Elizabeth Warren makes money from petroleum mineral rights, transfers them to children, then attacks fossil fuels – Life on Hypocrisy Trail isn’t pretty

Unbelievable as it sounds, Elizabeth Warren earned income from petroleum rights for years, transferred those rights to her children, then launched her blistering assault on the petroleum industry. On the long campaign trail ahead, you will be hard pressed to find another example of human behaviour as despicable as this one. Read on…

24 Replies to “Elizabeth Warren makes money from petroleum mineral rights, transfers them to children, then attacks fossil fuels – Life on Hypocrisy Trail isn’t pretty”

  1. Anybody who can type “On the long campaign trail ahead, you will be hard pressed to find another example of human behaviour as despicable as this one” with a straight face has no clue how corrupt, depraved and, yes, despicable the globalist dupes and collaborators who rule most of the western world really are.

    1. I guess you just demonstrated that you can. Hehe.
      Hint: the correct word is “would” not “can”.

  2. Reminds one of the Rockefellers. Became filthy rich on the oil industry. Now working hard to destroy it.
    I hope they all slip on a set of stairs and break their tailbones.

  3. It’s the typical liberal elite game of King-of-the-Castle. I got mine; now I’m going to s@^#* anyone trying to climb up here to join me.

  4. I can’t believe all this racism. Picking on her just because she’s a poor Indian.
    Jeez anyways.

  5. Typical rhetoric from a politician who isn’t invested at all in the issue but needs the votes, and who won’t be impacted by government policy either way. She’s just pandering to her audience.

    Gore and Obama, with their expensive oceanfront properties, aren’t honestly concerned with sea level rise (SCIENCE!), no matter how much they lecture about it. Ditto for Warren.

    1. Gore and Obama, with their expensive oceanfront properties, aren’t honestly concerned with sea level rise (SCIENCE!), no matter how much they lecture about it.

      Ah, but the sea will part when in the vicinity of those properties, much like the Red Sea parted, leaving them dry.

  6. Warren’s speech cadence is that of the slow carefully chosen words of a huckster… She selects the story most likely believed…. Don’t trust her to tell the Truth on anything

  7. Problem is, for every exposed hypocritical, lying sleazebag there is, 5 more follow up to fill the spot, every bit as corrupt and sleazy as the one pushed aside.
    She’s a special one though, as much a pandering POS as there is.
    FREE FREE FREE FREE FREE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. I don’t think I’ll be hard pressed to find a hundred examples of it, actually. 🙂

    1. Yea,…Honestly now..!!

      All 1/1024th of her….

      Just another trough feeding Scumbag Socialist Lying sack of dung indistinguishable from our trough feeding Scumbag Socialist Lying sacks of dung….or any other group planet wide.

  9. What do you expect from someone who faked being an Indian to take advantage of minority quotas?

      1. I am not going to give my email to a commie publication just to read your crummy link.
        But I managed to see the headline, and it is wrong.
        You cannot say claiming native American heritage did not help her, when Harvard Law School proudly listed her as a minority faculty. Why would she do it if it didn’t help?

      2. Sorry. It was available when I saved it. {I keep an anonymous Facebook account for times like that}
        Anyway, here’s a bit that addresses your Harvard trope:
        // CAMBRIDGE — The 60-plus Harvard Law School professors who filed into an auditorium-style room on the first floor of Pound Hall on that February 1993 afternoon had a significant question to answer: Should they offer a job to Elizabeth Warren?
        The atmosphere was a little fraught. Outside the hall, students held a silent vigil to demand the law school add more minorities and women to a faculty dominated by white men.
        The discussion among Harvard professors inside that room is supposed to remain a secret, but it’s still being dissected a quarter of a century later because the resulting vote set Warren on her way to becoming a national figure and a favored target for conservative critics, among them, notably and caustically, President Trump.

        Was Warren on the agenda because, as her critics say, she had decided to self-identify as a Native American woman and Harvard saw a chance to diversify the law faculty? Did she have an unearned edge in a hugely competitive process? Or did she get there based on her own skill, hard work, and sacrifice?
        The question, which has hung over Warren’s public life, has an answer.
        In the most exhaustive review undertaken of Elizabeth Warren’s professional history, the Globe found clear evidence, in documents and interviews, that her claim to Native American ethnicity was never considered by the Harvard Law faculty, which voted resoundingly to hire her, or by those who hired her to four prior positions at other law schools. At every step of her remarkable rise in the legal profession, the people responsible for hiring her saw her as a white woman.
        The Globe examined hundreds of documents … //

        As for why, she had some emotional investment after hearing as a young girl that her mum couldn’t have a normal wedding:
        // The family story, as it emerged over the years, was that opposition from Warren’s father’s family prompted her parents to elope. She told me, “So my parents were very much in love, they wanted to get married, and my father’s mother and father said, ‘No. You cannot marry her, because she is part Cherokee and part Delaware.’ ” //

        It’s ironic that the anti-elite Trumpsters adore a millionaire baby, & mock an Okie who went to school on a debating scholarship, & built a career trying to force governments to enact regulations to save Americans from bankruptcy.

  10. It’s a sobering thought to realize how people like Warren were elected in the past. Thank Goodness for the internet.

  11. At least one poll has her in fourth in Iowa. I think she’s a goner before NV. The one to watch is Klobuchar.
