The Sorriest Chapter in Canada’s History

Conrad Black: Trudeau’s wretched smear-job of truckers highlights sorry state of Canadian leadership:

The official response to the truckers protesting COVID restrictions is one of the most disgraceful political episodes in the history of Canada as an autonomous country. The prime minister’s statement that the truckers were probably homophobic, trans-phobic, misogynists and racists was an outrage that was unsupported by evidence. Instead of dealing with these truckers and the issues that propelled them across the country in a serious way, the prime minister attacked them en route as a “small fringe minority” who hold “unacceptable views.” There is no justification for any of this and polls show the truckers represent approximately as many Canadians as the number who voted for this government in September. The government propaganda machine followed with a smear job highlighting Nazi and racist imagery, though there is very little of that, and a Confederate flag-waver was led away by the truckers.

h/t Paul Harvey Page 2

90 Replies to “The Sorriest Chapter in Canada’s History”

  1. We’ve had to actual leadership for quite some time.
    Corruption for the mighty buck did this.
    As governments and politicians aligned themselves with group thinking and never wrong and forever laws.
    You would think that changing a political party would change the government…
    Naaa, It’s designed to inherited its contracts and obligations.
    We need a complete wiping of the books of multilevel government restrictions, regulations and laws to get back to some sanity of normality.
    Being born under the slavement of government regulations and die under even more as years are added on.

    At least President Trump tried to put time limits on these or be seen again.

    1. This is precisely what is going on. The authoritarianism that we’ve seen over the past two years is a symptom of a bigger problem.. that bigger problem is the size of our government. As a taxpayer our knees are buckling under the strain of the weight of bloated government. And that’s only one facet of the problem. The other “weight” on us is legislative, as you say. Every year there are reams and reams of new regulations that saddle us. It’s why I am looking to cash it all in and earn at subsistence levels. In Canada, you can earn up to $50k in dividend income and pay zero income taxes. That’s my goal. It started with this government handing billions of dollars to the UN. Then it was spending billions buying pipelines from private companies. More money for the CBC every year. Natives shutting down rail lines, not a problem we can absorb the losses. And it culminated in this hysterical covid response and suddenly the amounts they waste are in the hundreds of billions. Shutting down small business for a year but somehow able to pay their employees for them while simultaneously paying people to sit at home, not working. We can all see it’s unrecoverable at this point. The question is who is going to be around when they are forced to start squeezing blood from the stones.

    2. Agree, JoJo.
      Another problem is a populace, directed by the media, that looks to the gov’t to solve everything. Any time there is a problem….what will the government do?
      When was the last time you heard a government official say, “That’s not the government’s problem. Fix it yourself”?
      Nope….anxious to show how “caring” they are, they charge in, throw money around, and never check back to see if anything actually changed.
      Just once I would love to see a city council meeting where no woke cause is promoted, no social justice monument proclaimed, and no virtue signaling enacted. Just “How are things? Potholes fixed? Snow cleared? Ok, good. Let’s go home.”
      Middle management types with too much time on their hands is a dangerous thing.
      Contrary to the media Narrative, it is not the government’s job to fix everything. Nor can they. Not a flu, not bad parenting, not the weather, not people’s feelings.
      As long as we have a populace whose first question is “What is the government going to do about this?” we will continue to have a bloated, overreaching government.
      Unless the phrase “Fix it yourself” becomes part of our vernacular again, the decline will continue. We may win the covid mandate battle in the short term, but our schools and media are promoting more dependence all the time.
      We’re all in this together.
      It takes a whole village.. (not parents)

  2. Safe to say, that Trudeau’s immediate circle contains no savy political savants.
    The first lesson is don’t believe your own lies, second, don’t believe your own hype, and third, don’t trust your bought and paid for media to tell you the truth.
    They seem to have been caught flat footed. They don’t seem to have a plan A, or a plan B, or any plan,
    that didn’t rely on smears and lies. They have to counteract all the streaming video showing the comradery of cheerful, diverse, wholesome people having at Mardi Gras, except at -14C: with saunas, bouncy houses, singing, dancing, street hockey. This is Irish Democracy on steroids.
    Trudeau’s public response was lame and cheesy; his flailing image went around the world. The memes have been brutal. His allies had weeks to prepare a “seize the moment” response. They blew whatever chance they had to coopt the energy. It is mind boggling.

