118 Replies to “I Want A New Country”

  1. “Exploration of admission into the United States of America as the 51st State.”

    I am more than willing to take either or both Alberta and Saskatchewan, either as one or two. The price for admission of either would be California. For two, you would also get Oregon. After all, Speaker Pelosi informs me walls are immoral.

    1. 51st state?
      And have to pay off what is it now 22 trillion federal debt?
      Alberta would be another fly over state, but even colder.
      California may or may not be more socialist than Alberta’s current government, but the Dems there are even more wacko than the Liberals and NDP here! Don’t want to have the piles of poop that can be found in the streets of San Francisco.

      1. Well that depend on the proportion of shallow end of gene pool rejects like you in Saskalberta vs that proportion in ROC.

    2. When governments fear the people, you have liberty. When governments are feared by the people, you have tyranny.

  2. All the options given as being “on the table” should be given equal weight.

    Separation, to stop the bleeding may be the best option to simply leave first, then to decide “what we have” of us. Things could change rapidly for BC, Manitoba, and the Territories and so the door should be open.

      1. I might even campaign for team Turdeau:
        Going door to door saying the carbon tax will be much much higher. A big vehicle tax is coming, and my fav, Quebec is not getting enough equalization money, Albertans will have to cough up more.

  3. Joining the US is probably a non starter. People will not support it if it means losing medicare, and if medicare was kept intact in the new state while joining the US, the finances would be overwhelmed by people moving in solely for the purpose of obtaining healthcare while contributing little to the economy or tax base.

    Also, the US is not confirmed as being in much better shape, they suffer from the same destructive forces, and are only one bad or stolen election short of being lost as well.

    The best option would be for the western provinces to organize a body to represent their interests and begin acting as their own country. The option to join could even be extended to adjacent municipalities to have their interests also represented. If this reached to Thunder Bay we would have access to a great lakes port and via the St Laurence seaway to the Atlantic. It is also probable that while the province of BC may be reluctant to join as a whole, much of the province would abandon Vancouver and Victoria and join with Western Canada.

    I don’t know of many people in MB that wish to be part of a neo-feudal Laurentian Empire with no culture.

    I also wonder what the serious preparations for separation would do to Liberal prospects out east. Would they risk business as usual if they were aware of the consequences?

    1. Hahaha….you are all predicating this on the idea that America would want you and it would be yours for the turning down — at this point, I don’t think we do.
      The rot has fairly well spread throughout the west of Canada at this point, and it would just be another clean up operation.
      The fact that you would be demanding a lot of free things and would vote in lockstep with either the Dems or the Uniparty GOP as they would promise you what you demand — no thank you. We don’t need more of that.

  4. Folks we can keep banging our heads on our cage in the WEST or we can start separation proceedings! I suggest we vote for Andrew Scheer but start serious planning for leaving!!!!

    This should be the last time an Eastern government has ruined the West!

    “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over hoping for a different result” !

      1. Agreed. Scheer is just another Liberal that will temporarily appease the west without really changing anything. He never should have made it to leader.

      2. It’s like you know your vote killing any hope of freedom but eh at least Trudeau isn’t getting in but Sheer has already sold out just like Trudeau they are twins owned by Soros.

        I’m voting for a party that’s willing to try to give me my old country back.

        It’s a vote Max for freedom or the complete opposite a vote for the LibNdpCon’s for totalitarian Federal government Canada Like we have with Trudeau and the libs wrecking everything that they can dismantle with the cherry of disarming us.

        How far can your governments push and deny you sustaining life when the people are finally disarmed…


        Venezuela is a Case Study for What Can Happen to a Disarmed Population
        by JORDAN MICHAELS on DECEMBER 26, 2018


    1. Vote for Scheer because he’s leader of the Conservatives or something.

      Very Compelling.

      I’d rather gag myself with a spoon.

  5. Forget the separation time waster. Call a binding referendum of all Alberta Voters and go for a full UDI. UDI is the Internationally recognized way to go and it immediately goes higher up and bypasses Ottawa and the stacked SCOC. No one else in Canada has any say once it is invoked. Start negotiations from a strong hand. Canada is finished as a country. Alberta used to be a part of the United Colonies of Canada under the British, now it is a Colony of Ottawa. Get out now.

    1. “Call a binding referendum of all Alberta Voters and go for a full UDI. UDI is the Internationally recognized way to go and it immediately goes higher up and bypasses Ottawa and the stacked SCOC. ”
      Sounds great.
      What is UDI?
      Google gives me Urban Development Institute,which makes no sense.
      Watcher,you commit the government speak when you use the acronym without definition.

      Other than that I agree,go straight for throat.
      However a distinct mark of the western Canadian is to have already considered the consequences before acting.
      And dumping the backbreaking load that central Canada has always been,has already been studied to tears.
      The core support for a free Alberta has grown since Pierre the Idiot.

