Thread: Top Ten Most Embarrassing Moments at the DNC
34 Replies to “Sad To See You Go, Joe”
Live by the sword, die by the sword
Did Sleepy Joe fall asleep at the podium?
Asking for a friend.
This election race is about to get interesting as Commie-la’s baggage and nitwitisms are laid bare for all to see.
Laid bare by who? The MSM? Not a chance. The low information voters won’t hear a thing about Kameltoe’s baggage and nitwitisms.
He’s a “bitter clinger”, Hillary had to let him go.
Now … if you wanna see a REAL deplorable … Joe’s your guy. Just ask his shower-mate, err his 12yo daughter …
Now listen carefully, children. If Sleepy Joe asks if you want to meet Little Joey, say NO!
As well, they have to make sure to keep him away from sniffing the kids’ bicycle seats.
Jo-ey … Tirebiter …
He’s a spy and a girl delighter
L- Live by knifing in the back, die by knifing in the back, deep state, deep knife!
The knife in the back has always been mightier than the teleprompter.
When you’re done, you’re done. Stick a fork in him.
But let us not forget, this demented old child molester is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES until January, unless they invoke the 25th Amendment and turf him to the old folks home. You’re not going to see that guy on TV between now and then either.
Anyone still thinking of voting DemocRat, you want to take a good, hard look at that. They lied to you that #LetsGoBrandon was up to the job, and now they’re lying to you that #TheCackler is up to it, while at the same time showing that the POTUS controls -nothing-. #StickAForkInHim is in charge of nothing.
Which means the government fell in 2020, my dewds. I would go so far as to say that it does not matter who you vote for in November, dear American friends. #HeelsUp will win by the widest margin in American history.
When #47 President Donald J. Trump is re-elected in 76 days, I expect Joe Biden to ramp up the Presidential Pardons and various other executive acts for the next 80? days. Including Hunter Biden, if not the first day after the election, then 20. January 2025 in the morning sometime.
It’s going to be the hardest working 80x days he’s ever worked.
The United States currently has no President. The government currently holding power was not elected. And so, not having been voted into power, it cannot be voted out of power. And so it will not, no matter how the vote goes.
Biden is nothing more than a corrupt carnival barker. He nauseates me.
Angry old man grabbing the podium and SHOUTING at America for not respecting him … a perfect way to send him off.
And parenthetically… the crowd shots of the DNC!? Ya know how crowd shots at concerts or sporting events always manage to capture images of the most beautiful women? Oh My! The DNC crowd shots make the Adams Family look GOOD. The entire floor is inhabited by freaks, dykes, and fairies … and some women whose faces would make a train take a dirt road.
Kenjii – I watched the speech. My thought process brought to mind ,”This week in really big lies!” From it will be a bloodbath to he told us he will be a dictator. Joe is angry – no joke. (Ha Ha) However they have enough to lock him for 2 lifetimes and he needs their protection. So in a little aside – where are the fact checkers? – No joke and a cackle!
I loved the part where Biden cited … “the fine people outside carrying Palestinian flags” (paraphrased) … hahaha ha ha ha … as he was lying about Trump saying the same thing in Charlottesville
Self awareness isn’t Joe’s strong suit
“… whose faces would make a train take a dirt road.”
LOL – but you didn’t need to sugar-coat it for me.
or scare a maggot off a gut wagon
One of those guys where if I could go back in time I’d hand CornPop a lead pipe. Nothing life threatening mind you…just a little off the top.
I’d normally feel sorry for anyone else but throughout his life Biden’s been nothing more than a hot tempered, amoral, smart assed lying pos who was always in dire need of a righteous clock cleaning but never received one.
Come on ma’aaan … you know Joe’d take you out behind the gymnasium and teach you the same lesson he’d teach Trump. Cause he’s a real tough talker … a downright ANGRY talker!
Well said.
A prediction, if you will – and I hope it proves to be as crazy as it sounds…
The unhinged Left will stop at nothing to steal this election – as they did the last one. And if the Common Man + the Courts manage to chuck a pipewrench into their gearbox so they can’t pull that off, I predict that the Dem’s will invoke the 25th Amendment and unseat Sleepy Joe before “The Day” – just so they can elevate Commie-la into the Seat for just long enough to proclaim The FIRST Woman President of America!!! (wild applause, please…)
– And she’ll govern Well and Wisely, guided and controlled by Obie the Vindictive Narcissist. And who knows, maybe Trump can score himself a couple more impeachments, maybe even one before he takes office! I mean, really – he was impeached when he was President, and impeached AFTER he was President – so why not collect the whole set, and be impeached BEFORE he’s President?
/sarc – I really need to start liking popcorn……
This thread starts stupid and goes downhill from there.
And Dizzy is the cherry on top!
At least you named yourself accurately.
