The Dystopian Future Has Arrived and Its Name is Australia

An Australian shares how totalitarian the Australian politicians have become:

It is obvious that media coverage of Covid here is completely controlled by the government. The other day when Joe Rogan said he recovered from Covid with Ivermectin i saw the same “special report” on the 6pm news reports of all 4 main stations smearing Ivermectin.

Not only were all the key points and buzzwords identical, i.e. the horse dewormer talking point and the claims that the ICU’s were full of people with life threatenning diarrhoea from taking it, but the whole script was pretty much identical. What are the odds that all 4 channels decided independently to do a special report on Ivermectin all on the same day and all with the same false talking points? There is obviously a unit in the government that is monitoring for when somebody with influence contradicts the narrative and sends out a script designed to counter it for the media to run.

Everyday on TV here the various state leaders and health ministers get on TV and tell the public that the vaccine will stop them getting Covid and/or transmitting it to other people. They use very careful language when doing it. They don’t make a clear direct statement that might come back to haunt them, i.e. You can’t be infected once vaccinated, but they just repeatedly imply it over and over again.

20 Replies to “The Dystopian Future Has Arrived and Its Name is Australia”

  1. Speaking of dystopian, surely the “peoplekind” in Canada will soon realize what a dystopian Dominion this has become under the Justin Liberals and crew. It may take a bit longer, some need more time.

    1. All praise our savior in Trudeauland that he will fashion in his own image of poor decisions and bad policies that will be the end of Canada as we’ve known it.

    2. Trudeau can always respond, as can any Canadian PM, that’s a provincial matter/responsibility

  2. “We know what’s good for you.”
    “Give us your tax money so we can spend it properly.”
    “Give us your Freedoms and We will Protect You.”
    Last Week: “You Disrespected Us, now your industry is shutdown for two weeks. I hope you starve.”
    Now it is, “Give us Control or Else,” and the Cops will stomp and beat you to stop your protests.
    Soon it will be, “We shot you dead to save our city.”

    Sadly, the Australian PM is from the Liberal Party, which is the Australian equivalent of the Conservative and Republican parties in our countries.

  3. Rush used to run the media montages with all different outlets using exactly the same language. This has been going on for a long time.

    Also, when Covid first hit and no one really knew what to make of it, the lockdowns (flatten the curve) seemed justified. So politicians/health bureaucrats/media got a pass.

    Then when it became clear it was not as serious as initially thought, the excuse was that that politicians always err on the side of caution (so as not to give their opponents ammunition.)

    Well now almost 2 years in, its abundantly clear that anyone healthy under 60 has a near zero chance of dying from Covid, with only the sickest and most elderly at the greatest risk, and that if you have had it you are immune to it and its variants.

    We also know that early treatment with multiple over the counter therapeutics can reduce hospitalization and deaths by 85%

    So has that affected the response from the ruling class? Have they adjusted their reaction?

    Nope – they have doubled down on the destruction of individual liberties, and continue to advance the vacc pass agenda.

    So I think we can eliminate the suggestion that all levels of governments reaction to this “crisis” evolved based on data – because if that was the case, they would not be continuing with the early agenda.

    My point being that this was a plandemic with an agenda since day 1. Jason Kenney included.

    1. Ward,

      I don’t think anyone outside of China planned the pandemic, and maybe not inside China either. I still think it was a stupid, ignorant accidental mistake by some idiot that never should have been allowed within five blocks of the Wuhan Institute of Virology, much less working inside. My best guess it was either someone stealing and selling lab animals or a worker that was accidentally exposed and infected, but never reported the breach to stay out of trouble. The early Chinese response points thart way. Secrecy, calling out the Army, Sudden massive Lockdowns.

      The Chinese also weaponized the Chinese Coronavirus by 1.) Lying about aerosol transmissibilty; and 2.) Shutting down domestic air travel, but allowing INTERNATIONAL Flight from Wuhan itself. China made sure they infected the entire damned World, and damned millions to sickness and death.

