Europe’s Energy Calamity Offers A Global Teaching Moment

Do not try this at home;

There is a website that shows European power prices in the day-ahead market. It is a beauty – a simple map of Europe, with each country’s name and a single power price below. To make it even simpler for us that qualify as the ultra-lazy, the countries are colour-coded by price, higher prices denoted by a different colour. A pretty palette of blues shows prices in the happy 0-50 Euro/MWh range, and prices that exceeded that range shifted to a kind of soft orange colour.

Back in September, the site began showing some discomfort – various countries began appearing in more of an angry orange as prices crossed 120 Euros. Days later, prices edged into the 130s, and the first flushes of red appeared like little faces choking on a bun.

Days later, some countries blew past red and into a new colour scheme of flourescent pinks and purples as power prices hit 200 Euros/MWh, then an angry North-Sea-sky deep blue grey at the 280 mark.

Last week, the whole freaking thing went black as power prices surpassed 300 Euros. The graphic artists presumably threw up their hands and walked out. Subsequent to that, energy news reported that French prices had hit 1,000 Euros one day, but alas I did not visit the site that day to see what they had come up with.


A month ago, the 30,000+ gathering of the globe-trotting jet-set elites at COP26 brought forth almost nothing except two very watered down pledges: to work towards phasing out coal, and to get rid of “inefficient” fossil fuel subsidies.

Mere weeks after COP26, we now know that coal usage is accelerating, and that much of Europe is introducing brand new fossil fuel subsidies in the form of capped utility bills for consumers (rioting citizens throw off a lot of heat which is, you know, bad for warming). Not a lot to show for the party, except one great big valuable lesson: ideology is easy, governing is hard.

26 Replies to “Europe’s Energy Calamity Offers A Global Teaching Moment”

  1. The planet needs more electricity, use all the fossil fuels available, build nuclear plants and do everything possible to get rid of wind turbines and solar panels. They are the worst possible investment and the production of them destroys valuable fossil fuel energy in their production. They are wasteful in the extreme. CO2 is not a climate driver, period.

    1. The sooner you get it through your head, that anything Mother earth and Green is from Satan, the quicker you shall understand the dilemma.
      If you don’t believe me, google Jordan Peterson on the subject.

      we cannot fix the planet, however we can preserve it and mitigate the damage.

      One more thing you need to get your head around, CO2 is our friend, it makes things grow.

      Satan through the Globalist green movement, and with the help of the FN’s who are pagan Mother earthers, has deceived you.

      We have at least 400 years of coal left, yet the German’s are freeing in the dark, led there by the Satanist Globalist Angela Merkle.

      If you have to subsidize anything, it cannot stand alone on its 2 feet, Solar, Wind, both end up costing 10X to 100X more than their produce in alleged cheap juice.

      If everyone in North America had an EV, the power grid would collapse the first night we all plugged in.

      The most efficient and renewable source of electricity is Nuclear. Hydro generation might come in a distant second .

  2. With all the pontification in Glasgow, one might ask what all the assembled worthies have done in the way of curtailing coal consumption:

    “Coal-fueled generation is set to jump 9% from last year, according to an International Energy Agency report released Friday. That U-turn from the declines of the previous two years threatens the world’s trajectory to reach net-zero emissions by 2050, the organization said.

    The U.S. and European Union had the biggest increases in coal use at about 20% each, followed by India at 12% and China — the world’s largest consumer — at 9%, the IEA estimated. The comeback is being driven by economic recovery from the Covid-19 pandemic, which is outpacing the ability of low-carbon energy sources to maintain supply.”

  3. The mad scramble in Europe to derive clean energy from unicorn farts is driven by one thing.

    Russia is self-sufficient in energy.

    Western Europe is not.

    Therefore, any future war between Russia and globalist-controlled western Europe will end in Russian victory and, at bare minimum, the destruction of globalism in Europe.

    Germany’s elites understandably do not want to wind up in the Siberian labour camps where their grandfathers by rights should have ended their days, in the slavery they planned for the Slavs. But then, criminals never enjoy the idea of being brought to justice.

  4. I have always said and still maintain that current policy/ insanity notwithstanding, every ounce of available fossil fuel on this planet will be extracted and used. Any impediments to this end result will be temporary.

  5. # of Nuclear Power plants currently in construction and available by 2027

    China — 18
    India — 7
    USA — 2
    UK — 2
    Canada — 0
    Germany — 0

    1. Orson – 2 December 2021:
      So Canada doesn’t have nuclear under construction but we will (first SMR to be completed by 2028 according to a Globe and Mail article).

      Note: The Toronto Star version of this story notes “But environmental groups like Greenpeace oppose their construction, warning they will end up being more costly than wind or solar power, which is cleaner and safer”. They forgot to mention – “Cost is not lower if you consider solar and wind require 100% backup due to unpredictability or and they are not cleaner if you consider their manufacture and disposal costs”.

  6. Name one thing that already has been developed in the private sector that government has improved upon.

    Just one. (Enter Jeopardy background music).

    I’ll wait. (Jeopardy music still playing).

    I didn’t think so.

    1. Slavery. Imprisonment. Racism. Sexism. Intolerance.

      Oh, you meant something beneficial for humanity? Sorry, I got crickets.

