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Until this moment I have been forced to listen while media and politicians alike have told me "what Canadians think". In all that time they never once asked.
This is just the voice of an ordinary Canadian yelling back at the radio -
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What They Say About SDA
"Smalldeadanimals doesn't speak for the people of Saskatchewan" - Former Sask Premier Lorne Calvert
"I got so much traffic after your post my web host asked me to buy a larger traffic allowance." - Dr.Ross McKitrick
Holy hell, woman. When you send someone traffic, you send someone TRAFFIC.My hosting provider thought I was being DDoSed. - Sean McCormick
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Wall Street Apes
“DOGE has just gained access to the US Treasury System, this is going to be insane
The previous Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen was bribed by Wall Street, making over $7 MILLION in “speaking fees”
She also openly worked to use US Taxpayer funds to build China’s Economy
Janet Yellen encourages using Federal Funds for “The building of the Chinese Economy”
Who have these people been working for? I think that’s very clear”
Soulless whore:
Now he gets to play a leader and trained anti American seals will clap. F@#$ this country.
Oh and all those of you who thought that you get to keep your guns thanks to regime change… Good luck with that.
Get out of this country you traitor. Cockroaches like you don’t deserve to be Canadian
Is this a parody account or is this dipshit for real?
Many have the same question for you.
I was asking humans not orks.
Trained anti American seals, yep, have you ever watched them clap their flippers in parliament, it is a sight to see.
That’s rich coming from the ghost who crushed the Canadian aerospace industry and helped the US land on the moon. Go fck you’re hat.
Exactly, Buddy! And responsible for creating more life-long Lieberal voters.
Words cannot describe how much that piece of turd makes me fume. I have no words. Only profanity.
I will damn well visit the U.S., or any where I damn well please. No piece of turd is going to tell me where I can or cannot damn well go.
As if to prove my point, I’ve lived in 4 damn well provinces in this country that’s about to sink beneath the waves.
The turd has made living in this country, never mind visiting it, almost unbearable.
Maybe he should sell the $9 million condo in NYC….recall the diplomatic service,
What a maroon!
I can’t “lithen” to the Turd and just watching his acting face makes my bitch slap hand get all tingly.
14 is a significant number for “Car Czar” John Podesta. Scroll down about a quarter of the way.
Same Podesta from the Podesta Group? Pootin’s main lobbyist in US? Just checking.
You know, MMBB, the sources you cite serves as insight to your soul.
Batty Matt’s posted link is run by a crazed black nationalist, a website over-ripe beyond words. And what passes as an “article” (actually an unhinged rant) was published in April, 2016. What gives?
I’m about to throw up. Did dear Saint Greta script this?
The greenie protester digester; works for pedophiles too:
Are you aware your website is making it impossible to use if you utilize a VPN ( Surfshark). I have paused it for five minutes while I type this.
Personally I will not use the internet without a VPN given the degree of government and RCMP tracking and censorship.
I use VPN (ProtonVPN) and this web site works just fine.
We 28 wolves for parliament and capital hills.
Canadian wolves. Doing the jobs American wolves won’t do.
I’m hoping ICE will deport them.
Two neat books about the Yellowstone wolves: The rise of Wolf 8;
The Reign of Wolf 21. Both by Rick McIntyre.
At a time when Canada needs a Wolf 8, we get mangy, cringing coyotes.
I think you got your opinions wrong. The soy boy spends far too many hours preening himself to let the mange take hold.
Oh, it took hold, alright. Rotted his balls right off.
I like coyotes – the ultimate survivor.
Not in wolf country.
According to the story, wolves are remarkably like global warming. They can do anything. Given that they are so beneficial, it’s time we released them in the suburbs.
The bright side is (there’s always a bright side) running for your life with a pack of wolves on your heels will make 15-minute cities into something like 12-minute cities.
The wolf thing sounds like a scripted Disney nature film, all BS. I’m on the edge of unsettled country and have only ever seen two wolves. I shot at one and tried to shoot at the other but it was sunset and I lost sight of it before I could get a shot. So instead of plains, Yellowstone is going to become thick forests and swamps? Is that really how it was? They should have just closed the park for a week each year and had hunters haul out a few thousand elk and bison at precisely no cost.
Who Doesn’t Love a Broken School Bus?
Message from Alberta Premier Danielle Smith regarding tariffs.