Expect all in anger, Clinton style, Obama’s sanitized socialism and Kamala’s blame games, her inert until January.
Trump must “lose” by any means to save Democrat power and, “our democracy,” which of course is their regal rule.
How they expect voters to buy this collectivist carpetbagging intrigues me, because they intend that very thing.
Armed with the Biden war chest, with succinctly silent Kamala dodging media and debates, they will inform voters that they’re completely wrong, it was Trump who opened the border, who caused inflation and war, with sympathetic and sycophantic Demmedia in tow, happy with their sounds of silence.
You can also count on the big steal, with rogue radical election interferer Marc Elias now in the fascist fold.
And finally, when, imho, Trump wins and the GOP takes both Houses, months of riots, litigation and subterfuge.
IOW everything they accuse Trump of; partisan projection platform, Kamala told to STFU on policies and issues.
I saw excerpts of AOC’s speech. She ranted on about how Kamunist was going to help seniors who had to go back to work because they could no longer afford to live on their retirement savings and SS, lower wage workers etc. She got ovations from all the idiots who couldn’t comprehend that Joe and the Kamunist caused all these people to be in these circumstances.
Illiterate, innumerate, nation-destroying Democrats. The only thing commendable about the DNC is that they are performing vasectomies on their own kind. That is a bit Darwinian.
He’s had this humiliation coming for at least 20 years. Glad to see it finally happen.
The way he covered for the neophyte Obama in 2008 only to have Obama repay the favor with a knife in the back and worldwide humiliation. Whatever guides these people’s souls I don’t want to know about it.
Patrick, you are woefully misjudging them if you think any of em even have a soul!
The way things are going I expect kameltow to win with at least four hundred million votes….more, than Trump’s meagre number of supporters and voters s/
The old dope’s on vacation again, so hopefully we can hold WWIII off until after January, although Biden may well consider it his most appropriate legacy.
“……so hopefully we can hold WWIII off until after January”
That’s allot of hope.
“The work and prayers
of centuries have brought us to this day
What shall be our legacy?
What will our children say?…
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you.”
They made sure they kept ol’ Joe up past his bedtime. They know he’s seething.
3 weeks ago when the rumors started swirling about his inabilities he said he wouldn’t leave unless, ” Almighty God himself, ” told him to. He musta got the visit because a few days later he took the high jump.
There were probably a few very uncomfortable Dems hoping Joe stayed on script. He got knifed and he knows it.
Live by the sword, die by the sword
Did Sleepy Joe fall asleep at the podium?
Asking for a friend.
This election race is about to get interesting as Commie-la’s baggage and nitwitisms are laid bare for all to see.
Laid bare by who? The MSM? Not a chance. The low information voters won’t hear a thing about Kameltoe’s baggage and nitwitisms.
He’s a “bitter clinger”, Hillary had to let him go.
Now … if you wanna see a REAL deplorable … Joe’s your guy. Just ask his shower-mate, err his 12yo daughter …
Now listen carefully, children. If Sleepy Joe asks if you want to meet Little Joey, say NO!
As well, they have to make sure to keep him away from sniffing the kids’ bicycle seats.
Jo-ey … Tirebiter …
He’s a spy and a girl delighter
L- Live by knifing in the back, die by knifing in the back, deep state, deep knife!
The knife in the back has always been mightier than the teleprompter.
When you’re done, you’re done. Stick a fork in him.
But let us not forget, this demented old child molester is PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES until January, unless they invoke the 25th Amendment and turf him to the old folks home. You’re not going to see that guy on TV between now and then either.
Anyone still thinking of voting DemocRat, you want to take a good, hard look at that. They lied to you that #LetsGoBrandon was up to the job, and now they’re lying to you that #TheCackler is up to it, while at the same time showing that the POTUS controls -nothing-. #StickAForkInHim is in charge of nothing.
Which means the government fell in 2020, my dewds. I would go so far as to say that it does not matter who you vote for in November, dear American friends. #HeelsUp will win by the widest margin in American history.
When #47 President Donald J. Trump is re-elected in 76 days, I expect Joe Biden to ramp up the Presidential Pardons and various other executive acts for the next 80? days. Including Hunter Biden, if not the first day after the election, then 20. January 2025 in the morning sometime.
It’s going to be the hardest working 80x days he’s ever worked.
The United States currently has no President. The government currently holding power was not elected. And so, not having been voted into power, it cannot be voted out of power. And so it will not, no matter how the vote goes.
Biden is nothing more than a corrupt carnival barker. He nauseates me.
Angry old man grabbing the podium and SHOUTING at America for not respecting him … a perfect way to send him off.
