Sitrep – November 2021 Edition

Let’s pause for a moment to examine the current situation in Canada and the U.S.  The totalitarian thugs who run both countries have determined the following to be wise governance:

  1. If you’re unvaccinated, you can’t leave or enter Canada.  Ditto re entering the U.S.
  2. The vaccines are proving to not be what was promised. Not even close.  But dare speak out against the official narrative and you risk losing your job and/or being banned from the digital public square.
  3. Dare refuse to allow the government to inject something into your body against your will and you will be shamed and banned from many events, be it by government decree or by brainwashed normies in your own circles.
  4. In Canada, the right to self-defense has been questionable for years.  In America, they pulled out all the stops to try to criminalize Kyle Rittenhouse from defending himself against a convicted pedophile and other criminals.
  5. In some jurisdictions in America, it is deemed perfectly fine to rob stores of upwards $1,000 at a time.
  6. Teaching kids to judge and hate each other based on the color of their skin has deemed to be “progressive”.  Any parents who dare object to this are apt to be put on a terrorist watch list by the FBI.
  7. The FBI is now breaking down the doors of journalists, confiscating their confidential property, and immediately sharing it with the propaganda department of the Democrat Party aka The New York Times.
  8. Other Democrat friendly propaganda outlets – like MSNBC & CNN – are spewing out a constant string of lies and racist screeds 24/7.

Something has gone terribly, terribly wrong in our countries but many refuse to see it.  I, for one, am tired of uninformed people trying to “educate” me on any of the above.  It usually just takes one or two questions of them to realize that they’re just NPCs fulfilling the programming of their masters.  They’re brain dead in the knowledge department and haven’t engaged in even the smallest amount of critical thinking in a long time . . .or ever.

41 Replies to “Sitrep – November 2021 Edition”

  1. They’re brain dead in the knowledge department and haven’t engaged in even the smallest amount of critical thinking in a long time . . .or ever.

    My ears are burning!

    1. This gentleman has an interesting take , albeit academic, on the deeply concerning parallels of Nazi Germany in the early ’30s compared to right now .
      His troubling concern, along with yes, survivors of the Holocaust are the re-emergence of The Concentration Kamps and how it started.

      It is about 7 minutes but a refreshing take on it, cause it is the only closest example we have to compare with the madness engulfing us.

      1. I can boil that down in a heartbeat:

        Mandatory Masks – Yellow Star of David
        1942: Arbeit Macht Frie
        2021: Impfstoff Mach Frie

        Europe will be under MANDATORY Vax for ALL in literally Days….
        Who said we defeated the NAZI’s..???

  2. 9. It has been decided that Proud Boys are a terrorist organization, Antifa is just an idea and BLM is a racial justice organization. Also, the thought that racism and anti-black racism are two different things does not seem racist to anyone.

  3. L – I was told by a Dept. Mgr at a well known retail chain. That until the thief’s stolen goods value reaches at least $5,000.00, which may include multiple theft total. The store won’t prosecute because, the judiciary don’t give out serious sentence until then, in Canada.

    Store security are mostly there for show. They are only allowed to remove the stolen item(s) from a thief who they witnessed commit the theft. But are often discouraged to do even that.
    As stores are worried another customer or friend of the thief might post a video of the thief being apprehended. Then the store may suffer criticism/slander from the twitter mob labeling
    the thief as victim. That comes with a perceived P.R. cost far more than the value of whatever is stolen.

    Punishing/shaming via the sanctions of society and the law working together to fight crime, using moral suasion… no longer allowed. It would sound too much like one of the Commandments, a word deemed too oppressive, to be used in a “progressive court.

    1. Store security are mostly there for show.

      They remind me of what I’ve concluded about airport check-in security: too ill-disciplined to be police, not nasty enough to qualify for Antifa, and too dumb to be mall cops.

  4. Oh Robert, the sweater, the sweater is PRICELESS!

    It is so offensive to the glitterati elite effete leading class bumpkins! 🙂

    The “Unvaxxed” are the evil plague that stalk the earth…and horrors talking politics during Christmas is mixing RELIGION and POLITICS…oh the depths of depravity.

    When is your merchandising store opening, to profiteer off the elite’s cosmic clutter bumpkin idiocy?

    Those will sell like hotcakes in a rainstorm. You’ll drive the elites AWAY in DROVES…we’re SAVED!

    Just in time for Advent…


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

  5. 10. Black people are relentless victims of white racism.
    11. Man caused global warming is the biggest existential threat facing humanity.

    1. 11. Is the troubling one.

      Since man expels CO2 and thus that gas has been deemed hazardous to the planet , ergo….
      You know where this is going.
      Eliminate Man and you get rid of the problem.

      Question is, which men do you get rid of first ?

        1. The pretty boys and girls are disposed of once they are used up. Usually after 24 to 48 hours of being DP raped.

  6. 12- Natural Immunity to any disease no longer exists. The science didn’t change, just the politics of science.

    I don’t have the time or patience to argue with the pro-vax haters, besides, the only time I encounter them is during work hours, and I treat that like discussions about religion at work, as in NEVER.

  7. The government of the United States was founded on the principle that all rights and freedoms were issued forth by our creator. No dipshit government bureaucrat therefore has the authority to declare citizens “non-essential.”
    It’s appalling how complacent we have grown.

  8. Have I mentioned that intellectual acuity seems to be a serious problem world wide these days. Stupid people do stupid things.

    1. VOWG

      “..intellectual acuity…”

      I like that…!! May use that from time to time..!!
      Are royalties required..??

    1. Maybe by canoe?

      12. In Canada, We Were Here First Nations get to blame whitey for everything except the black-faced, lying Shithead – he’s got the wampum.