“I am disappointed with U.S. President Donald Trump’s decision to place tariffs on all Canadian goods. This decision will harm Canadians and Americans alike, and strain the important relationship and alliance between our two nations. Alberta will do everything in its power to convince the U.S. President and Congress, as well as the American people, to reverse this mutually destructive policy. We note the reduced 10% tariff for Canadian energy which is partially a recognition of the advocacy undertaken by our Government and industry to the U.S. Administration pointing out the substantial wealth created in the U.S. by American companies and tens of thousands of American workers that upgrade and refine approximately $100 billion of Canadian crude into $300 billion of product sold all over the world by those same U.S. companies. It is also worth noting that if oil and gas exports are excluded, the United States actually sells more to Canada than Canada sells to the U.S.. As I’ve stated to every American policymaker I’ve met with these past months, Canada buys more from the U.S. than any country on earth – more than U.K., France, Germany, Italy and Vietnam combined. There is, therefore, no economic justification for tariffs imposed on any Canadian goods. Alberta will continue our diplomatic efforts in the United States to persuade the U.S. President, lawmakers, Administration officials and the American people to lift all tariffs on Canadian goods as soon as possible and to repair our relationship with the United States. I encourage all Premiers and federal officials to do the same, especially as the effects of these tariffs begin to take their toll south of the border. Americans need to understand the detrimental consequences of this policy decision. Alberta will also work collaboratively with our federal government and fellow provinces on a proportionate response to the imposed U.S. tariffs through the strategic use of Canadian import tariffs on U.S. goods that are more easily purchased from Canada and non-U.S. suppliers. This will minimize costs to Canadian consumers while creating maximum impact south of the border. All funds raised from such import tariffs should go directly to benefit the Canadians most harmed by the imposed U.S. tariffs. Alberta will, however, continue to strenuously oppose any effort to ban exports to the U.S. or to tax our own people and businesses on goods leaving Canada for the United States. Such tactics would hurt Canadians far more than Americans. We also continue Alberta’s call for the appointment of a border czar to coordinate the securing of our border against illegal migrants and drugs moving in both directions, and to achieve our nation’s 2% of GDP NATO commitment by 2027. These things should be done for the safety of all Canadians regardless of our trade dispute with the United States Despite the disappointment of today’s decision there is also an incredible opportunity before us as a nation. Canada can and must now come together in an unprecedented effort to preserve the livelihoods and futures of our people and expand our political and trade relationships across the globe. We can no longer afford to be so heavily reliant on one primary customer. We must stop limiting our prosperity and inflicting economic wounds on ourselves. Rather, we must unleash the true economic potential of our country, which possesses more wealth and natural resources than any other nation on earth.
To this end, Alberta calls on the federal government and our fellow provinces to immediately commence a national effort to fast track and build oil and gas pipelines to the east and west coasts of Canada, construct multiple LNG terminals on each coast, increase internal refining capacity, unleash the development of critical minerals, lower taxes, reduce red tape, tear down interprovincial trade barriers and re-empower provinces to develop our unique economies without constant federal interference and imposition of anti-resource development laws. Our province and our nation can overcome the formidable economic challenges ahead. But we can only do so if we start acting like a healthy and functional country that supports every province to export their best resources and products to world markets, thereby achieving their unique potential. By so doing, Canada can become one of the most prosperous and powerful nations on earth. Alberta stands ready to do our part if this true Team Canada approach is taken. “
Alberta stands ready to do our part if this true Team Canada approach is taken.
BAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Barking up a dead dog’s backside, Danielle.
Alberta should not ban exports. It should, however, consider a floor price for oil so we don’t pay the tariff.
Alberta already sells oil at around 10 to 20 dollars per barrel less than the market price. The US then makes three times the price after refinement as opposed to what they paid.
When will we begin talking with BRICS?
^^^ … Asks an ork fifth column.
Why not explore the possibilities of more trade with BRICS? The times, they are a’changing.
Because R and C are enemies and so are many of other lesser members. Because you are an ork and want it for the benefit of orks not people. Don’t you dare extending your filthy paw in my direction. What you offer is always poison.
You sound tense – maybe a small snack will help?
China is an adversary but not an enemy outright. In any event, trade with them is the obvious choice with America going insane.
Not tense, just rejecting your poison. Your shithole will be castrated in due time.
America is not going insane. Situation will normalize soon. Chicoms are the enemy and you have always been their agent of influence, just like DCH is russian.
I know one of the trappers who caught the initial wolf pack they transplated from westcentral Alberta to Yellowstone.
The story the vid tells is basically true. The wolves dealt with a burgeoning out of control elk population that was damaging the landscape. Because of politics and animal rights organizations an elk hunt could not even be considered.