        1. The example of Rhodesia is instructive. Look up how and why it worked, initially, and how and why it went wrong. The surviving Rhodesians ended up living in Zimbabwe, or emigrating. Not to say we shouldn’t do it, just that we had better understand that example and form our expectations and plans accordingly.

          1. The US Declaration of Independence is the best example. Rhodesia did not work because they were in a guerilla war with the Black Commies supported by the British. The British interfered heavily same as they have in South Africa.

  6. Any study of the history of Western Canada quickly leads to the reality that resource revenue flows east, period. There have been challenges to this over the past 120 years but nothing consistent. The latest was the Reform movement of the ’90’s. That effort was sabotaged when the party went to eastern Canada. Many of us wanted Reform to elect provincial governments in the West and organize to the municipal level. All that died.

    There are westerners who know very well the extent of the transfer of wealth from the West to the east. Anyone who thinks it is limited to Equalization are ill informed. The process of establishing Western identity lies with citizens having a clear understanding of the flow of capital within Canada. What money leaves Western Canada versus what is returned. How is the money not returned spent? Understanding how much of eastern Canada is subsidized by the West is essential. 100’s of billions of $’s have been spent in eastern Canada trying to industrialize the country. That process is crumbling infront of our eyes and yet federal governments are not being held to account.

    Western Canada is primarily a resourced based economy. Scarce resources are being extracted for the preferred benefit of eastern Canada. There is no ‘Norway Fund’ that has $100’s of billions in it to affect a transfer to another economy when these resources are inevitably exhausted. The national debt of the nation Canada is primarily benefited eastern Canada. Western provinces have had a history of balanced budgets. The inequity has existed for +100 years. As Canada slides towards that day when the social contract between citizens and the federal government collapses I suspect the unity of this country will quickly dissipate.

  7. Alberta? Did not they elect a communist party? At the present Alberta is further left than California or Quebec and without the economic power.

    1. That is a fluke, nobody voting for them thought they would win, and they were disgusted at the alternatives being infiltrated by commies, and making corrupt deals.

      The west has far less tolerance for corruption than the east.

      1. “…nobody voting for them thought they would win…”
        Need to be better at thinking when the vote is about not just a province, but the sovereign nation. E.g. PM Castreau was elected not because voters thought it was a good idea, but because so many indulged themselves in feelings about it.

    2. Reminder and warning: That was a split conservative vote, so obvious yet the deluded conservatives allowed it.

      I respect Max for his policies, however a split conservative vote in October GUARANTEES a Trudeau win.

      1. Bluetech stick a fork in it.

        When will all you conservatives realize using your Sheer fear doesn’t gain you any ground.

        This election isn’t about Lib Con NDP Green or People’s it’s about taking our country back period away from the corrupt Globalist elites that currently is dismantling our great country and the Globalist wants us to fight against each other whether we’re from different provinces or territories or east vs west the Globalist are winning big time so how we stop the invasion?

        Not with the LibCon Uni Party system that has never worked since they are more or less the same.

        So what vote NDP or greens ahhh hell no.

        What party currently wants to get rid of the UN in Canada and has the leader with the guts to do it.

        You say Sheer and I say please….

        Don’t fool yourself and get out of the the past Political party Paradigm for this is not just an ordinary ho hum federal election this is a fight between Totalitarianisn and Freedom Period and 2019 is our very last chance period.

        I’m sorry but I am voting Mad Max all the way.

        A Sheer Trudeau Light Government completely allows the UN to destroy our Canada Completely.

        That is what a vote for Liberals Conservatives NDP Greens in 2019 will give the death of Canada and every Canadian in it for our Nation will be hulled out completely into the powerful hands of the globalist elites just as Europe is.

