“Youngkin went hard on issues where other mainstream Republicans would flee”

Youngkin Brings the Pain.

Trump’s gift to the party was to demonstrate how Republicans can win going forward. And it’s not with some warmed-over perversion of Reaganism that the consultant class pushes. It’s easy. Focus on the concerns of the voters, not the donors or the elite, and then keep your promises. Simple, but effective. That’s the recipe for GOP success in the post-Trump era.

And Youngkin did it. A Republican moderate is not supposed to attack the institutional racism of CRT in the schools even though the people are screaming about it. That kind of cultural issue is icky, and people at the country club will turn up their noses at you. Talk about tax cuts, about liking the cops, and about building a bridge across the aisle to a better tomorrow.

But Youngkin was having none of that. He smelled blood and went for the jugular. He listened to the people, instead of trying to tell them what they wanted.

There’s a lesson there. Actually several.

For Canadian conservatives as well.

We have supply chain shortages, escalating fuel prices, raging inflation — and a carbon tax, a tax on everything, that Erin O’Toole could be using as a political cudgel, slamming the Liberals with it every single day.

But of course he can’t. Because he’s weak and stupid, he tossed it away. Because he’s a follower, not a leader. Where is O’Toole, anyway?

32 Replies to ““Youngkin went hard on issues where other mainstream Republicans would flee””

  1. “On Day One, Youngkin issued his executive order eliminating the cancer on Virginia’s education system that is CRT. He also banned mask mandates.”

    And he’s already being defied by the school boards of northern Virginia communities mostly inhabited by swamp dwellers.


    What to do? I know what I’d do. Make them all re-apply for their jobs—after handing over all their e-mail and social media account passwords. Black supremacists and their white “allies” should be advised not to waste their time.

    1. AT: I. think there are very, very few black supremacists; so few that you can’t find many in politics. What we do have are white communists who burn down black neighborhoods, and want to use race to divide America, so they can take power and impose tyranny. BLM is classic Gramscian cultural Marxism, led by white Marxists.

  2. The fact O’Toole is still in charge tells me the whole party top to bottom is done. It’s over for the CPC.

    1. Even a Trudeau Junior majority in a Parliament where there is just 50 or so PPC/Maverick opposition MPs would be better than the shite sandwich of controlled opposition we are supposed to nibble on contentedly. What can Junior not do now with his pathetic minority anyway? He does as he pleases, and no phoney opposition will stop him.

      A strident, independent opposition party, on the other hand, would at least get under Junior’s extremely delicate, thin skin. And his irritation would give us gulag dwellers some satisfaction at least.

    2. Why isnt O’Toole tabling non confidence over truckers vax mandate and the supply chain mess, including now near empty grocery stores??

  3. There is no reason for O’Toole to spread h8. He would do better if he was tolerant and compassionate, like a Mitt Romney or Liz Cheney. Essentially any righty that is welcoming to the CBC.

  4. The problem with populism instead of principle is that like pure democracy/mob rule it screws the minority, which is precisely what limited government is supposed to prevent.

    Listen to the voters? The voters in Ontario want more lockdowns, more remote learning, forced vaccinations, carbon taxes and no plastic straws.

    The lesson here is that whoever’s in charge is going to use his political power to impose his agenda on the education of the entire state’s children. The lesson people should be learning is that none of this is the government’s job.

    Fire them all. No, don’t “make them re-apply”; just fire them, eliminate all state funding of K-12 education and tell parents they’re going to have to take responsibility for their local school boards.

    1. “Fire them all.”

      Not gonna happen. Teachers’ unions are powerful. They’d launch lawsuits. Why work — one little sneeze or two snowflakes and they can and do stay home. A plandemic is their dream come true.

      1. Launch lawsuits? Use the not withstanding clause. It’s going to take a big hammer to fix the problems in Ontariowwee. BTW two of my kids are teachers.

  5. Gotta go with Daniel on this one.

    Government is the problem.
    And the voters are as well.
    “The Government should DO something!” they all whine.

    Ever hear Government say, “That’s not our responsibility.”?

    Most people want this and nobody gets elected by saying, “I’m going to make sure the government minds its own business and leaves you alone.”

    Most people don’t want liberty and they sure as shit don’t want strangers enjoying any.

    Enjoy the unstoppable decline.

    1. Conservatives own a huge part of that decline.

      Stupid, pitiful, weak, toothless “opposition” has left the field completely to the moronic yet amazingly successful Left.

      Completely. There has never been a bigger rout in history.

      Disgraceful. Can’t imagine a single conservative in the country has a mirror.