    2. The government has improved upon the conditions in which their employees work. They have created millions of jobs where:
      1) the pay, benefits and pensions are better than in the private sector;
      2) jobs are guaranteed for life;
      3) you vote for your employer;
      4) government deficits, no matter how extreme, do not affect the level of employment, or the pay and benefits;
      5) higher inflation is more than offset by higher salary and benefit increases;
      6) productivity and efficiency are unimportant;
      7) incompetence is widespread, but never punished;
      8) little in the way of work is required.

    3. Methods for killing people the elect hate or fear on an industrial scale.

      Nothing else of substance comes to mind.

  7. A couple of quotes:

    Arthur Robinson Ph.D.:

    “The [global] power to tax and ration energy is the power to control the world — to have life and death control over every human being on the planet. No government should ever have this power.”

    Maurice Strong

    The United Nations Environmental Program (UNEP) met in 1992 in Rio Janeiro. The Intergovernmental Panel for Climate Change was formed at that time. A major power broker and organizer behind the UN global warming agenda in Rio was the Canadian Maurice Strong.

    What if it were concluded, Strong romanticized, “that the principal risk to the earth comes from the actions of the rich countries? … Isn’t the only hope for the planet that the industrialized civilizations collapse? Isn’t it our responsibility to bring this about?”

    “What we really need are massive incentives for the right kind of behaviour,” Strong explained at one seminar to an audience of roughly 400. “Economic incentives, but also moral incentives, ethical incentives, psychological incentives . . . fear.”

    1. 1992: Rio

      Maurice making good on his desire to reduce Human supposed “overpopulation”….I clearly recall his diatribes in the Vancouver Sun bk in the Mid ’60’s…he knew even bk then given his previous experience with Power Corp, that Energy was the key driver of civilization….and therefore, Eliminating easy cheap access was the way forward…..

      Am surprised theres no statue of that Liberal Canadian sack of thieving Dung at every IPCC conference…

      (Remember the “Food for Iraqi Oil”..??)…..and the millions that Rat Fuck stole….?

      1. He apparently had more than a thing for his sister – kinda like the Biden family – so there’s that.

  8. I sometimes wonder if the Germans are still mad at the French for WW-II. Germany can absorb a lot of energy price punishment but the French get really grumpy. One thing for sure – V. Putin is the winner here.

    1. Yes, there’s a number of French nuclear plants shut down for maintenance just now. It coincides with an increasingly unpleasant winter and prolonged shortages of wind generation (because of a lack of wind). Hence a price spike. This is why some Euro nations are restarting coal-fired plants. It’s why for the first time in 50 years, the Netherlands is having a serious look at new nuclear power to supplement or replace its existing NPP at Borssele.

      But right now there’s a gas supply crunch which is what is causing the immediate price spike. Gazprom has refused to provide additional supply right now which is why it’s hitting pretty hard.

      1. Spent some time in France during October near Montpelier on the Mediterranean. While there Macron announced they were going to build more nuke plants which I think reverses his previous stance . The French pay high taxes but I have to say that you can actually see where a lot of it is going . Their health care is very good , nearbye hospital in a town of approx 25 thousand had its own dedicated helicopter . All the local infrastructure was in good shape , roads , bridges , railway . Saw airforce activity every couple of days and the Canadair water bombers practicing scooping twice a week . France has an auto industry , rail industry , aviation industry , armament industry and boat building industry at least , what does Canada have to show for its high taxes ? Where does all the money go ? There is a gas pipeline being installed right through a lot of touristy areas and there are no obvious protests. It is a Gazprom line going to Spain . Saw very few solar installations even with so much sun .

        1. Quite right. Macron has a problem in that he depends on the antinuclear Green Party and the antinuclear Socialist Party to maintain his coalition. Hence is fluttering all over the place over nuclear. He gave the antinukes a small taste of blood last year when he agreed to the early forced closure of Fessenheim. But the labour opposition to the antinukes is much too strong for even a president as delusional as Macron to deny. Like Ontario, France is one of the few jurisdictions in the world which has largely eliminated fossil fuel from its electricity supply. Like Ontario, they did it by substituting nuclear power for coal. They had no choice; the Franco-Belgian coal field was rapidly depleting.

          What does Canada get for its high taxes? Well, we sent the world’s largest delegation per capita to a string of UNFCCC conferences. Spawn and his ministers get to use government jets for their fun-in-the-sun vacations. We get time-expired used jets from Australia to replace our own used up CF-18s. We get to compensate the communist Chinese for the two Canadians held for more than two years enjoying Chinese prison hospitality. We nearly got to host the Chinese military in Canada for exercises. What more do you want?

  9. We’re 20 plus years into the Ontario experiment of renewable’s and exactly what do we have to show for it?
    Wind 8% and solar 1 %
    The eye sore that it is 100%
    It is about time we demand that the purveyors of this tripe live within the confines of their belief.
    If I were King a would declare these Green Grifters banished from fossil fuels use and allow them only the power that they foist on the rest of us. Until we start taking names and cutting them off of their devotion to stupidity they will continue to destroy the lives of others.

    1. Reasonable. Problem is that the Green Grifters to which you correctly refer are doing the work they were paid to do by the gas companies to deter nuclear power. It’s part of the plan that their shit doesn’t work. It’s not supposed to. It’s supposed to make room for the purchase of more gas-fired generation. The gas companies have been following this script since 1965.