    1. ” . They don’t seem to have a plan A, or a plan B, or any plan, ”

      That’s what Bill C-11 is designed to do.
      If Le Turd had gotten his majority we wouldn’t be here today spreading the truth around.
      He would have rammed it down our throats.
      They had a plan but not for lack of trying.

      Unfortunately for Blackie et al, as Mike Tyson was fond of saying ” Everyone has a plan, until they get punched in the mouth “.

  3. Quelle surprise! The most incompetent person to ever hold the position of PM has a disgraceful episode? Hire a hairdo and what do you get? Meanwhile his hair doesn’t even look good anymore. What will the Karens think?

    1. I don’t know. That photo above the fold in today’s Globalist and feMail has him with such rich, lustrous eyebrows which begs the question “does he or doesn’t he?” I for one feel immense pride for having the prettiest Iron fisted WEF uniparty of Davos toady elected leader on the world stage.

    1. Canada is better, but at least a third of Canadians aren’t. They want dissenters dead.

  4. I disagree with with Black’s statement on the number of truckers being equivalent to the number that voted Lib in last election.
    Here is the rough math: Trudeau got 32% of the vote, apparently voter turnout was only 50% of elligible electorate, so approx 20% of Canadians supported the Turd.
    The convoy raised more funds in 2 weeks than either Party raised for the election.
    Convoy support outweighs Lib support in a major way.

    1. While I agree with your math, the convoy has raised more money mainly because people from all over the world, especially America, are also donating. I don’t think there were many private, foreign individuals donating to any Canadian politician.

      1. No, but there were a lot of corporate and union donations to the political parties. My union dues went to support a party I despise.
        The freedom convoy raised money from real people, mostly Canadians, shomgave of their own free will and out of their own personal pockets, with no hope of tax deductions or greasing their own bottom lines via gov’t influence.

    2. Turnout was 65% I think. He got therefore 21% of elligable Canadians vote for him, including the dead 🙂

      1. Take Quebec out (please) and all he got was the hair and sock fetishists, plus undateable ugly women and the Media.

  5. I realized many years ago that I don’t understand the eastern half of Canada. Trudeau is the perfect example of this divide. It was painfully obvious that Trudeau was a superficial, childish man. An arrogant, privileged narcissist with zero depth of character and zero understanding of economics. Just hair, socks, superficial charm and a VIP last name.

    Has whatever mesmerized that part of Canada to keep supporting Trudeau been broken by, of all things, truckers and other blue collar, working class people? The people who are the exact opposite of the Trudeau I described above. If the freedom convoy brings Trudeau down….Would that be poetic justice or cosmic irony?

    1. That’s why Schwab likes him and that’s why it makes sense that Canada was a perfect place to make the last stand against the NWO. Trudeau must be the dumbest leader on the planet.

      1. I’d like to see how he is portrayed in the history books. At this moment in time, Trudeau and his Liberal Party are writing how they will be remembered in Canadian history. Do they really want to be remembered as oppressors who crushed peaceful working class protesters wanting restoration of Charter rights and human rights for all Canadians so Trudeau could keep policies of discrimination and segregation to enrich Big Pharma and other corporations?

        1. Yes, and the reason being that in the last five years, they have stolen so much taxpayer money, that if exposed, none will ever be seen again outside of a prison cell.

          1. I’m hoping the army of weaponized autistic hackers will expose what has happened. Good luck and God speed my aspie friends.

        2. “Do they really want to be remembered as oppressors who crushed peaceful working class protesters…”

          Are you kidding? He outright admires the CCP! Of course he does.

    2. The eastern half of Canada, mainly the cities (Toronto, Montreal, etc) is part of the same corrupt culture that has dragged the large northern cities in the US into far left insanity. This leftist idiocy is the cause of NYC sinking into a dystopian hellscape. They believe in their ideology with a religious fervor, and will sacrifice everyone and everything to it. I thank the Truckers for putting what these people are on display for *everyone* to see. Trudeau’s government is not just “bad”; it is a deeply evil regime that cannot stand.

