20 Replies to “Meet the New Boss”

    1. ….currently checking portfolio to ensure I am doing exactly the opposite!!
      Not that I needed the tip, but always good to hear encouragement.

  1. Hey Mark, Firms continuing to embrace junk-science and making it a religious pillar in their organizations will be tossed on the bonfires of make-believe history. Generations will mock, ridicule and wag their heads at the ludicrous lies that the gullible embraced and promoted. You will, no doubt, be counted as one of the high priests of one of the largest scams in human history.

    Your scepter and crown will be trampled under foot and ground to a fine powder.

    1. Mark Carney believes rules and sacrifice are only for the hoi polloi, not for elites like himself, Klaus Schwab or Bill Gates.

      As someone with no political experience and believing in things no rational person would, let’s hope the results are the same if not much much worse than for Michael Ignatieff’s campaign run in 2011.

      Let’s hope that the US releases the names of those caught on tape involved in sex with minors, starts criminal proceedings and that you know who as a friend of Ghislaine is one of them. I don’t know if it would make The Donald smile, but it would me. 🙂

  2. It’s certainly true of insurance companies. They are pulling the plug on a lot of Florida because of the effects of climate change. Carney should go into the business of managing that fallout, not politics. Please, pick Freeland unless you can do better.

    1. Citation needed on Florida.
      Meanwhile, I can confirm that insurance companies are pulling their fire insurance out of California.

      …and it ain’t because of climate change!

    2. Unme.
      Oh, you still believe in Global Warming. What a precious you are.
      I bet you still think a kerchief will stop you from getting the flu(aka Covid).
      It’s okay if you’re stupid. Just be sure to tell everyone you meet that you are…..or wear a mask

    3. No one could do better in the inhumane climate movement in destroying prosperity than Carney. He’s a textbook insider and economic giant w enough courage to crush the little guy. He’s perfect for Bananada’s kleptoclass.

  3. Carney is a green fascist. No question about it. He is certifiably nuts.

    “Carney draws inspiration from, among others, Marx, Engels and Lenin, but the agenda he promotes differs from Marxism in two key respects. First, the private sector is not to be expropriated but made a “partner” in reshaping the economy and society. Second, it does not make a promise to make the lives of ordinary people better, but worse. Carney’s Brave New World will be one of severely constrained choice, less flying, less meat, more inconvenience and more poverty: “Assets will be stranded, used gasoline powered cars will be unsaleable, inefficient properties will be unrentable,” he promises.”


  4. It’s freezing cold here in BC. It must be because we’ve paid too much in carbon taxes.

    Carney should run with the slogan “Net Zero Benefits” so that he doesn’t get charged under the Liberals’ misinformation laws.

  5. There is no climate crisis. Canadians who believe that are too stupid to live and I sure do not want them making my life more uncomfortable with their insanity.

    1. Climate change is occurring. The nuclear fusion reactor 93,000,000 miles away up in the sky is entering a periodic phase of reduced energy output. How long it will last and how deep the reduction will be is anyone’s guess. It’s not a crisis but an opportunity to adapt just as humanity has always done. And no, carbon taxes won’t make a difference.

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