The wolf story of course has a down side. The wolves rapidly expanded. Packs now roam as far as California and west to all ocean States and WY UT and more. They have reeked havoc on local populations of ungulates and livestock and now it is wolves that have to be controlled.
I have been around wolves my entire lifetime. They belong on the landscape but they have to be managed.
“I have been around wolves my entire lifetime. They belong on the landscape but they have to be managed.”
Almost any time mankind gets involved in large-scale game management, the balance of nature goes right out the window. Then we try to fix it. Then it gets worse.
(ask the Australians)
I wish them luck. Wolves are smart, and government is usually not. If they hire professionals and then *stand back* and allow those professionals to do what they have to do, it will work. If they let the eco-zealots have any say, it will not.
Hunting the elk wouldn’t fix the issue. It’s not just numbers but intensity of grazing. Besides the kills, wolves make the elk move around and not just intensively graze one location to death.
UnMe who never held a gun in his hand in his life claims expertise on hunting and other things wild animal. Just STFU and focus on fentanyl, at least there you have credible expertise.
“There is, therefore, no economic justification for tariffs imposed on any Canadian goods. ”
Danielle gets to the heart of this idiocy.
Tariffs are the consequence.
Of failing to address two minor irritants to the USA administration.
Continued failure to address these issues,along with mindless anti American posturing by our Eastern Canadian Politicians.
We coulda had a pipeline or two..We coulda had East West Trade..We coulda had a functional Army,Navy , Airforce..
Instead we have the failing Kleptocracy of Confederated Can Ahh Duh.
Of which Justine is the perfect spokesman.
Seeing Fat Ford and The Federal Liberal Party, rushing to create a crisis of opportunity for their electoral advantage is just too funny.
I believe Eastern Canadians are truly this stupid,therefore the naked opportunism of their politicians is going to work.
Patriotic Progressives…Right.
WEXIT is the only way off this downramp.(Aeroplane in a death spin?)
Can Ahh Duh is determined to crash and burn.
Driven by a bunch of bandits enclaved in “Lower Canada” and enabled by a bunch of fools scattered across the landmass.
A nation must have defined borders,that can be defended.
Or strong alliances with ones neighbours.
What does Can Ahh Duh have?
If our politicians were deliberately out to destroy this nation???
What would they have done differently?
I don’t like McParland that much (but he’s better than most of his colleagues at NP which has really gone downhill) but he gets to the nub here: “Whatever hope U.S. friends and allies had that some semblance remained of the America they have so long counted on as a reliable partner and honourable friend has been thrown open to question. Nor does Washington seem to understand, or care about, the potential ramifications involved in carelessly shattering decades of amicable and highly advantageous relationships.”
I’m proud of being well ahead of the curve, countries around the world should have stopped outsourcing their judgement to the US long ago. The Americans are going to either learn or not learn the hard way the value of what they’ve torched, but either way it will be excruciatingly hard for them.
But since we seem to prioritize “new Canadians” and “irregular migrants” for medical (as well as dental) services (and assistive devices like mobility scooters) at least they don’t have to suffer from this and our great leaders can say they aren’t racist!
Since 2018, Over 75,000 Canadians Died Waiting for Health Care
Do We Need A Final Crusade To Save The Western World?
The World Needs a Modern John Paul II
School aide who dragged autistic teen by genitals at NYC-funded center admits abuse — now faces possible deportation
Media claims of ‘racist’ deportations are bogus — here are the numbers
Critical air safety system NOTAM goes down nationwide — as US reels from 2 plane crashes
CEO of Canada’s 2nd biggest company (Shopify) defends Trump’s tariff demands, slams Trudeau for not stopping trade war
Trump to cut off funding for South Africa, claiming ‘certain classes of people’ are being treated ‘very badly’
Canadian province bans booze from US red states as revenge to Trump tariffs: ‘It’s s—t anyways’
“[…] with products already in stock being pulled from the shelves.”
Yeah, that’ll show them. We’ll just take the loss instead of not ordering any more stock after selling what’s on hand and forgoing all the tax revenue from the sales. Take THAT, Yankees!
You can bet that the pulled stock went out the back door to be sold – cash only – by the managers and employees… with 10% for the Big Guys, of course.
Well, unless all that pulled booze went straight into the ‘elites’ liquor cabinets.
Meet the new DNC Vice Chairman, David Hogg.
China Cuts the Cord: Beijing’s Plan To Disconnect America and Its Allies
Panama Capitulates – Will Not Renew 2017 Deal With China. What’s Next?
Islam in Sweden is going over with a bang!
Sweden is a War Zone