    3. My opinion is that Freedom Convoy is bringing Trudeau&co down either way:

      1) If he goes physical/violent route, he will end up like Ceausescu. Plus, Libranos extinct for the next 10-20 yrs.
      2) If he lets the FreedomFest continue in Ottawa, it will be obvious how ridiculous and pathetic he is. He will be like a leper Messiah, no one will want to be associated with him.

      So far he’s going for #2 which is good! 🙂 He is shedding Liberals (4 so far) + rapidly losing ground in 2 critical sectors: Enforcement (Police upper class is huffing&puffing but police at street level is more-and-more on Freedom’s side) and Media (they seem to get more desperate and sloppy with their fake reporting).

      HONK HONK!

      1. Trudeau doesn’t seem capable of even considering the third option – drop covid restrictions and restore all rights to all Canadians.

        1. @LCB: Yep! That would have been the sane route but I’m not counting on it because TurdHole is too imbecile. He should have done this 1-2 months ago: drop this ridiculous crap of mandating jabs for truckers and for everyone actually, drop all these mandates, from federal level and advise all provinces to relax regulations. From the moment Omicron replaced Delta. It was already obvious when-Nov/Dec that vaccines don’t work, you can get the virus+transmit the virus no matter if 2x/3x. And it would have been so simple: folks, based on new data we can go back to normal, sorry for these 2 years of imposing all kind of crap on you&your kids. But noo, he keeps bleating that “mandates are the way to avoid further restrictions” 🙂 AwakenWithJP did an entire YT with this one. He’s a sinister unrecoverable idiot.

          1. Awaken with JP is highly recommended. He sees right through Trudeau’s B.S. in a such a humorous way.

    4. ” I don’t understand the eastern half of Canada”.

      Graft – the personal gain or advantage earned by an individual [or collection of individuals] at the expense of others.

      1. Maybe. I’ve yet to find an explanation that I find compelling or convincing that doesn’t just reinforce my own biases.

        1. You can include Lotusland in that sentiment. While I was a grad student at UBC more than 40 years ago, the hatred Vancouverites had for anything east of the Rockies was almost ubiquitous.

          I don’t think that attitude has changed very much since then.

        1. Had NDP government. There is one reason your precious Justin is a puppet of the WEF and is allowed to spew his socialist agenda and it’s called eastern Canada Don’t like anyone from Quebec or Ontario or anything east of there Fuck off and today will be soon enough

          1. I’d respond to your idiocy but it’s so hard keeping words to one syllable.

            Oh, what the heck.

            Lotusland, Redmonton, Notley, Nenshi, Ralphie, Tommy D, Redford……….etc,etc,etc.

            Oh yeah…….. Harper, Scheer, Kenney.

            You guys got more fake conservatives than cattle.

            More hats too.

      2. I moved to Montreal 20 years ago from the west and thought I was in a different country. It is polar opposite to the beliefs out west. The corruption here is massive and they don’t even hide it. Everyone abuses the system from the top to the bottom. You have corrupt politicians, corrupt contractors, corrupt unions and on and on. It’s always a breath of fresh air when I head back out west.

        Our election system is completely dysfunctional as the first past the list system makes most Canadians votes useless and then there are some votes worth more than others. Democracy would not give as much power to Trudeau. In fact it’s the PC party which had the highest number of votes and they is this representing the people. Only 60 percent of Canadians even vote and I don’t blame them. I have lived in a liberal riding for 20 years and my vote is completely useless as they win by so much. Trudeau said he would make the system more fair but he suddenly changed his mind..first of many betrayals from him..remember the small deficits.. we broke the record for hugest deficit by a factor of 6 last year.

        1. TY.
          My interactions with people from Ontario and Quebec have been on foreign vacations so that skews towards people who can afford foreign vacations, obviously. Overall my impression has been very negative based on those encounters. A couple of examples : openly bashing Albertans before their embarrassed retreat after informing them I was from Saskatchewan to one woman I was having a friendly chat with actually pulling her child closer to her after I said I lived in Saskatchewan (like I had the plague or something). I’ve met people from many other countries but only people from Quebec and Ontario have shown me this kind of bigotry. Americans, Asians, Europeans Australians, New Zealanders, Mexicans…always great times with everyone else I’ve met.

