. It’s clearly a violation of the Charter, but, when the Charter is in inconvenient, the government ignores it. This is how LIEBERALS operate.

      I believe Peckford will be successful, but this is LAWFARE. The process is the punishment.


  2. pfft.
    well, THATS POLITICS !!!

    1. Wasn’t she hired when Rachel the Wretched was in charge?

      1. She was indeed. Not walking her the day after the last election was one of JK’s greatest failings.

          1. BA

            I saw that…
            I trust that Commie Beotch is on the first plane back to Peking….?? Hopefully on a 1 way ticket w/No Landing rights….outa ya go..!!

            But sorry Kenney – FAR FAR too little FAR FAR too late.
            YOU my non friend are TOAST.

          2. Steakman:

            One of Kenney’s biggest mistakes was not purging the provincial civil service of leftovers from Knothead. Imagine how much better off we’d be now had he made Yiu walk the plank 3 years ago.

  3. Really? And just who is surprised by these “revelations”? The same ones who fell for the narrative in the first place? Shocka.

    Tall tree. Short rope. Long drop. Followed shortly thereafter by the Liar Kenney & various others on my list.

  4. I have this image of her obsessively sanitizing her hands , removing her mask, sanitizing, mask on , sanitizing. Repeat.
    Sad, deluded woman.
    We will see where this goes. Kenney has to take responsibility for the police abuse as well.

  5. I hope the jccf files something in BC and has Bonie Henry testify. She’d get completely creamed in court.

  6. Does anyone really believe that whoever the ” Judge ” is in this case that they will side with the people ?

    Come on people, this asshole ” Judge ” will wipe his ass with the Turdhole Charter ( worthless POS ) and side with the lawless Government.

    I respect the effort, but no one should get their hopes up in this totally corrupt Post Nation State.

    Someone tell Peckford the same thing, you’re wasting your time looking to the Liberal Party Courts for justice.

    Look for justice in Rawanda or Haiti, not in a french speaking third world shithole run by psychopaths and Globalists.

  7. I have commented many times that public health is the weakest of all medical services. It is populated by self righteous interventionists. Medical doctors hired into public health recently have few personal skills and are unable to maintain a private practice hence they joined public health.

    1. Yeah but it pays well.
      363000 last year for Hinshaw.
      I bet this year she gets a raise.
      She’s laughing all the way to the Bank.
      In all fairness, Hinshaw has a lot to learn about claiming off duty time as OT.
      Dr. Penny Sutcliffe, Greater Sudbury’s medical officer of health, reported a 2021 salary of just more than $800,000 in 2021, making her the ninth highest paid public servant in the province.

      1. Hinshaw’s flunky, Verna Yiu, was paid even more (over $570,000/year). Nice work if you can get it. No blinkin’ wonder our medical costs have gone through the roof.

        1. She was at the tip of the proverbial iceberg….some 40 others in AHS making well over 250K annually…to do what exactly..?? SFA.

          5-6 Layers of Layers of completely useless Mgmt mouth breathers.

          1. Don’t forget that the current version of AHS was supposed to be an “improvement” over the system of regional health authorities instituted by His Ralphness. Uh, no, Klein. The system worked before, though not very well, but you had to go and “fix” it.

  8. well one thing this flue achieved, it showed us that many politicians call themselves conservatives, but very few are conservatives. They as authoritarian , or more so, than liberals. Time for a mass lynching. (sorry fc if my post upsets you)

    1. From now, and until 120% of the mail-in Kenney leadership vote is counted, expect the UPC to throw everything at the wall to see what sticks.

  9. Won’t matter, it will all hinge on what Notley and McGowan demand. Their loyal presstitutes will get the gullible sheeple to bleat for more hard lockdowns.

  10. The press in BC are absolutely panicked that BC will be moving to weekly covid reports. The covid panic crap is over. They’re so used to just printing government panic porn I’m sure they’ll beg for material.

  11. Who would have expertise in all these disciplines?
    Public heath is a government responsibility. Hinshaw has a medical degree. She was hired to advise the government on matters of public health.
    What am I missing here?

  12. If all laws desend from the charter and the charter is no longer honored by the govt does that mean all laws are no longer honored? Including said govts authority to govern?