And parenthetically… the crowd shots of the DNC!? Ya know how crowd shots at concerts or sporting events always manage to capture images of the most beautiful women? Oh My! The DNC crowd shots make the Adams Family look GOOD. The entire floor is inhabited by freaks, dykes, and fairies … and some women whose faces would make a train take a dirt road.
Kenjii – I watched the speech. My thought process brought to mind ,”This week in really big lies!” From it will be a bloodbath to he told us he will be a dictator. Joe is angry – no joke. (Ha Ha) However they have enough to lock him for 2 lifetimes and he needs their protection. So in a little aside – where are the fact checkers? – No joke and a cackle!
I loved the part where Biden cited … “the fine people outside carrying Palestinian flags” (paraphrased) … hahaha ha ha ha … as he was lying about Trump saying the same thing in Charlottesville
Self awareness isn’t Joe’s strong suit
“… whose faces would make a train take a dirt road.”
LOL – but you didn’t need to sugar-coat it for me.
or scare a maggot off a gut wagon
One of those guys where if I could go back in time I’d hand CornPop a lead pipe. Nothing life threatening mind you…just a little off the top.
I’d normally feel sorry for anyone else but throughout his life Biden’s been nothing more than a hot tempered, amoral, smart assed lying pos who was always in dire need of a righteous clock cleaning but never received one.
Come on ma’aaan … you know Joe’d take you out behind the gymnasium and teach you the same lesson he’d teach Trump. Cause he’s a real tough talker … a downright ANGRY talker!
Well said.
A prediction, if you will – and I hope it proves to be as crazy as it sounds…
The unhinged Left will stop at nothing to steal this election – as they did the last one. And if the Common Man + the Courts manage to chuck a pipewrench into their gearbox so they can’t pull that off, I predict that the Dem’s will invoke the 25th Amendment and unseat Sleepy Joe before “The Day” – just so they can elevate Commie-la into the Seat for just long enough to proclaim The FIRST Woman President of America!!! (wild applause, please…)
– And she’ll govern Well and Wisely, guided and controlled by Obie the Vindictive Narcissist. And who knows, maybe Trump can score himself a couple more impeachments, maybe even one before he takes office! I mean, really – he was impeached when he was President, and impeached AFTER he was President – so why not collect the whole set, and be impeached BEFORE he’s President?
/sarc – I really need to start liking popcorn……
This thread starts stupid and goes downhill from there.
And Dizzy is the cherry on top!
At least you named yourself accurately.
Expect all in anger, Clinton style, Obama’s sanitized socialism and Kamala’s blame games, her inert until January.
Trump must “lose” by any means to save Democrat power and, “our democracy,” which of course is their regal rule.
How they expect voters to buy this collectivist carpetbagging intrigues me, because they intend that very thing.
Armed with the Biden war chest, with succinctly silent Kamala dodging media and debates, they will inform voters that they’re completely wrong, it was Trump who opened the border, who caused inflation and war, with sympathetic and sycophantic Demmedia in tow, happy with their sounds of silence.
You can also count on the big steal, with rogue radical election interferer Marc Elias now in the fascist fold.
And finally, when, imho, Trump wins and the GOP takes both Houses, months of riots, litigation and subterfuge.
IOW everything they accuse Trump of; partisan projection platform, Kamala told to STFU on policies and issues.
I saw excerpts of AOC’s speech. She ranted on about how Kamunist was going to help seniors who had to go back to work because they could no longer afford to live on their retirement savings and SS, lower wage workers etc. She got ovations from all the idiots who couldn’t comprehend that Joe and the Kamunist caused all these people to be in these circumstances.
Illiterate, innumerate, nation-destroying Democrats. The only thing commendable about the DNC is that they are performing vasectomies on their own kind. That is a bit Darwinian.
He’s had this humiliation coming for at least 20 years. Glad to see it finally happen.
The way he covered for the neophyte Obama in 2008 only to have Obama repay the favor with a knife in the back and worldwide humiliation. Whatever guides these people’s souls I don’t want to know about it.
Patrick, you are woefully misjudging them if you think any of em even have a soul!
The way things are going I expect kameltow to win with at least four hundred million votes….more, than Trump’s meagre number of supporters and voters s/
The old dope’s on vacation again, so hopefully we can hold WWIII off until after January, although Biden may well consider it his most appropriate legacy.
“……so hopefully we can hold WWIII off until after January”
That’s allot of hope.
“The work and prayers
of centuries have brought us to this day
What shall be our legacy?
What will our children say?…
Let me know in my heart
When my days are through
I gave my best to you.”
They made sure they kept ol’ Joe up past his bedtime. They know he’s seething.
3 weeks ago when the rumors started swirling about his inabilities he said he wouldn’t leave unless, ” Almighty God himself, ” told him to. He musta got the visit because a few days later he took the high jump.
There were probably a few very uncomfortable Dems hoping Joe stayed on script. He got knifed and he knows it.