          1. Was in Vancouver as a teenager for Expo 86 and everyone was very friendly. In Florida we met a very friendly couple from just outside Vancouver. A couple years back we met up with friends from Melbourne in Vancouver and locals seemed friendly, except one angry cyclist. One lady on the street politely suggested we might want to rethink our walking/pub route as were entering a sketchy part of the city.

        2. Vincent, LCB:

          When I moved to Vancouver from Calgary to attend UBC over 40 years ago, I experienced similar disdain from most Lotuslanders I met there. At best, they considered me a rube, a bumpkin, and a red-necked hillbilly who’s incapable of knowing better.

          That was one reason I transferred back to my alma mater after a year.

    5. My in-laws are from Atlantic Canada… Harper really nailed it when he called it a “culture of defeat.” I still remember having conversations with my late father-in-law about the lockdowns in 2020. He’s from the contingent of eastern Canadians I refer to as “Locking Down and Loving Every Minute of It.” He didn’t seem to care that they were shutting down the borders of the provinces and forcing people into house arrest, said it was “keeping us safe.” I told him that “we weren’t cattle for the government to keep safe in the barn” and I asked him if he truly didn’t miss his grandchildren. Well, fast forward to summer of 2021 (still locked down, still can’t see his daughters or grand children) and he’s diagnosed with a fast growing cancerous tumour around his kidney. He’s done. Spent the last two years of his life unable to see his family. In the last days of his life, in a cancer induced delirium, they managed to convince the officials to let him vote and I can guarantee he voted for the Liberals. As far as I am concerned, he was the epitome of the Eastern Canadian.

      1. For my last few months of college a classmate and I shared a rented house because her previous roomie had bailed on her and she couldn’t afford the rent on her own. Well, pseudo roommate. I paid half the rent and told my parents that’s where I was living but I was living with my boyfriend (now husband).

        She was from Peggy’s Cove and was an absolutely delightful person…except for her stubborn refusal to teach me to cook seafood because she was sick to death of eating traditional east coast food. 🙂

      2. Thank you Richard. I’m so god damn mad at eastern media and what that part of the country stands for Its fucking sickening

      3. Richard…

        Theres plenty of the identical mentality visible here in Calgary…seen at every bus stop, and every store entrance…I love it when I see another person not wearing a face diaper (In a store) – I make sure I engage them in conversation…to a man/woman, all have acted in kind…!!

        …and then theres the over 75 crowd…OFTEN frowning at me, moving 10′ away from me, or simply giving me the stink eye…I just smile at them and say hello, “how you..DOIN..? lol..

        HELL Most of us here have been excommunicated from family cause well “we’re wrong” ya see. Yea…uhuh. All I can say is those of us that saw the Bullshit from the Gitgo – Monster fogging trucks – people conveniently dying right in from of an iPhone – and later, a supposed 7 month wonder Vax (Predicated soley upon an EUA via the Fraudulent trashing of HCQ -IVM). Stink.?? REEK..?? Ya think.?

        Well, you get my drift, with the bottom line being, Neither I nor my wife will require a Booster shot EVER.

        As for Trudeau: This POS has been a WEF grad I believe since well prior to his even becoming an MP. Everything that has come out of his filthy PIE-HOLE suggests nothing less.

  6. Only half right, Conrad. It is entirely reasonable to disrupt businesses and block trade across the borders.
    They’ve stolen our rights and we demand them back, there is no middle ground here. If we have to put the economy in a choke hold and kill it to achieve this, then so be it.

    1. Yes. I disagreed with ” time to go home.” The government has shown no goodwill, and if they go home, nothing will have been accomplished. The other route to de- escalation is for provinces to drop mandates. Surely they are not doing much at this point. Provinces can look like problem solvers if they act. Trudeau is left looking petty and irrelevant.

      1. “I disagreed with ” time to go home.””

