15 Freedom Fighters Arrested in Hong Kong

Is the Communist dictatorship of China playing 3-D chess against the West?

Hong Kong police Saturday arrested 15 prominent democracy activists on charges of illegal assembly in the biggest crackdown on the semiautonomous city’s pro-democracy movement since mass, sometimes violent anti-government protests rocked the former British colony in June.

The move came just hours after China’s top representative office in the semiautonomous city declared it is not bound by restrictions in Hong Kong’s constitution, the Basic Law, that bar Chinese government from interfering in local affairs. Earlier this week, Chinese officials urged Hong Kong to enact national security legislation, amid accusations of Chinese overreach into the city’s legislative council and judiciary.

18 Replies to “15 Freedom Fighters Arrested in Hong Kong”

  1. Chinese press release: Clearly these protesters we arrested don’t have popular support.
    The get things done leadership must have convinced them of their folly.
    We’ve heard no protests from them ever since; in fact, we’ve heard nothing at all.
    Apparently they no longer exist, so we’re good.

  2. Maybe the former Chief Justice of Canada that is mentoring UN -International law reform in Hong Kong needs to be sent home.. do you think?

  3. Hong Kong sadly, is in grave danger.
    The dangers are not limited to the chi-coms’ neighbors tho.

    How many Billions of Cda Pension plan funds went to China in recent years?
    Anybody want to bet the $$ is still flowing?

    Are the chi-coms buying up resources & companies at deep discount prices?

    Recall the NBA fiasco over Hong Kong protests? The more chi-coms have economic leverage over a business or country, the greater the risks to
    our freedoms.

    1. Ron – Sadly, all too true. And the complicity of (the Canadian) government in supporting – indeed, promoting – communist ideals at the expense of democratic institutions is reprehensible.

      1. Absolutely, instead of offering asylum to HK dissidents and promoting freedom for HK our alleged leadership is bending over backwards to please their Chicom masters. HK is f***ed and Chinada is f***ed. This is Cold War all over again and Trudeau traitor gene is showing.

  4. So, who do you think will berate the Chicomms first – turdo, or scheer the steer?

    Okay, okay. Just being a dickhead! 😉

    1. I will back no politician defending China on this issue, regardless of political stripe, and support any demanding accountability.

      I agree with the overall tenor of current Conservative Party of Canada leadership, liberal-lite cowards unwilling to differentiate themselves from the statist collectivist of LPC, NDP, Green and their media sycophants, all deeply steeped in ignorance.

      We have become the victims of their own confirmation bias and loser think, but they get good pay and lots of perks.

      Questioning other’s scientific knowledge while they uncritically swallow the codswallop of cherry picking co-opted phonies.

      The Covid-19 data debacle is light of day for the data manipulating, appealing to authority, ad hominem spewing watermelons.

    2. Actually Scheer was on Roy Green’s show today and Roy asked him, “If I say China, you say what?” Scheer said. They are a “corrupt communist dictatorship, human rights abuser and not to be trusted. The world needs to rethink their relationship with China and re-evaluate our dependency on them…”
      Sounds clear to me what he thinks.

  5. I think there’s a LOT more going on right now than just the Covid-19 crisis. American are once again wrapped up in a right-left turf war. The Communist Chinese government is clearly seizing this opportunity to do some very nasty things to assorted people. No one of importance will dare say a cross word against them.

  6. “… playing 3-D chess against the West?”

    That assumes China and the West are on opposite sides of the board. Many of our politicians, media personalities, and corporations are on the other side. But with the pandemic debacle many could be wavering. This is more like “keep your mouth shut if you know what’s good for you”.

  7. I am sure the CCP was hoping the C-19 would hit HK and Taiwan much harder. Either that or they are spreading new batches in HK right now. Proven that C-19 didn’t come from the wet markets but from the lab.

  8. Kyle Bass and others saw this coming,


    President Xi and Communist China do not think they have much to lose. They are already blamed for creating the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic, and the deaths and destruction created by the Wuhan Institute of Virology. They think they can disappear a few thousand Hong Kongers, and ask what more will happen?

    Thanks to our treasonous press, we will be lucky if we even see a spate of nasty editorials condemning them. The world will be shocked, shocked by their brutality, just like they were shocked by the Chinese Communist brutality against the Uighurs too. Except Uighurs are still being beaten, raped, and tortured in Communist Chinese Reeducation Camps today.

    It doesn’t stop us from buying cheap Chinese knock off crud rather than spending a little more on products made in our own country or the West. We need their Agricultural Export Markets, and we need their Pharmaceuticals even more. Imagine what our nations will be like ninety days after China cuts off the exports of anti-psychotics and antidepressants? Don’t get a scratch or cut, because we could have no antibiotics either.

    The real changes won’t be readily apparent, but watch as the talent and the money disappear from Hong Kong. Most of it will be hidden by the convulsions caused by the Chinese Coronavirus Pandemic, but Hong Kong and Shanghai are going to be much smaller financial markets by next year. President Xi and a tiny virus have exposed the Chinese Communist Party for what it is.

    1. Xi Jinping reminds me of Leonid Brezhnev. When Brezhnev and his crew expelled Khrushchev in ’64, they immediately clamped down on what few liberalizations that Khrushchev had made, and tried to drag the USSR back to the days of Stalin to the best extent that they could muster. The three similarities is that both Xi and Brezhnev share was that they clamped down on what little freedom to dissent was tolerated under their predecessors, both visibly increased their regimes’ efforts to expand their spheres of influence on the world stage and both attempted to reignite the nationalism of the eras of Mao and Stalin respectively.

      1. And the newest version of totalitarian amoralists are the swamp swimming, trough licking parasites of the “establishment.”
        Who like Breshnev, enjoy luxurious fruits of opulent power paid for by the subordinate and surrounding misery sharers.
        It was too late for those peasants. Is it too late for us, with their COVID-19 power grab?

  9. In the article on this on Breitbart, they show a photo of protestors carrying multiple British flags. (You can see this on the front page of Breitbart.)
    What irony! They prefer foreign British rule to home Chinese rule. And they are absolutely right.
    The only right Hong Kongers did not have under British rule was the right to vote. But the reason for the right to vote is to insure a beneficial government. And the British bent over backwards in giving Hong Kong civil rights. You can say they didn’t want to upset the system that produced such a cash cow for Britain, and you may be right. Nevertheless, Hong Kong enjoyed freedoms few other countries did.
    Unfortunately, they may find fewer freedoms now under British rule, as some freedoms have disappeared in Britain itself Of course, that is still preferable to Chicom rule, which in all honesty is a very, very low bar.