  8. If you want to eat an elephant you can, but you have to eat it one bite at a time. Talk of separation is wasting time and playing into Ottawa’s hand. Once you go down that road you end up in the quagmire of consultations going on for years. Legal arguments back and forth etc. Look at Quebec. They will wear you down. And drain your blood.
    First of all quit calling it separation, call it INDEPENDENCE.
    Forget using your energy to try and take all the west with you. That is an idealist pipe dream.
    When you leave home you don’t take all your siblings with you, just cause you love them.
    Alberta has a legislature recognized in Law and by the Fake Crown in Canada.
    Alberta has a Prime Minister/Premier.
    Get Notley out and support the Leader who will promise to call a legal binding referendum on a full UDI.
    The Referendum to be called after suitable counter propaganda against the Ottawa and the bought and paid for Fake News Propagandists working for the Criminals in Ottawa.
    Prepare for a long fight.
    Force the new Premier of Alberta to take the following steps as soon as elected.
    Get the Occupying Federalist Para Military RCMP out of Alberta.
    Start collecting ALL taxes generated in Alberta and remitting only taxes to Ottawa called for under the BNA.
    Refuse to recognize the Fake Unratified Trudeau Constitution.
    Create a made in Alberta Provincial Constitution binding the hands of the Premier in Alberta and Legislature to do the bidding of the Citizens of Alberta.
    Once you secure the authorization by Referendum of the Citizens of Alberta to proceed with a full UDI.
    Use that as a cudgel everyday against Ottawa and all of its policies.
    Use it to end forced Bilingualism in Alberta.
    Use it to end Equalization Taxes in Alberta.
    Use it to force pipelines through BC and Eastern Canada or all rail and road traffic east and west through Alberta will be stopped or pay heavy crossing fees.
    Use it to kick all Federalist programs and overlap out of Alberta and resume your full Sovereign Rights as laid out in the BNA not the Fake Unratified Trudeau Communist Constitution.
    No to the Separation Trap, No to the West wants in of Manning
    No to the creation of a conglomeration of all western provinces. This may well happen and hopefully so. But be realistic.
    One step at a time Alberta. One bite at a time.
    Quit being a servile colony of Ottawa.
    Claim your Independence that is your Birthright.
    Cheers to the Republic of Alberta. Hopefully the Citizen are wise enough to adopt a Swiss model, were the greasy politicians are nobody’s and the people make all important decisions themselves. Throw out the British model and adopt the Swiss model. Anyway my 2 cents. In Liberty and Freedom. Watcher

  9. People keep making the mistake of looking to current political power to lead the way. No system politician is going to lead an independence movement. Scott Moe and soon-to-be Alberta Premier Jason Kenney aren’t going to touch this with a ten foot pole.

    Before there was the PQ…there was the FLQ…just saying.

  10. You know that Scott Moe and the “Saskatchewan” party are going to fight separation, right? Just as hard as Notely will in her second term (they were dumb enough to elect her once, and you can’t fix stupid).

  11. Manitoba wants in with Alberta and Saskatchewan too! Remember we have a tidewater port at Churchill, good for shipping oil and other exports overseas, and bringing imports in.

    1. Blocked by ice in winter and potentially blocked by central Canada any other time. Don’t put that scenario out of mind. Central Canada are vicious snakes when they’ve a mind to be.

      Better build a pipeline to Alaska that through enemy territory in BC, unless you can engineer a deal with the Tribes in BC.

  12. I like the letter “On the Cusp of Buffalo”. I have thought the views expressed by the letter writer for a long time now, and would support verbally and financially any moves to free the west of its enslavement to the Laurentians.

    There are many great comments above.

  13. I like step one because the feds cannot argue against it without imposition of the court.
    The courts cannot dispute it, because to do so would errode the integrity of the court.
    Go for it.

  14. I agree with Watcher. He posted a wall of text, but read it. Alberta will never get any where trying to go from A to Z in one leap. Let’s start taking steps towards Z and reap the benefits as we move towards independence.

    1. I think the first step is to get rid of Nutley. Then;
      1. Hold a referendum on renegotiating equalization. If Albertans vote no then it’s BOHICA time. But a yes vote strengthens the Alberta government for the next series of steps. The Turdeau Liberals and Quebec will not negotiate in good faith.
      2. Opt out of supply management for dairy.
      3. Set up an Alberta Provincial Police force and boot out the RCMP.
      4. Start collecting provincial taxes directly.
      5. Opt out of as many federal programs as possible (just like Quebec has). This will reduce federal income tax to be replaced by increasing the Alberta income tax.

      This is just the start. Don’t want to add any other steps until we see what effect the above has on the relationship with the rest of Canada.

  15. Agree with Watcher. Tread carefully, but start walking the walk.
    Quebec has used their threats to get a better deal within Canada – but for the West I believe that is a trap. If there is a Western desire then there must be a clear-eyed view of independence and a strong determination not to be lured back in any way – and the lures will be strong and comforting to those who are anything less than fully committed.
    As an Ontarian, I do not have the background to say with certainty what the West should do – but I am on the side of liberty and self-determination. I do believe strongly that history is providing a moment where all our connections in North America are on the table for reconsideration. But there will be strong and determined opposition to any plans or ideas. I only hope that whatever emerges, is created without violence.

  16. Let’s run it up the flagpole! Let’s have a competition to design a new flag for those of us interested in charting a new direction for the west. Let’s see how it sells.

    1. I already have mine: it’s red with a Union Jack in the upper left-hand corner and the letters “HBC” diagonally opposite. It’s the flag of Rupert’s Land.

  17. Just keep watching France. Pissed off Frenchmen have destroyed 60% of the speeding cameras already. I suspect that the “60%” number is a government cover for “all of them.”

    The problem governments such as our have is that they always push far beyond the range of people’s tolerance. Currently the Liberals are WAY outside of what’s reasonable, what the average Canadian agrees with. This is because individuals are afraid to spontaneously go burn a speed camera. One average working guy (AWG), he’s not going to do that.

