30 Replies to “Why COVID-19 Is Here to Stay”

  1. The sheep will never hear about this. They media and the “experts” are happy telling us to shut up, mask up, and stay the F at home; all while they shovel billions of dollars into the incinerators.

    When this garbage started I knew in my heart that it wasn’t the black death that the media, and especially the Chinese, wanted us to believe. No one in their right mind should have emulated China, and yet, here we are. The thing that worked was that it helped eliminate the bad orange man and his mean tweets. And then the big coloured drug addict died while some little white guy kneeled on his back. Fact didn’t matter, they ran with that lie, and we suffered even more.

    I don’t see a way out. The people in charge are sill in charge, and still drunk with the attention they would never normally get. Who even knew who the public health officials were before this ginned up pandemic? Now, they are rock stars… in BC they pray to the goddess Henry, they built little shrines to her on hippie islands. Do you really think these empty vessels wish to go back to obscurity? Not likely. They will ride this Delta, Epsilon, etc, etc, as long as the government in power lets them. The only way to stop it is to vote the b**tards out, with the express knowledge that the winners have to return to normal.

    Anyway, I feel better/worse writing that out. Good luck folks, we need it.

    1. The lawsuits are going to be epic and the tyrants pushing the narrative will be on the run.
      They won’t give back their new found power, it has to be taken back and a price put on all their heads.
      I am talking everyone who had the authority to push back in the name of the public interest but who did not.

  2. CSPI … whaaaaaat!!?? The Center for Science in the Public Interest!? The same people who scold me that a ribeye steak is the equivalent of smoking a carton of cigarettes?

    Had to go to their home page to see that these people are just playing with matching acronyms. Haha ha ha … the joke was on me.
    CSPI = The Center for the Study of Partisanship and Ideology

    And yeah … this is pretty much the same thing my Senior HS Physiology teacher instructed us about viruses and immunity in 1974 … with a bit more detail. Yes … that HS Physiology class was superb!

  3. We’ll never see people vote for it, but if we could try a much more minimal response I don’t think the results would be all that bad. People who are at higher risk could make their own decisions on how to respond, including vaccination if they feel the odds are in their favour, personally I have to wonder how vaccination can be a good thing if the vaccines generally don’t work very well and you keep on needing booster shots. Eventually people are going to overdose on them, or they will turn out like antibiotics have done from overuse.

    The only thing that could change public opinion, however, would be some impressive coalition of recognized experts coming out strongly for a different approach. We only get that in weak doses now, not enough voices, none of them carrying the sort of weight required (for general change in public opinion, I’m certainly willing to listen to alternate points of view).

    Has there been one prominent globalist politician or business leader who has had a bad outcome? I don’t count Boris Johnson, he might have been an early target. Strange how they go through their days maskless while everyone around them submits to the symbol.

    The number of asymptomatic positive tests is being ignored in the reporting too. You keep hearing about thousands of cases, well pro golfer Jon Rahm represents two of those, both were followed by a couple of weeks of sitting around at home waiting for the ban to expire, and no other ill effects, in fact he won a golf tournament between the two positive tests. You have to wonder in the media reporting how many cases like that are counted, and what does it really mean?

    1. “The only thing that could change public opinion, however, would be some impressive coalition of recognized experts coming out strongly for a different approach.”
      The Great Barrington did exactly that, and they were side- lined. This is a “pandemic” driven by deception and special interests. People need to understand the real nature of the pandemic, how it has been orchestrated by an elite cabal to further their interests but their lies and agenda are being carefully hidden from the general public. Iain Davis does a good job in his book ” Pseudopandemic” of exposing what has been done and how. I think things will topple when enough people understand the truth. What is useful about the book is that it is a comprehensive, credible and well- documented explanation. So far, attacks on the narrative have been piece mill, with many people afraid to speak out. Read the book. Spread the word. Destroy the corrupt politicians who have allowed this to happen.

  4. I find it very strange that they managed to avoid mentioning the dreaded SPIKE PROTEIN in this whole article.
    In fact, many doctors have put the Spike Protein as number ONE on the problem causing list of the mRNA Vaxes.
    And the adverse reaction reports are backing them up.
    The one thing CSPI is probably right about is that this C19 will be around for some time because Pres Borla probably needs to sell another $3 bil of his shares and because there is no OFF SWITCH to what the Spike Protein will do to the body. The collateral damage is yet to be determined.

    Here is another view of the virus.