        As did I. Said statement was usually accompanied with, “You’ve made your point”. Really, now? I wish, just once, the idiots uttering this clap-trap had been queried, “OK, what is the point?”. The sputtering, the red face, the abrupt about turn & high-tailing it out of there, would have been sweet to watch.

      2. LindaL

        The issue is that EACH & EVERY Premier, Health Minister, Health Mouthpiece have ALL BEEN BOUGHT and are part n parcel of this Cabal of FASCIST Filth…be it via money or death threats…and yes I fully believe those folks would all be at risk of losing life n limb were they to unilaterally end 100% of the mandates.

        WE are at WAR. Asymmetrical, maybe, but still a WAR.

        Freedom on one side..
        Totalitarianism on the other with Full intent of implementation of a ChiCom Style Social Credit Score system….based on the QR VAX Codes.

        Once established – one will NEVER EVER be able to get out from under the WEF Yoke.

        I would also URGE EVERYONE to acquire a FARADAY POUCH for your phones….and sleeves for your wallet. PROTECT YOUR IDENTITY, No tracking, no scamming your money.

    2. The government has been disrupting business, blocking trade, ruining health for two years.

  7. “No closing of the U.S. border, as truckers are now doing at three crossings, for more than 30 minutes is tolerable, and neither is impassable congestion on the Trans-Canada or other major highways. The truckers can win this confrontation by exposing Trudeau’s pompous posturing and his slander of the truckers as a fraud. But they can’t win by trying to intimidate the government and by so inconveniencing the public that they demand the government make concessions to end the truckers’ protests”

    Conrad is wrong here. It’s called MAXIMUM PRESSURE. The government wants the truckers to go home because then the government doesn’t have to remove restrictions and they can continue as is without at timeline based on actual science. This is what JR and the WEF wants.

    JR sucked DF right in and manipulated DF to do his dirty work (deal with the border) for him. All DF had to do was drop ALL restrictions in Ontario early and point the finger at JR to fix the border issues. DF didn’t do that and it will be his undoing. We all are suffering for it.

    …and btw, HONK HONK

    1. I think what even sympathetic journalists are missing is that many of the protesters in the freedom convoy have nothing else to lose. Under that scenario they will do whatever it takes. Their desperate situation, and that of too many other Canadians, had been ignored by the political class for far too long.

  8. Rumors abound in the Vatican that the Pope is considering beatifying Pat King as the Church’s first living saint. First things first, the Church needs to confirm that Pat King is Roman Catholic.

    Why all this interest in Pat King by the Holy See? It is said in Pat King, the Pope sees strong similarities with St Mother Teresa. The word is the Pope feels St Mother Teresa may be more polished in some areas of social decorum, but by and large meeting Pat King is like meeting a rougher, roguish version of St Mother Teresa.

    What are these similarities the Holy See sees? Well, both Pat King and St Mother Teresa provided for the down and out. Also, both had their logistical resources constantly attacked by the forces of darkness. Yes, both Pat King and St Mother Teresa fought evil on a daily basis.

    Pat King’s demeanor comes naturally. Having grown up in Western Canada, Pat King learned to spread the good word in those neo-cathedrals found throughout Western Canada; hockey rinks, baseball diamonds, and beer parlours.

        1. Pat King is the biggest disappointment for me about the convoy. Why have someone with his background as one of the leaders? Very bad move in my opinion.

          1. … Sometimes you need a guy who can make room so others can play…

            Think Dave Semenko.

  9. Either powerful people got to Conrad or he sees the enormity of the protest and has gotten cold feet. The Vietcong and the taliban didn’t defeat the mighty Americans by fighting and then surrendering, they continued to attack until American losses became unacceptable. All Black’s bloviating in favour of what amounts to moral victories means nothing in the real world. He’s basically advising the truckers to stick their tail between their legs and go home with nothing. Supposedly giving Trudeau another victory will make him look bad. Pull my other finger Conrad.