    So the resentments build, and the number of things AWG hates and fears multiplies. His taxes are too high, his government tells him there are 47 sexes and they’re all allowed in his daughter’s change room at school, he’s got speeding tickets coming out his @$$, electricity is ruinously expensive, they dictate what car he will drive, and he can’t afford to put a new roof on his house. Which is too small, because taxes. Now there’s a new drunk driving law apparently written by the Stazi. Its dangerous to even leave the house. Mr. AGW is PISSED. He’s ready to pop.

    What’s missing is a catalyst for group action. In France the last straw was the fuel tax, and those stupid safety vests. Canada is simmering too, waiting for an event, a blunder, even a video on YouTube to start the avalanche.

    Dear Liberals, we warned you. What comes next, whatever it ends up being, is because you’ve been pushing us since McKenzie King was Prime Minister.

    1. The funny thing about those speeding cameras…to the people who pay the fines, it is a tax against the poor…to the people collecting the fines, they are saving lives. The disconnection between the haves and have nots is uncomfortably wide.

      1. “Saving lives” has always been just a cover: they know damn well it’s just another tax to improve the revenue stream. As are most road violations.

  18. Birthright!

    We have lost the meaning and the significance of it!

    Esau sold his birthright for a bowl of red beans because he was “hungry” and didn’t want to make his own dinner. He was out hunting, trying to bring home the “meat” and settled for his younger brother’s offering. Was he too proud or too arrogant?

    Jacob understood the destiny of the “birthright” and deceived his father to receive it. That destiny is forever emblazoned in the name he would receive because of it: Israel. Who doesn’t know that name in all the earth?

    That is the power and force of “birthright”.

    There is significance that is profound in the Territory of Buffalo. What has the “Buffalo Territory” birthright been? Sir Wilfred Laurier divided and conquered the west by breaking the law and the spirit of the BNA Act by creating Alberta and Saskatchewan out of that territory. He looked on a map and used the 4th meridian as a line and that was that. He moved ancient boundary markers, which bring a whole set of dire warnings and consequences which are too long for this platform to explore properly.

    Typical Eastern lawyers making decisions which have profound consequences.

    The nullification of that law which divided the land should be the first order of business, bringing up the legality of how the BNA Act has been broken. Laws matter, but the spirit of the law is what really matters. It has stripped the liberty from our grasp, denying us of that most precious birthright.

    1. Natural gas in Pennsylvania was heavily discounted as there were not enough pipelines to take the gas out of the state. This lasted for some years. I no longer go to that state so I can’t say if that is still the case or not.

  19. Excellent letter from Buffalo.
    I particularly like option 4: “The exploration of a joining together with British Columbia, Manitoba and the 3 Canadian Territories to form an independent nation.”
    Watcher’s comment is spot on.
    As I’ve said so many times before, we can’t expect a revolution by comfortable members of the current system. A lot of people here are projecting very high hopes on Jason Kenney, to undoubtedly be disappointed after he’s in Office for about two years.

    As for joining the USA, right NOW that might be a great idea,but Trump and the Republicans may not win in 2020, so how would we like to be the 51st State in a country lead by Hillary Clinton or Oprah Winfrey, Michelle Obama, Elizabeth Warren, or whatever left wing globalist whore takes over the presidency?

  20. Whatever you do people leave Nunavut out of our new country. Every development project that comes up is voted down. Absolutely useless real estate. And BC, just take Kitimat, Prince George, Prince Rupert, and points North. The rest are communist hordes.

      1. The east Kootenays are already fairly heavily populated by Albertans. The west Kootenays not so much, but have the sense they’re rather fed up with being governed by faceless government bureaucrats from urban Victoria who have no idea of the reality of living in the “hinterlands”. The BC Peace district might also wish to switch.

  21. A Mari usque ad Mare, which translates as “From Sea to Sea.”

    Our new motto when we form independence:

    Libertas ubi vivit, ibi est in domum suam

    “Where Liberty lives, there is my home!”

  22. Any separatist movement will immediately be branded a bunch of racist, white supremacist, homophobic, misogynist, anti-science, extremist, radical, ultra-right wing, fascist, Nazi, hateful, low-intelligent deplorables. (Did I leave any out?)

    The smears by the ruling elite and their media supporters will begin in 3…2…1…

    1. All the name calling has become so reflexive by the left that those terms have lost all meaning and power. I expect to be branded a racist and homophobe by these schmucks just for crossing the street.

  23. I’d like to see separation’s benefits talked about. It’s not just about anger and resentment for central Canada hobbling our industry and using us as a piggybank. It should be about creating a better country. If our ancestors could travel the ocean to build a country, we can build a better country staying right here.

