The Citizens of the World LOVE Freedom!

As of this morning, $10 Million has been raised to support the Truckers’ Protest against the Totalitarian Measures of the various governments throughout Canada.

Except for ego, what is stopping Trudeau, Singh, O’Toole, and the 10 Premiers across Canada from following in the recent footsteps of England and Denmark? Our politicians can’t claim to have been the first but they most certainly can claim to have listened to the people and acted accordingly.

“The Honking Will Continue Until The Freedom Improves”

45 Replies to “The Citizens of the World LOVE Freedom!”

  1. “Except for ego . . .”
    Roooooll credits. A Narcissist will die before losing face, and their idea of face is a bit different from normal people.

      1. The truckers are going to need that money as shutting down for just one week would be a loss of at least $5,000, maybe more depending on the contracts.

    1. ego, partially. However, don’t forget they (Turdo and clan) have sold their souls…that’s not something you buy back easily, if at all.

      Their owners are not going to let them off, at the very least they will be the first ones under the bus.

    2. I fear you are right. Trudeau has backed himself into a corner. He either will eventually back off while blaming Canadians or he will double down on the insanity of rules and restrictions. I’m betting on the latter at this point. Hoping I am wrong.

  2. I just emailed Kenney and pointed out that when the “science ” varies from jurisdiction to jurisdiction it’s no longer science, it’s politics. (H/t David Freiheit).
    He’s playing politics with our mental health, our children’s development, our economy and our society in general.

    1. It was always politics….

      if it was science, they would be able to show their work rather than self referencing “experts”

      1. Absolutely, the corruption we have witnessed occurring in medical ‘science’ is the exact same style of fake-science they have been using to BS us about Global Warming for decades.

        If you’re not allowed to ask a question about it, it ain’t science! Science IS questions.

  3. The Freedom Convoy is Respecting Ottawa Noise Bylaws
    “The horns have not been honking all night long the past few nights. They actually stick within the Ottawa bylaw. There are no horns honking between 11 p.m. and 7 a.m. The weekend when everyone was here, there was quite a bit of a celebration going on but the people that are here right now, we actually respect the city of Ottawa. The streets have never been cleaner.”

  4. The truckers are doing it all wrong. They just need to plunk down $1,500 at Trudeau’s next dinner party and they’ll get whatever they want. /s

  5. The CTVNews article talks about three arrests and implies that the acts were by the truckers when they could have been AGAINST the truckers. Guilt by insinuation.

  6. I admit that I have been sort of wrong about the flag. It represents Canada completely.
    Communists on the left, communists on the right and a sea of sheeple in the middle, with a piece of dead foliage in the centre.
    At age 18 I stood on the quarterdeck of HMCS Assiniboine with my shipmates and watched as this symbol of Canada was raised. At the time I was happy to have a Canadian flag as opposed to somebody else’s. I came to realize just what a sham it was.
    The reason I say it symbolizes Canada is Instead of a live maple leaf //green// it had a dead maple leaf //red//.

    As long a Canadians worship the liberal flag of eastern Canada we will continue to spiral downward.

      1. Murray the sugar maple that produces the red leaf when it dies is found in far-eastern Ontario and Quebec and probably New Brunswick. The rag is what it is because Pearson would not allow Blue on it. So how does it represent all of Canada???

    1. You Sir, are starting to get it! Imagine a Republic of Canada with all political executives standing for open election for PRIMARIES and ELECTIONS just like the USA. Imagine a Canada where the Constitution is the Law of the Land where the Queen and Her Government are not exempt from following it.

  7. If more money is donated to these truckers then the total for all the Federal Political Parties I draw a conclusion none of the MSM or Elite expert commentators dare to mention. HM Loyal Opposition is in session.

  8. It appears the small fringe minority with unacceptable views has pissed off Pallister in Pantyhose and Herr Roussilini. They are gleefully announcing new punitive lockdown restrictions for MB at 12:30. This on the high-heels of her firing one of her MLA’s for disclosing his support for the Freedom Convoy and declaring yesterday that ALL Manitobans will be required to take the experimental, approved for emergency use only, gene therapy. Just following the science, doncha know.

  9. You know sometimes you just can’t win. Now that Premier Moe has wisely decided that vaccine passports are useless and an impediment to businesses, some restaurant owners are whining that they fear customers will stay away because they might feel unsafe mingling with the unvaccinated. These are the same businesses that complained about the passports in the first place. This irrational fear would soon be a thing of the past if the local so-called medical experts would just overcome their addiction to having a reporter’s microphone stuck in their faces and STFU!

  10. Question;
    1. How many Premiers and the PM have legally sworn loyalty to the people of Canada….Answer 0
    2. How many cops, Judges and Senators have legally sworn loyalty to the same…….Answer 0
    3. How many of the above stand for election in their official capacity…….Answer 0
    4. How many of the above have legally sworn loyalty to and owe their appointments to the Queen and Her family of plutocratic retards……Answer, all of them!