  10. Conrad is wrong on a couple of points: 1. The Truckers “making their point loudly and then dispersing” would have had no effect and SK and AB would not have removed their mandates when they did. Dispersing would NOT have caused the loathsome province of QUE to to back away from their tax the unvaccinated scheme. Thank these truckers for all of that. It’s precisely because they did not disperse that they are making an impact. Because they are not ceding the ground and disbanding their army at dinner time, they may win this war. 2. Also, the people who live downtown and are inconvenienced by this protest are merely collateral damage. Sure, they may not approve of the protest, but they are not who the protests are for. The protests are for all Canadians. Why would it make sense to remove the mandates solely for the truckers crossing the border and not remove the stupid testing regimen for the rest of Canadians who cross the border (I see this is ending now – thank a trucker for that).

  11. Conrad Black says: “The government, incompetent and largely contemptible though it is, is the elected and legitimate government.”
    And I say NO IT IS NOT!!!
    The Liberal government has been paying all of the MSM a total of 1.7 BILLON DOLLARS in subsidies every year.
    That makes virtually all the news that is disseminated to the Canadian people biased toward the Liberal government because the Liberal government pays money for it to be biased in its favour against any opposition.

    1. “Conrad Black says: “The government, incompetent and largely contemptible though it is, is the elected and legitimate government.””

      Conrad Black neglected to add, “who work for the people.” None of these bastards was ever given a mandate to rule us.

      CB is as full of shit as the rest of the MSM. Why he is looked upon as a voice of reason or, worse yet, an expert on anything, is beyond me.

    2. I’m usually a Fan of Conrad…but this..??

      Get fkd Connie.
      This current Canadian Fascist Echo Chamber BOUGHT the Last Election IMO. …just like they bought the MSM. Dominion Voting machines..??

      Same BS happened in Calgary’s Municipal election. Some Commie Clunt that no one had ever heard of Stole this election as well, (Soros MONEY figures in here large in both elections I’m betting.)…..also using Dominion Voting machines. No pattern here huh..

      This same scenario has repeated itself in pretty much EVERY Election held throughout the Western Hemisphere for the past 25-30 yrs….take a good look.??

      The WEF has not sat on their ass people…they’ve been planning & planning – planting & planting the seeds for decades. There is no way in hell that BULLSHIT Vax was conjured up and manufactured to the tune of 22+ Billion Doses in 7 months…?? That anyone today actually believed that pile of BULLSHIT….simply FLOORS ME. (Manufacturing 1 dose per sec = 32 years for 1 B jabs)…..Decades at the bare minimum right.

      Lets try some 30 yrs….Maybe

      Our Collective Crime is that we did not Eliminate the TRUE NAZIS back in 1946 – The Globalist Filth that financially supported Adolph….starting with the Rothschilds, Rockefellers, Morgan, Bush Family (yea them too), Ford, Harriman and numerous others …

      HONK HONK..!!! Go Truckers Go..!!!

  12. Lovely read. I agree on many points but what, concretely, does he think folks are supposed to do?
    Admitting that we have neither a functional Government nor an real Opposition, Black seems to think people should make their point, then just go back home and continue living in our uniquely Canadian medical-authoritian dystopia. Not what I consider a solution. Easy to decry the lack of leadership and then provide none oneself.

    1. Remember, Conrad spent time in the hoosegow. He is simply trying to monetize today’s emotion. This isn’t about direction or higher ideals. It is written for page views.

  13. I stole this off the Internet. Regarding the police warning the truck protesters …. “we warned you once, we warned you again, and we’re not going to warn you a second time”.

  14. Trudeau should be forced to apologize to the truckers for such outrageous accusations.
    Such accusations are uncalled for from anyone let alone a prime minister. It’s saying more about the intelligence of Trudeau with his schoolyard taunts.
    When he can’t handle a situation he pulls out the racist, homophobic cards. It’s the Liberal way, when have we had an election the same tactics were not used against Conservatives?
    We have to believe the people of this country have had enough of this type of dirty, juvenile politics.
    As for Carney, he’s just taken himself out of contention, even as a Liberal leader let alone prime minister.
    It’s not worth the bother to comment on him further.

    1. @Liz: I don’t think ANYONE should be ‘forced’. Plus, do you really need Trudeau’s apology? Do you think a Trudeau apology would be sincere or worth anything?