    -Think about having a better government. Smaller, more effecient, more responsive to voters, better constrained, better checks and balances, term limits.
    -An effective senate or none at all.
    -An improved constitution with stronger guarentees for individual rights, property rights, privacy rights. No bilingualism or equalization.
    -A different form and format for the supreme court. Right now it is a progressive rubber stamp facility. Find a way to ensure it’s less ideological. Term limits.
    -A new tax system. Simpler, fairer.
    -A different pension system for all workers and public employees like Saskatchewan’s defined contribution instead of defined benefit.
    -find a way to prevent/limit regulatory expansion by bureacrats.

    That’s just a start. Imagine Canada 2.0. Continue what works and correct what doesn’t. Be bold. Be like the prairie pioneers and settlers.

    1. -foreign aid, the UN, international accords. We’d be released from Canada’s committments so all of these arrangements would only be signed if they benefit the new country.

      A true blank slate.

  24. I have come to the conclusion there will always be a penalty for R.O.C. –Rest of Canada– as long as The –Nation of Quebec — is in a position to determine whether any Political Party is dependent upon a Quebecois Member of Parliament for the Political Party to be deemed the Government of Canada and/or to establish a Majority Government.

    An aside to the above comment is a conversation with a now retired former Foreign Affairs Department–middle management. {}I will continue to use Foreign Affairs; regardless of what the liberals call it{}; anyways this individual advises the longer–longer expectation of Foreign Affairs is there will be a change in Canada’s borders by the end of this century. I believe the unspoken message; couched within the never say anything definite from a Foreign Affairs bureaucrat is the border with the U.S.A. will be elimnated in some manner or other.

    I am not disturbed by such a thought mainly because the fear and belittlement of the American Culture is a propaganda –schtick– by the Captured Central Canada Media. In my –not so humble opinion — as an eighth decade of living in the British Bureaucrat construct and domination of the Dominion of Canada until after W. W. One. I am uninspired by the relative type of treatment for Non-Sovereign Canadian Citizens quasi-british __ Yes Minister & Yes Prime Minister relationship; with the Canadian Members of Parliament.

    There is No Possibility of a Business Man being Elected as The Prime Minister of Canada. Whether you like Donald Trump or not; pleas open your mind to the recognition of the Following; { The War with North Korea is gone away}__ {The China manipulation of Currency Exchange and Dumping of Material into the U.S.A. — has been identified and being corrected} ___ {The Middle-East Oil — Oligarchys of Saudia Arabia — Emirate Gulf State(s) — Bahrain — are now talking directly with Israel} — {Iran is in a desperate financial condition — and Turkey is about to take direct action to prevent Iran becoming the Regional Hegemon} the {reeeaaly Deep Bureaucrat Functionary control of the U.S.A.is now flipping and floundering as they move into total CYA}

    All of this PLUS ___ the Sovereign Ordinary Average American Citizen has become involved with saving the “Great Experiment”. Something the Average Canadian Citizen has probably Nil awareness. In addition please accept my confirmation the Average American Citizen is not only ignorant about Canada; the Average Canadian Citizen is clueless about Denmark__ the only other Country than America– which Canada has a land border.

    One more gasp of this Rant– Americans are the most giving; most caring People on the Earth. Theirs is not the highest per capita economy in the World; but as the Third Largest Population Country in the World almost 100 % of their Citizens are Sheltered and Fed almost every day. Cheers; and let me know if you are brave enough to declare moving to a New Canada -West is an option for the future. Hasta la vista or some such.

  25. In Trudeau, we have a leader that suffers from Dunning Kruger Effect, a cognitive bias in which people of low ability have illusory superiority and mistakenly assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is. In the general population and the media specifically, we have a preference falsification. They publicly convey preferences that differ from what they genuinely want. There are two very good items on Wikipedia describing these two theories. I believe there are a lot more people that think Trudeau is an idiot than the polls present and I also think there is a lot of support for the idea of a different deal for the west that includes the reality of independence.

      1. Trudeau is as far from an intellectual as one could be. He is at best a sciolist. Compare this callow youth with Jordan Peterson, a true intellectual.

        You did get the idiot part right though.

        1. rob83
          Turdeau, and his liberal friends, think he is an intellectual. After all he has a degree in literature!
          Many socialists I’ve met think of themselves as intellectuals.

          I’m sure Turdeau can debate people about literature. But, apart from literature, his critical thinking departs and he becomes an idiot.

          I still maintain, a person can be an intellectual,

          1. Joe:
            Someone, likely a Liberal Butt, is whitewashing Trudeau. He does not have a degree in anything that I can find.
            As always, he’s a mouthy failure.

  26. To be honest, I’m not fond of the name buffalo or a buffalo as a national symbol. It’s a big, dumb herbivore that travels in an unthinking herd.

    Maybe an aboriginal name, that non-aboriginals can pronounce and spell. That is a symbol of a better partnership between aboriginals and non-aboriginals. As for a national symbol – something that represents both the individual and an ability to band together as a community. A tree or a lone wolf and a wolf pack, perhaps. FYI: wolf is mahigan in Cree, a nice name for a country?