    This was written by a Yale School of Medicine neurologist so it is not shabby work like a lot of the Big Greedy Pharma fake studies.


    1. There are many more surprises to come if the science has been read correctly. Not just six weeks down the road.

      1. Our Prime Minister being an asshole and fuck up, may have unintentionally saved alot of lives by being late to this rigged vaccination game being played out.
        When this shot was first being introduced, even stronger immunity people were feeling the effects of having that second doses so close to the first one. Suggested by the manufacturer of 6 weeks apart.
        I believe this joy juice does cause damage but our bodies have shed of the majority of it’s effects before getting that second dosage.
        I don’t believe many of our politicians are getting the same shit in their arms as they need the healthy pushers to keep them from being sick. Many lower dweebs are getting this same shit. One has bell’s palsy from it.

    2. You saved me the trouble of responding to the article myself. Thanks.

      (Does this count as a response? I’ll let the philosophers tackle that one.)

  5. What pisses me off the most is the way unvaccinated people are to be treated.
    There are a lot of foul people out there who actually think they’re on some moral high ground.
    It could lead to some striking back against this tyranny.
    I think the “Vaccinated Only” water fountains will probably be the final straw.
    Just don’t blow me up because I have my vaccinations.

    1. On the other hand, now us vile, unvaccinated a$$holes know who has our back and who’d rather see us sent to the gas chamber. There are a few people in my entourage to whose funerals I won’t be going.

  6. When I read this: You may have heard that, as they evolve, viruses necessarily become less lethal because it makes no evolutionary sense for them to kill the hosts on which they depend for their survival and reproduction, I rolled my eyes, but then I read this: but this is a myth and it’s not what I’m saying.

    What he says makes perfect sense. Of course it’s what has been clear since pretty much day one, based on what we know about other coronavirus strains. Eventually boosters are gonna be a choice people make, same as if you might choose to be inoculated agains the common cold, except it *looks* like this spreads easier than the common cold.

  7. It’s a good article that explains how a respiratory virus follows a predictable trajectory as it moves from novel to endemic. I suspect in regular times this type of reporting, in a condensed and more basic form,  would have been standard because, historically, preventing panic is the typical and correct response by medical authorities. Like I’ve said before, I’d love to live long enough to find out why the medical and political establishment instead went with Project Fear and Panic.

    Here’s my favorite quote in the article:

    “Indeed, as the authors of the study that examined the impact of SARS-CoV-2 variants on T-cell reactivity note, immune evasion at the level of T-cell response has never been reported for acute respiratory infections.”

    Your T cells will give long term protection. Science is amazing but your immune system, as evolved over many millennia, is truly extraordinary.

    1. And there it is.
      Thank you L.C for condensing that article.

      Had supper last night with a friend who has had the jabs and another who refuses .
      We are being offered a simple choice,Do I trust my immune system?
      Or do I trust a group of bureaucrats who have an amazing track record of deceit and destruction?
      Who are we to believe?
      My main argument being “Incompetence or malice?, it does not matter”.
      Results and actions speak for themselves.

      This Dread Covid Theatre,as directed by our high priced help,has been a real revelation of group think and hysteria.
      For as you say,
      “I’d love to live long enough to find out why the medical and political establishment instead went with Project Fear and Panic.”
      When the only reason taxpayers voted to fund these “public services” was because they believed hysteria and panic were just as deadly as infectious diseases.
      Fire them all,for they betray us and their reason for being on the public payroll.
      My first explanation for the idiocy of our experts,being “Must cover my ass” is the primary motivation of our parasitic overload.
      Which comes from a lifetime of observing the Minions.

      Currently the evidence leans toward Covid being not much of a pandemic,more of a bad flu.
      But the government help must be rated as deadly.
      Experts indeed.

      Or legends in their own minds?
      For of recent years,the belief in their superiority over the dumb taxpayer has dominated every utterance of these “helpers”.

      1. To avoid going down the rabbit hole of conspiracy theories, I generally assume the biggest factor is greed and incompetence. But, there is also CYA.

        And ego. At the lab we used to joke that every new chemist had to make changes to standard procedures and those changes always turned out to be a fabulous successes…regardless of what the data said.

      2. I have thought about this a great deal. I believe that many bureaucrats making decisions are just as deceived as every one else– probably more so, as they don’t go out of their way to follow some of the credible challenges to the official narrative. If you are a Bonnie Henry, an assistant or other bureaucratic spokesperson, you get your information from official sources. You talk to colleagues who are getting information from those same sources, and you rely on Health Canada to make actual decisions and you go with their recommendations. It would be risky, career destroying and totally out of character to challenge Tam and established officials.