      1. Trudeau thinks apologies are worth something he sometimes even cries for a more dramatic effect. In this case the truckers taking legal action to force him to apologize would cut him down to size.

  15. Message your MP and ask them if any of them will stand up in Parliament and condemn Trudeau’s Media for lying to Canadians about the veterans.
    Will any of them ask why Trudeau is using their tax dollars to have his media smear the veterans for his own political gain?

  16. I lost all respect for this nation when Trudope attacked the unvaccinated and not a single politician stood up and took him to task. For weeks they talked about the unvaxed as if they were vermin, gum on the shoe of the liberal Karens and elites. I am ashamed to live in country that would support a leader who wants to force an experimental drug into our bodies without our consent using bullying, harassment and terror against us. The truckers, and ordinary protesters restored some of my pride, not a lot because I know Ford and Trudope have no intention of setting us free they are both drunk on power.

  17. Trudeau is teetering.
    Now is the time to bring up all of his past scandals and stupid remarks and get them back into the publics consciousness.

    The India trip fiasco, there are lots of sources in India that are absolutely scathing in their condemnation of him.
    His removal from his teaching position in BC, it looks like there is lots more to that than meets the eye. $2.25 million more..
    SNC corruption and bribery.
    The WE brothers stealing from third world children charities to pay off Trudeau’s family members.
    Firing Jody Wilson-Rabould and interference in justice system.
    Firing Jane Phillpot and his overall treatment of women.
    Elbowing that dipper in the tits…..well, that was kind of cool, actually.
    Admiring China’s dictators.

    Repost that stuff everywhere to remind people of all of his failures.
    He has his media, we have ours.
    He can be driven to resign.
    Tar the whole Liberal Party with his sins and they will cut him loose.

    1. @Stan: Plus, his WEF/Davos ‘Youth Globalist’ links. And how half of his cabinet went through that indoctrination camp. Heck, even his NDP lackey Jagmeat is a happy alumni. So that ‘Great Reset’ comment was not a mistake/lapse of reason.
      WEF: “You will own nothing and you will be happy”. And Turdhole, like a good foot soldier, he’s busy on making us own nothing. We should not own our own bodies. Our kids are not our own kids, they are gov’s. And now we should be happy about all this?

      No, thx. HONK HONK!

    2. Stan

      I would absolutely stand up and scream to the Heavens with joy if that young woman in Vancouvers Point Grey area came out and told all what occurred and how much that POS paid their family off to keep it quiet.

      Someone other than the immediate Family knows
      TELL US.!!!!
      I believe we all have the right to KNOW…its not like that POS is a privater citizen.

  18. Here’s the thing. The NWO, the people like Soros and Bill Gates, and Bezos among others along with the UN, groomed Blackie for the job as they did with Obama. The NWO devised a marketing plan to take over the world. It included getting weak compliant people elected to soften their countries to accept their globalist plans.

    Who are these people? Angela Merkle of Germany, Macron of France, Obama of the USA, Prince Charles and Boris Johnson of the UK, Scot Morrison of Australia, Jacinda Ardern of New Zealand, Alberto Fernández of Argentina, and Nicolas Maduro to name a few. Obviously, the Globalists are well positioned to move the world in the direction their handlers want. Sadly, they have been exceedingly successful.

    Our very own Trudeau has been groomed to be one of prime movers. Since he takes his marching orders from the NWO, he must execute the plan which leads to serious problems. When problems arise he is at a loss. He is incapable of addressing problems and explaining what needs to be done to resolve them. So he resorts to childish mannerisms, the only way he knows to react.

  19. Trudeau and the liberal goverment will do what is best for them to put it plainly. They have your wallet !

    All this would be over if this was THEIR money. The bills are coming for all of us.

    1. And I’m eternally ashamed that I voted for Pierre at that time….I have never, nor will I ever, voted Liberal again.

      1. I don’t think anyone could have foreseen how much PET would damage this country. Few people ever thought that Prinz Dummkopf would ever be Prime Minister, let alone the devastation he would personally be responsible for.

      2. Nemo…

        You’re not alone my friend….I too did the same, 2 yrs later at 18.
        twas the last time…