      1. A rancher down the road from us at one of our previous addresses had a herd of buffalo (bison). I drove by them everyday to and from work. They aren’t particularly interesting animals. Same vacant look as cows. Kinda boring beasts.

    1. I don’t know.
      Stampede comes to mind.
      We are social beasts,herd beasts at best.
      Our voting patterns show a tendency to stampede back and forth across a familiar field.

    1. Whatever the name of the country, I’d start a petition insisting that the land around the parliament is named Galt’s Gulch. 🙂

  27. Good head post.
    I would love to see the case for Alberta to remain.
    Because I cannot make any convincing case for the status quo.
    What am I missing?
    Canada is too big for central governance, but trade between the provinces is broken, federal regulation has business stymied all across the land and these fools and bandits we call “leaders” snap and bicker over politically correct rubbish.
    Our children are being systematically stripped of their birthrights,that nation we were building,with known borders,developing assets and room for families to grow.
    Where did that go?
    Is it now racist to discuss what we do and how these actions might benefit those who come after us?
    How does degrading those values that built this nation,build a better place for our kids?
    How does population replacement tie in with the structures I built with an aim of passing them on to my family?
    Why would I even bother postphoning gratification,working so hard and planning with care,if I knew this work would be stolen and given to vandals?
    The current federal fad of importing persons who hate us,despise all we stand for and openly plan to replace us is unbelievable.
    Yet it goes on,with the blessing of the media party and the educated beyond all sense crowd.
    So what kind of future does Canada build here?
    And why should Albertans continue to fund this madness?
    What do we have in common with the East?
    By their actions they support the current madness.
    How do we currently benefit from being party to confederation?
    We seem to be caged in an unkept pigpen, as Canada falls apart.
    Do we want to pay the coming bill, to pay the interest on moneys borrowed to provide welfare to provinces who show us nowt but contempt .
    Do Albertans believe in “Investing in Welfare”?
    Just because we believe in fair play and common sense,does not mean anyone else does.
    As the Confederation demonstrates daily.

  28. so those three , newfberta, sakabush, and and BC, socialist shitholes want to leave. Now that’s phunny right there. Go already, and take queerbek with you!!

    I think I need to move to central America were the crooks are honest, and the politician are all crooks

    1. Ever noticed how no one bothers with this idiotic, Jew-hating conspiracy theorist and his garbage comments any more?

      Good for us.


  29. In Canada, and more so in Western Canada, we live in a form of arrested development. With the exception of agriculture and some railway land grants, we essentially halted the conversion of private land and resources from the Crown 160 years ago. This has left us with an increased urban population at the mercy of increasingly dysfunctional political and bureaucratic control over our lives. In the case of resource development, it has made us vulnerable to foreign and domestic activists who need only influence politicians rather than purchase resources for the purpose of idling them from use, costs for which would be prohibitive. First nations were left in a form of socialized apartheid to marinate in resentment for what was de facto conquest but without assimilation and legal finality with the result being endless rent seeking opportunities for the legal profession, SCOC feeding of FN expectations, and resulting in what today amounts to developmental stasis.

    Add to this background a political climate that is essentially a cold war between the dominant institutional left including an increasingly virulent form of green theocracy and the so called right, from which one presupposes the emergence of proponents of western separation or independence. This phenomenon is larger than Canada and is at least as pronounced in the US. Therefore unless the resulting demographic of such a movement yielded a majority in favour of a significantly more libertarian outcome, it would be a futile exercise as would joining with the US for the same reasons. Other than the First and Second amendments which are constantly under attack, liberty in the US is not that much ahead and in some cases worse than that of our deranged dominion.

    The threat of western separation is a useful political tool, just as with the past faux attempts at Quebec separation, it acts as a wake-up call and given that Alberta and Saskatchewan, unlike Quebec, are significant contributors to Canadian prosperity, Eastern voter centres take more notice. A change in federal government will not change any of the underlying issues but at best can forestall some decline which leads me to conclude that politics follows culture and until reason and liberty can be brought back as culturally significant, the road to serfdom is the only one ahead. The rate of arrival is the only thing in question in my humble opinion.

    1. Good post John C
      “The threat of western separation is a useful political tool”
      Yes but where would the use of this tool take us?
      What does confederation have to offer us?
      We generally do not “threaten” unless we are fully prepared to act.
      Now the Quebecers and Central Canadians are different as they are more than happy to threaten even when they are in no position to act.
      As an aside just like their comrades from the Sons of the Desert Pedophile.
      So communication may be difficult with our progressive comrades.
      Same words but totally different concepts.

      Unless a compelling case can be made for the status quo and how “adjusting it” will make life better in the West,I see no need for negotiation,Watcher is right.
      Time to make the preparations and then tell them how it is.

