Another Conspiracy Theory Proves to have been True

It was just over one month ago when the Romanian Constitutional Court suddenly canceled their presidential election. There were many rumours about outside interference.

Fast forward, and carefully watch this unhinged rant by EU apparatchik, Thierry Breton. Be sure to pay close attention to the subtitled captions in the last few seconds.

Breton was the same person who threatened Elon Musk about talking publicly with Donald Trump during the U.S. Presidential campaign. Now he’s admitting to the EU blocking the democratic will of the Romanian people?!

13 Replies to “Another Conspiracy Theory Proves to have been True”

  1. So the EU will actually cancel the German election at the end of Feb if the AfD shows like it’ll get a plurality? Wow! I sure would like to see the reaction of the German people if that happens. Things are spiraling out of control in the Fatherland already thanks to Merkel’s legacy.

  2. Like Britain, Europa needs to self-cull itself with a really nasty bloody fckn uncivil war that makes WWII look like a lazy lesbian box-kicking fight.

  3. Henry Makow
    “Kissinger speech to the WHO Council on Eugenics, 2/ 25, 2009:

    ‘Once the herd accepts mandatory vaccinations, it’s game over. They will accept anything ‘for the greater good’. We can genetically modify children and sterilize them —- ‘for the greater good’.

    1. Last time I checked they want a do-over. They shat their depends when the guy who was niche all of sudden exploded in the polls allegedly due to massive support from influencers on Kremlin’s payroll.

      He got to a runner up position that qualifies him for a second stage. The do-over is an idiotic move as the election was to be two round anyway and he was bound to lose the second round. Now people are so pissed off that he might actually win. Either way self defeating.

      Further, no matter what happens in the election will never be seen as legitimate by a huge part of the population. Exactly the result Kremlin was aiming for (same as in US).

      Now they scum sucking orks with no loyalty to civilization (like DCH) are milking it.