      Who would want to face that truth?

  6. Of course the voters are the problem, but the fault lies with Pearson and the alleged father of the animated turd who is currently PM. When government grows and takes over the hard decisions, and things as fundamental as health care, you get a nation of infants.

    Government will provide CPP and OAS
    Government will provide healthcare

    What do those things have in common beside noble intent? The implicit message that the average citizen is too stupid to do this for themselves, and it becomes a self fulfilling prophecy. Despite the noble intent, you better believe that is exactly what our self styled betters in government think.
    Hong kong was the ultimate example of the reverse, very minimal and unobtrusive government, and you went as far as your wits and balls would take you. It was a roaring success before the chi coms wrecked it.

  7. Trump’s gift to the party was to demonstrate how Republicans can win going forward.

    Say it again! Pay attention to the average voters, you idiots! The news media is controlled opposition, Fake News, stop paying attention to what these concern trolls are telling you you need to pay attention to, they are not your friends. Stop playing defense, stop making excuses, stop explaining what you really meant, ignore them, dismiss them, call them names, they are chihuahuas nipping at your heels because they hate your guts, treat them accordingly.

    1. Too bad there isn’t a conservative in the country that has a moment to address the disgraceful Media in an effective ongoing way.

  8. Great posted article! Can’t add to it, save to say Republicans should sharpen their attacks on the pro-crime policies of the Democrats.

  9. Don’t you racist hicks understand that illegal aliens breaking our laws to enter our country are actually committing an “act of love?”

    Well, the voters told Jeb! to go perform an act of love upon himself.

    I can always tell it is Kurt Schlichter writing … even if I missed the byline. Perhaps it’s time for Canadians to suggest some self-love for O’Toole!? At his private home, of course, far from the halls of his *ahem* public “service”.

  10. Erin O Fool is Charlie Brown – he’s sure Lucy will hold that football the next time. His advisors are Lucy and they’re Liberal shills in drag.

  11. “Where is O’Toole, anyway?”

    Quivering and shaking somewhere….and it has nothing to do with the thermometer.

    1. ““Where is O’Toole, anyway?””

      Planning his next flip-flop to appease Liberal voters.

  12. Tory leaders are either likeable but unelectable policy wonks (Stanfield, Clarke), corrupt assholes who can out asshole the corrupt Liberals (Mulroney), or complete nothings (Campbell, Scheer, O’Toole).

    They only occasionally stumble upon a Mike Harris or Stephen Harper.

    The bad news is, we’re probably going to have a shitty 20’s until the Trudeau Cult thins a bit, but the good news is, the next true conservative Conservative will have a sharp axed. Well, we can only hope…

  13. I’m done voting for the fake conservatives, both federally and provincially, they govern just like liberals. They are nothing but liberal care takers, they lack a spine. They run for office as conservatives and become liberals the first chance they get. I’m not voting anymore. As for Trudy and his unholy alliance with the NDP, at the very least Ofool could point out they are running the country without consent of the electorate-but I guess that’s to much to ask right? Liberals and NDP running the country in back room deals, while our lawful Parlimentttttttttttttttttttttt is shuttered.

  14. Your Conservative Tool is a politician. He thinks that “Prolonging an Issue for Electoral Advantage” is desired policy.
    A politician says, “Give me mo MONEY or the Scary Bad Guys will do Bad Things!!!”

    Youngkin, like Trump actually think FIXING THE PROBLEM is desired policy.

    US Example: Give us Republicans money to temporarily stop the Alternative Minimum Tax! They pulled that scam for 30 years. Trump made them repeal the AMT. Permanently!

  15. The Problem with the Trump Method (FIX the DAMNED PROBLEM!) is that sometimes your plans get derailed.

    Arnold Schwartzenegger, the Gubernator tried to reform California his first year. He tried to get the Democrat Legislature to reform California.

    The Democrats said NO. Arnold then tried to go directly to the voters and proposed a bunch of CA Constitutional Amendments to FIX the issues California had then and that have expanded more today. The proposed amendments were hated by the Democrats, their Media, and the Technology Hidalgos of California. Every Constitutional Amendment was voted down by the Democrats and their Communist Allies.

    Arnold learned his lesson. He decided to be popular and govern like a Democrat and bang ugly maids.

  16. O’Toole crawled out from under his rock after his 3 week Christmas holiday and proceeded to get lambasted for his idiotic “I want to talk to this ex-CBC employee about reforming CBC”. After being roundly ridiculed and mocked he crawled back under his rock where he belongs.