  11. Problem is, Trudeau will never cave to demands. If truckers refuse to leave until he does, then we have a stalemate. Who can last the longest? Trudeau. He has his bought-and-paid-for media shilling for him, and he and they will keep ramping up the false accusations. Public support will wane and the longer it drags on, the worse it will get for the truckers until public support is low and the government uses force to remove them. They will have lost.

    They need to find a way to leave soon with heads held high. They don’t have much time.

    1. It’s called the Second Amendment which you do not have. Thanks to the lickspittle Loyalists of Canada’s past and present have ensured that a disarmed obedient peasantry could not possibly mount anything more that a noisy and temporary protest without actual harm to Her Majesty’s Government.

      1. This.^^^^^
        I have a feeling Blackie is going to wait them out, only thing that might really push this over the top would be a nationwide general strike.

        In the meantime, The Tool is toast.

      2. At the federal level there are only 3 options.
        1. Trudeau quits. As mentioned, he’s too much of a narcissist to do that.
        2. The Liberal Party (his caucus) throws him out. Possible but doubtful.
        3. The Opposition parties declare a non-confidence vote (since the Liberals are in a minority) in Parliament and force an election. Since the Conservative Party is lead by toothless O’Foole and the NDP are just as Communistic as the Liberal it is hard to see this happening unless there is something in it for them.

        The next best option is for the all Premiers to immediately withdraw all (and I mean everything) of the mandates and restrictions across Canada. If this happens, there would be no logical reason for Federal mandates to continue restrictions and Trudeau would then look even more evil and be more hated than he already is. Right now the Premiers are propping Junior up by implementing his policies (through Health Canada) provincially. I think this option is growing in strength because there are enough supporting truckers in be able to spread out or are able to participate locally (but not in Ottawa).

        The best thing the country can do is for each one of us to contact our MPs and MPPs (no matter what the party) and tell we want this to be over.

        1. I been doing that constantly to no effect. Once they are at the trough they think we work for them as opposed to the way it is supposed to be. I wonder how many actually berate their members of parliament face to face when they get the chance. I will bet I am the only one.

    2. Trudeau mostly follows orders. If it looks like he is losing support, he will be told to back away. Already we have 50% + support for truckers. Media is beginning to look silly. Die hard Libersls may not give in, but much of the country supports moving on. Prrmiers could help move things forward quickly– at least those who are not themselves bought and paid for.

  12. The Trudeau comments are an example of how dumb it is to believe your own lies or believe your own hype. Did his advisors fail to collect real, on the ground, intelligence; people who would have grasped the logistical challenges required of an effective government checkmate. Did they trust their bought and paid for media to tell them the truth? They seem to have been caught flat footed. They don’t seem to have a plan A, or a plan B, or any plan, other than the usual flat smears and lies..
    I can’t believe how vapid, weaselly, and LAME Trudeau’s public response was; his flailing image went around the world. The memes have been brutal. They may have been pandering to their bubble, but what of the risk of triggering more industries and more workers to join the resistance. They have to counteract all the streaming video showing the comradery of cheerful, diverse, wholesome people having a block party and playing street hockey. This is Irish Democracy on steroids.
    Doesn’t Trudeau have an inner circle of advisors? No savy, hard-nosed political savants there. They had weeks to prepare a “seize the moment” response. They blew whatever chance they had to coopt the energy. It is mind boggling.

    1. Precisely.

      All Justin has ever had was spite and contempt and, for a while, it was fine. His supporters were as pi$$y as he is.

      Things have progressed beyond that. Even if Justin were to remain as he is, he commands no one and nothing. How could he leave the country for a trade deal or anything else when everyone is laughing at him?

      He’s done.

    2. Trudeau doesn’t listen to anyone but Butts and Telford. He’s the Maximum Leader and his will is all that counts, just like the little Austrian with only one testicle. The only way out of this is if the liberal party’s financiers decide it’s time to end the nonsense and make Trudeau take a walk in the snow. He’ll never do so himself.

    3. Ex
      All he has is his NAZI bedfellows – Telford & Butts….with Soros in the background and constant urging from the WEF.

      Scum the lot.

  13. justine is caught between a rock and a hard place. If he backs down he looses face and support from his elite handlers, if he stays, the elites will toss him as the sacrificial lamb, to the political gods. Even if justine doesn’t back down, and isn’t tossed he looses, because he will have lost a lot of support at home, and credibility around the world. He is loosing and will continue to do so till he is gone, whether today, or next year. He is toast, and too stupid to grasp that.

  14. Hey, if that corrupt POS running the FBI is staggered by the amount of Chinese infiltration in the USA then you can just imagine how bad the corruption is in Canada, or should I say Chinada.
    The political ruling class of Canada are as corrupt as they come, owned by foreigners like Klaus Schwab and George Soros the WEF gang and they all want the CCP at the head of pentagram.
    We’ve been sold out.

    1. Has any more money been released since the first million we heard about?

      Is there another site where donations can be made, that are cooperating better with the Truckers?