  9. self defense?
    l tried that at a VIA train station when a drunk kicked me in the leg ’cause his ‘designated driver’ was
    about to pull away from the station.
    the entire thing recorded by the highest concentration of video cameras anywhere lve found.

    copssssss showed up,
    -blamed it all on me,
    -REFUSED to tell me what l did wrong,
    -REFUSED to tell me what lm allowed to do,
    -REFUSED to look at the surveillance video,
    -REFUSED to this day, to tell me *what it takes* to look at the GODDAMNED VIDEO

    aaaaaand oddly enough, less than 5 years after that, a total of SEVEN of them all around
    ‘the biggest hick town in Canaduh’ . . . were . . . . . . were . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
    yep. Karma baby !!! tq for dealing with these lying thug finger pointers there Ms Karma.
    are you one of the archangels?

  10. Today is the day when children will be poisoned with this experimental jab from which Big Pharma quickly sought immunity.

    When the children start dying off or being hospitalised, that is when the hammer will come down for the “unvaccinated” lepers.

    Things are going to get worse.

    1. Kill the kids then be prepared to die, because we unvaxxed will be standing on the killers faces.

  11. Totalitarian thugs? Seems a touch over the top.
    1) Trying to keep the country safe? Trudeau took such heat for not closing the borders fast enough. Now we want them open faster?
    2) Actually, the vaccines are working exactly as advertised. They suggested a 95% success at keeping people from hospitalization and death due to covid. The size of the vaccinated population is approx. 6.14 times the size of the unvaccinated population. When you adjust for that, you get approx 5% of covid patients in the hospital are fully vaccinated.
    Dare to speak out and get banned from digital media? Really? You are posting on digital media that has been speaking out since the beginning.
    3) Let’s get this straight. There is no forcing anyone to get vaccinated. It is a choice. However, every choice in life has consequences. Why should I be subject to more risk at an event because you chose not to get vaccinated? I am, after all, in the vast majority.
    4) I believe that the courts came to the right conclusion with Kyle. So, uh, the self defence argument is still viable. Although, I do have a few questions on this. Is it right to bring an AR-15 to a peaceful protest and not expect some sort of trouble? Also, was Kyle aware of their criminal pasts when he shot them? If not – which is likely the case – then mentioning their criminal records is irrelevant to your argument.
    5-8) I am not American so I can’t really comment. Except that, love him or hate him, you know that nobody has ever lied like Trump. Sure the Dems lie too. They are politicians. But Trump took it to a whole new level.

    1. “Lets be reasonable”
      Be sure to tell me when you start using reasoning..
      As I am very curious as to what you think that might be.
      1,2 and 3… So what we have experienced these last 2 years has been a rational and reasonable response to a virus of the common cold family?
      And all government actions are in line with what we have learned from past pandemics and follow our emergency response plans,which dear government spent millions preparing?
      So you agree ,in 2 ,that these “vaccines” are not vaccines as we commonly understood them?
      Cause if” Actually, the vaccines are working exactly as advertised”,we must have been watching different advertisers.
      4,So why the trial?Gang Attack is “Mostly peaceful”?

      And of course you had to bring your T.D.S into this..
      A sure sign of an emoting irrational person.
      What “reasonable ” person would bring in “Trump Lies”?
      As if defending the media morons attempting to incite riots..
      But Orange Man Bad??
      Yet of course everything you see on CBC is gospel?
      And of course dear leader just “Misspeaks” when his words have no meeting with actions.??

      Given your post is of Progressive Pat calibre,are you filling in for him?

    2. If the vax works, #3 is not a reasonable question.

      #4 tells everything. may a peaceful protest come to a neighbourhood near you.

      1. No vax works 100%. Not the polio vax, not the covid vax. I still do not understand why I should be put at a higher risk for no apparent reason. This pandemic thing will likely be over with in another 6 months, maybe less. And those that didn’t get vaccinated will be able to participate in society just like before. I am OK with the choices anti vaxxers make, it just doesn’t seem fair to put me at extra risk.

        1. Liberalism is a truly progressive disease.
          A rational person might consider the obvious,when you attack a chunk of your community,label them unpersons and impose idiotic mandates,strip them of their rights and freedoms to service your fear.
          A fear which appears completely baseless to those you have attacked..
          You have identified yourself as a component of society,that cannot be tolerated.
          Your idiotic ramblings above..What “risk or higher risk are you put at?
          By the whom?
          As for “this pandemic thing will likely be over in another six months”

          Dream on ,we have seen what and who our fellow citizens are,no rational human will contribute to and continue to support a society which benefits only authoritarian nitwits.

          There is no “unseeing” and no “unsaying”,Can Ahh Duh is a society of the evil and stupid,it must be destroyed..

          All Canadian Citizens now know,without a shadow of doubt or ambiguity,that we have no rights or freedoms ,other than those our bureaucratic masters permit us.

          That line has been crossed.
          Them Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms blinkers are smashed beyond all repair.
          When the State,a figment of a bureaucrats mind,is decreed to be greater than the individual,that State is declaring all citizens to be slaves.

        2. Over in 6 months? Oh, how unbelievably wrong you are. And I know why you are wrong.

          But I am not wasting my time explaining it to you, because smart people don’t waste their time.

          1. Agreed. “…Two weeks to flatten the curve.” comes to mind. Knowingly comparing a vaccine with the vax, a theraputic treatment and not a vaccine (no immunity, actively increases the spread of the contagion) is another.

            Don’t you just love people who don’t believe what they say enough to keep a consistent handle, so that their words can’t be tracked back to them? Maintaining anonymity is one thing, but what kind of a shallow thinker changes their name every 5 minutes?

  12. 5 I’m expecting these store robbing gangs to go into the rich suburbs next and go after individual houses. Certainly if I lived in the US I would own a firearm and have taken classes in safety.