        Many well- meaning people are simply “doing their jobs” as they have always done them. Even Health Canada takes its direction from the WHO — and the WHO is where the real corrupt players reside. They are almost totally controlled by corrupt foundations and Big Pharma.

        As for the rabbit hole of “conspiracy theories”, it is necessary to go down that hole when an actual conspiracy is the driver of events. Subsesquent to their handling H1N1 an investigative report came out which accused the WHO of a lack of transparency ( among other concerns) and of being unduly influenced by the drug makers. Now with Covid19, they have actually changed the definition of a pandemic to something ambiguous ( does not now even need to include many deaths) and they have changed the definition of herd immunity — something now just attributable to vaccines. Presumably, natural imminity no longer exists. Follow the breadcrumbs down the rabbit hole and they will lead to the WHO and the the corruption of the Gates Foundation and affiliates. Many of our politicians helping to push this have been bought or they have been pulled into the scam by those that are.

        1. Most people are conformists. Going against the grain is an unnatural act and terrifying for the vast majority. That is why a striking amount of scientific and intellectual breakthroughs come from the fringe.

        2. Or, as I tell my very opinionated son : the difference between being persecuted as a dissident who is a danger to society *or* hailed as a brave truth teller speaking truth to power….is timing. Being too far ahead of the curve has downsides and trail blazers need to be prepared to be attacked by those a little slower on the uptake.

  8. “The only thing that could change public opinion, however, would be some impressive coalition of recognized experts coming out strongly for a different approach.”
    The Great Barrington did exactly that, and they were side- lined. This is a “pandemic” driven by deception and special interests. People need to understand the real nature of the pandemic, how it has been orchestrated by an elite cabal to further their interests but their lies and agenda are being carefully hidden from the general public. Iain Davis does a good job in his book ” Pseudopandemic” of exposing what has been done and how. I think things will topple when enough people understand the truth. What is useful about the book is that it is a comprehensive, credible and well- documented explanation. So far, attacks on the narrative have been piece mill, with many people afraid to speak out. Read the book. Spread the word. Destroy the corrupt politicians who have allowed this to happen.

  9. Pretty much sums up what I thought from the get-go.
    Masks, social distancing, lock downs – all have had the effect of prolonging the plandemic. Had we gone on, business as usual, it would be over by now.
    The question that remains is the why.
    If a simple commoner such as myself can see the folly in the global reaction to this, we either are witnessing mass incompetence or something else underlies.
    I have trouble believing the entire world went along with this simply to get rid of the bad orange man. No matter how greedy they may be, I doubt all the drug manufacturers co-conspired in the name of profit. There’s too many people within the global elite pine’ing to be supreme leader to allow one of their own to pull a stunt of this magnitude. If this were perpetrated by a nation state, they would have spread something far more deadly.
    Maybe I’m just too suspicious and a conspiracy theorist, waiting for the bad actor to turn up. I guess… like baseball you play the games to see who wins.

    1. Plenty of countries who didn’t care about Trump being in power, that certainly couldn’t afford to lock down and destroy their economies…. And Trump is out of power.
      But the lock downs and push for vaccination continue.
      That kinda suggests the real agenda lies elsewhere. I fear taking out the bad orange man was just a side bonus.

  10. I have been saying since April 2020 that WhuFlu ishere to stay. We could waste our life hiding in the basement or accept the risk and get on with life.
    The Dipper sheeple want none of that, however. They want Red Wretched to keep them locked down in perpetuity. And, as a former friend having a meltdown yelled at me, I am just selfish and don’t give a damn about anybody for not supporting lockdowns. Our current state is so reminiscent of Mao’s Cultural Revolution.

    1. The lockdowns help here. People can’t really get on with life if the government prevents interacting wih other people. Australia is the absolute worst, but other lockdown strategies work the same. Their biggest fear is that if people circulate freely, and nothing happens the fear will disappear, and then people can’t be controlled.

      1. LindaL, My original thinking was that “they” didn’t want us communicating with one another and comparing notes, which is similar to your statement, “Their biggest fear is that if people circulate freely, and nothing happens the fear will disappear, and then people can’t be controlled.” You however, I think, have put it much more succinctly. My thanks.