  30. If (and it’s a big if) AB and SK were to leave, or even change their status in confederation somehow, another possibility is the fractioning of BC. The people (including aboriginals) in the interior, have a totally different mindset than the loons in the lower mainland and on the island. Folks in Prince George, and even Prince Rupert, think more like people in SK and AB. In the Thompson/Okanagan–they are a bunch of stoners so who can tell what they are thinking.

    1. One that note, if you exclude the ridings that voted decisively against FPTP in the recent BC referendum, the remainder would likely be on side with Alberta and Saskatchewan. The lower mainland is split while Victoria, Sunshine Coast, and West Kootenay (Nelson), are watermelon concentrations leaving the vast majority of the geographical area more or less no crazier than Alberta.

    2. turtle: BC could be divided in the centre as you said Prince George with a line east and west to the Alberta BC border. The north part has always considered themselves part of AB as they think like Albertan’s. The lower mainland of BC does nothing but make money off the northern industries and do not send their fair share back to them, so they would likely go with AB. The north sort of hates the lower mainland. This was the feeling when I lived there for 12 years. I could see MB considering going with AB also at least the lower part. The North part of Manitoba along with the Indian Reserves more than likely would stay with Ottawa! Ontario around the Great Lakes to Sudbury would like to go with AB. Northern Ont with the Indian reserves would stay with Ottawa and maybe TO. This could happen but it will take a lot of negotiating and take years. What happens to all pensions, OAS, CPP there will be people that will be scared of losing all they have and sooooo many things to think about and negotiate. TIME!!

      1. The southeast doesn’t think highly of the lower mainland either. Back in the day (and this is many years ago), the saying in our part of SE BC was that “Canada stops at the Rockies and BC stops at Hope). That reflected the reality of how both governments were really quick to tax the resource industries in the area but really slow to provide the locals with any benefits from said taxation.

  31. The Terrible Truth About the UN Migration Compact – Stephan Molyneux

    If this critical analysis of the UN Migration Compact, signed/endorsed by the Justin Trudeau Liberal government
    were played on the MSM. The Trudeau Liberal re-election campaign would be toast.

    Justin Trudeau is no more than a few years away from his dream of destroying Canada, as a nation-state.

    Our economy and every institution is weakening, is being corrupted by decades of Cult. Marxist totalitarianism.

    Human Resource managers, indoctrinated by Cult. Marxists at universities, are now infiltrating the private sector: oil/gas, mining, construction, engineering, agriculture. Federal affirmative action, p.c. policies will hit the private sector hard, and it is what funds the public sector.

    Former Premier Brad Wall has predicted that the federal gov’t. will next target agriculture, as it has done to the oil/gas sector.

    I concur. I think, the Trudeau Liberals could wipe out the family farm within a generation.

    If the Trudeau Liberals are re-elected, the opportunity for Alberta and Saskatchewan to vote for Sovereignty Association won’t last long, a year perhaps.

    A united SaskAberta/Buffalo, a beacon of truth, prosperity, of self-government by free sovereign citizens, the original Canadian promise of Confederation; that would be too great a threat to Justin Trudeau Liberal dream of post nation-state totalitarian collectivism.

    When the window closes, the future will be grim: economically, politically, culturally. Opposition to fed. gov’t. policies will be labelled “hate speech”, as is happening in the U.K. and West. Europe. A visit from the police, fines, even jail is being used there to suppress Free Speech Rights. This extended even into social media and for any populist politician who can draw bigger crowds than say even … the little mashed potato.

    1. Yes TPTB are coming after agriculture next. Bet on it!!!

      Mining, forestry, oil & gas, and …. agriculture!

    2. “the Trudeau Liberals could wipe out the family farm within a generation.”

      Economic reality will beat them to it. Family farms is obsolete and farming as we know it will be too.

      1. Chretien, when asked about the loss of suitable land for farming to urban growth, replied that Canada would just become a net importer of food.

        1. There’s nothing wrong with. That being said, the notion that we could ever run out of land due to urban growth is ridiculous.

        2. He also, famously, replied to consumers complaining about the cost of food by suggesting they should by locally, substituting cabbage for lettice. I responded by pointing out that, except during the harvest season, there wasn’t much local in Alberta except beef, beans, bread, and barley. Even our cabbage is imported.

      2. Not if all the farmers and the communities they live in all join as one and starve out the mega cities.

        Flyover Country Has The Power all you need is the will.

    3. “Former Premier Brad Wall has predicted that the federal gov’t. will next target agriculture, as it has done to the oil/gas sector.”

      If Trudeau piles on $50 – $100 dollars of carbon tax that alone will finish off the ag sector, as the added costs in each input would take Canada’s products out of competition in any foreign markets. Just the prospective tax coming this April will hurt farmers big time.

    4. “Human Resource managers, indoctrinated by Cult. Marxists at universities, are now infiltrating the private sector: oil/gas, mining, construction, engineering, agriculture. Federal affirmative action, p.c. policies will hit the private sector hard, and it is what funds the public sector.”

      This is the only comment I’ve seen that touches on the role of education in this issue.