      Western Politicians and Empire Building, Self Aggrandizing Bureaucrats jumped on the “Opportunity” with both feet. They used it to seize power and enact long held authoritarian micro-managing dreams.
      ***Never Let a Crisis Go To Waste***
      Too many stupid, venal, poll chasing politicians and news media personalities went along with it because thay did not know better. Now, they are trapped by their own enormous egos, unable to admit they were wrong, and change course. If they do? If they say, “No Masks, Vax is Voluntary?” Their own brainwashed supporters will scream, cry, and figuratively tear them apart, while their enemies throw gas on the fire and egg the stupidest and loudest on.

      1. Perhaps rd but David Martin has exposed alot of info through patent filings – getting pretty hard to deny it was planned. Maybe this got out sooner than expected by accident though.

        1. Dr. Faustus knows. I guess he’s now making oodles of royalties or some other sideways way of paying.

    2. Simple explanation:

      Churnalsists are generally intellectually lazy slugs.

      Because of this fundamental feature, the “media / press release” was born, many decades ago.

      These are “Instant” news items, written by political types, businesses, professional flacks and PR types, etc., that are designed to be copied pretty much intact into the “script” / page inches.

      They are often written such that “editors”, a rare breed, mostly supplanted by censorious “opinion shapers”, could trim the word count to some extent, without losing the key points.

      Thus all outlets have the same story, worded in much the same way, because that is what was GIVEN to them.

      In the “olden days” all of this happened via dictation over the phone, or more likely, actual tree-ware documents being delivered to the churnalist in question.

      In these “connected times”, the packaging can be very slick and disseminated widely in an instant. Along the lines of the old saying:

      “A lie can travel twice around the world before the truth has got its boots on”, and all that.

  4. It should be PLAINLY OBVIOUS that the supposed Health Care Emergency re: Hospitals Across this land was 100% on the plate of everyone of those coerced bits of shit: AKA our political supposed leadership.

    When hospitals cannot meet demand due to totalitarian demands of VAXXINE MANDATES, .who do think will step in hmm..?

    When Police/EMS/FireFighters,walk out due to the totalitarian demands of VAXXINE MANDATES,…who will be brought in..?

    The MILITARY…right alonside Checkpoints at major intersections all to bottle up and cage the Entire population:

    Martial Law. (And it may even be UN Troops or the ChiComms)

    Read your History books…in particular the end of the Weimar Republic and Hitler’s rise to Absolute power…

    History as they say, has an unerring ability to repeat itself

  5. Haha, it’s not just Australia. Its all western countries.

    Gulag Archipelago. Should be required reading for everyone before being allowed to vote

  6. Covid deaths in Australia are lower than Canada.
    Tax rates in Canada are lower than they used to be.
    Freedom is more fleeting than it’s ever been.
    What could go wrong?

  7. Interesting how they slam ivermectin as horse wormer,which is one of its uses.Its also available in a pill form for humans.
    Having said that my daughter rides/breeds/trains horses. She takes ivermectin (the horse kind) She figured out the correct dosage for a human. Says it tastes like shit but no side effects like diarrhea. But I have noticed she whinneys a lot and walks with a clippty klop LOL.

  8. The fascist **** Dr. Bonnie Mengele in BC has just mandated ALL school kids must wear masks. She herself testified in Ontario during the SARS outbreak that masks had no benefits. So what the **** is actually going on in this country?

  9. Surrendering your guns to a government that you can’t trust…after that, everything is an afterthought.

  10. Babylon Bee did an ‘ad’ where, in the course of recommending ivermectin, the actor steadily became a horse!!!

    When I was first recommended the cattle cream derisal for psoriasis (as an alleviant only), the vet I got it from, after reading my dermatologist’s letter, warned me about giving milk afterwards (I’m a guy), mooing and eating grass. My best friend asked me if I was also going to be fixed and chipped; I growled I’d do the same to her… Obtaining one pot (they’re gigantic, not like the little ones I’d imagined – for large bovines, right…?!) from an equine hospital saw me sent a letter the following year for my strangles vaccination…!!! My horse-lover friend lost her rag at that one…!!!

    Anyway, I feel uncommonly like a steak!