      I suggest that, near the top of the list, as a function on any draft Constitution, the public school system(s) receive careful scrutiny and clear definition in terms of curriculum and faculty.

  32. Buffalo is a bullet dodged. Ugh merged with Saskatchewan? Land of Eternal Socialism? No thanks. Wallow in your own permanent malaise without dragging us down please.

  33. I wonder if there are politicians in Saskatchewan and Alberta right now that might consider being prime minister of a new country instead of a premier of a province. If Trudeau gets another term, I think we’re one charismatic leader away from separation.

    The two provinces should start to move in that direction by gaining control of their share of the CPP, immigration, set up provincial police,etc. Ask for the same fed-prov deals as Quebec.

      1. Sure, why not? But…I think changing the entire political structure and titles might be a daunting task. People tend to find comfort with things they know and understand. Oddly, becoming an independent nation might be easier to sell than completely changing a poltical structure. Especially since Canadian provinces handle all of the big responsibilities like health care, education, roads, welfare, even trade missions. Replacing Ottawa’s federal responsibilities isn’t really as formidable as talking heads tell us it is.

  34. Another term of the whatever the hell comprises the government under the name of Trudeau and we will have a new country, one we won’t recognize and wonder what hit us. That will be assured if Conservatives keep tearing down their leader and toss Max Bernier’s offshoot party their votes. Then there’s the NDP who haven’t got their act together, we know where their disaffected voters will go and it isn’t Conservative.

    Conservatives are their own worst enemies, they want perfection abd that can never happen in the political climate we are in which the media plays a big part in.

    1. The coming collapse of the conservative party of Canada is a benefit to Western Independence.
      A conservative majority will do nothing to change the kleptocracy that is Canada,we are broke,out of ideas and feeding on each other.
      The Scheer party has even fewer ideas than the Harper crew did.
      This futureless chaos is what the “educated” Canadian considers good and normal.
      Whoever “wins” it will be business as usual with respect to looting the west.
      Look at the lumber industry in BC, to see what central Canadian control will do for the prairies.
      Better for the West if Trudeau Two wins,as his very speech alienates rational people.

      1. I have come to the same conclusion. We conservatives are going to split the vote. The conservative party is conservative in name only under Andrew Scheers. I decided to stay true to my values and I will vote for the PPC and support Max. If Canadian believe that Canada is worth salvaging, then they best start stepping up and learn to hold our politicians and bureaucrats accountable. Otherwise, we may indeed see the rise of the Republic of Western Canada.

  35. I’m impressed by the general quality of political discourse here.

    Clearly, we have the brainpower to live free and sovereign, shouldering the responsibility of self-government.

    Do we have the will power? If yes, make it so!

    1. I disagree completely.

      “Ask for the same powers as Quebec” is just one example.

      Canada is selectively choosing which rules to use, and which to not. With existing rules enforced, pipeline would already be built.

      A government that selectively enforces law, can simply be ignored. Kick the RCMP out. Recall all of our citizens (yes, that means desert from the Laurentian militia). Unilaterally declare things like right to carry, right to bear arms. Unilaterally declare that no Canadian law applies any longer. Unilaterally stop sending income tax money, CPP money, EI money; just unilaterally cut the one way cords that enslave.

      The time for negotiations, talking, begging, threatening, were over in 1905.

  36. It is time to just say it; anyone, who uses a phrase such as “I hope it can be done without violence”, is a virtue signalling suck hole. People who virtue signal under any circumstance, are irrelevant in almost all scenarios (unless they are fifth column).

    Blood shed, people being starved and frozen into submission, blockades, sanctions, tariff wars, … is probably the only way forward at this point. Separation means a fight; any who are not willing to fight can be disregarded. But watch them, because they are probably on the other side.

    It is time to choose; will you die on your feet, or will you live on your knees? Canada means living on your knees.

    1. In the U.S. I still say it — because the conditions are different.
      But for you up in Canada — it may be time to start thinking about at least some hard core protesting with a willingness to go to the barricades.
      It would be nice if there was no violence — people tend to forget about those who don’t do well in violent situations: children, the weak, the old…they suffer, and it is not virtue signaling to think about them and their safety. Violence tends to bring out the worst in people; that’s why the left uses it so much imhao.
      If that is making me an irrelevant virtue signaler, so be it — violence should only be acted upon if you see that it is the only way to protect that group…so, I rest my case: the conditions in the U.S. are different (we have been granted a reprieve and I hope we act wisely on it), but Canada is starting to reach the edge (if it has not already). You may have to.
      And, underneath my heavy layer of schadenfreude, I do wish you well.

  37. Rupertsland was sold to Canada against the wishes of the people as was the Arctic watershed. Surely that’s grounds for a split. Now how do we get back northern Ontario and Quebec?

  38. What in the hell is going on? What is that, three conservative Canuck blogs? The country’s going to hell in a handbasket.
