End Of Oil

Financial Post;

Suncor reported record upstream production of 835,000 barrels per day during the quarter, including all-time high oilsands production of 785,000 barrels per day.

The company says it achieved record refined product sales of 581,000 barrels per day, and saw its highest-ever first quarter refining throughput at 455,000 barrels per day with 98 per cent overall refinery utilization.

25 Replies to “End Of Oil”

  1. Just think, if Biden hadn’t shut down Keystone XL, he could have put genuine sanctions on Russia instead of the pretend ones where everybody winks and uses Russian oil anyway, including the US military.

    Of course this might have angered the Europeans anymore, who are now paying double for natural gas what they payed before “putting the screws to Putin” by blowing up Nordstream, because it would have become even more obvious that the European economy was as much a target of those 12 CIA bases we put on the Russian border to provoke this war as Russia’s.

    1. U.S. goods exports to the European Union in 2022 were $350.8 billion. The European economy was a target of the CIA? For what possible purpose?

      1. The same purpose that has dictated US foreign policy since the end of WWII. To prevent the rise of any possible rival to the US. What has Russia ever done to the US? Its crime is to exist as a possible rival. Same with China? What is China’s crime? Economic rivalry. What was Libya’s crime that cause the “defensive alliance,” NATO, to overthrow its leader and leave it a ruin? It was getting its act together, and threatening to become a leader in Africa.

        Once you understand this, you will understand why the US is constantly at war. Here is an example of the logic anybody can understand. This time of year you might see a queen hornet flying around on your property. It’s harmless, of course, but the logical thing to do is kill it while it is weak, and not wait until it has built a nest and by August, it is a real problem with hundreds of stinging hornets ready to attack you because you opened the door to your shed, or something. Putin’s crime has been to get Russia back on its feet, China’s crime is that its economy is larger than that of the United States, and if you don’t think that a European economy, with an economic alliance with Russia’s vast resources would be a threat to US dominance, you haven’t read much history, or have not understood what you did read.

        Europe consists of vassal states to the US, and they cannot be allowed to become strong enough that they might start thinking about acting independently.

        Remember when Trudeau just sucked it up when the US, in violation of its treaty obligations to Canada, just shut down Keystone? That’s called being a vassal.

        1. I think another term other than ‘vassal’ is used when ‘Juthtin’ and ‘sucked up’ are found in the same sentence.

    1. Suncor is pumping lots of oil? Why would anyone think it’s a bad thing? Besides Greta and her followers?

      Unless some readers believe that oil is better to be made into products than just burned in your vehicle.

  2. But, but, but … wouldn’t it be “nice” if we just ended oil? Ohhhhhhhhh mommmmaaaaa … the skies would clear and the birds would sing songs again. Because we’ve KILLED all those things with poisonous co2. There would be no more cancer too! But we’d have to also eat bugs not meat … to make that happen

  3. I fully support ongoing clean-up operations in northern Alberta, bravo to Suncor for their efforts.

    Perhaps in a few hundred years when this clean-up is complete, Suncor will get the recognition they so rightfully deserve, and the buffalo herds can return again to the Athabasca basin region.

    1. Suncor has been cleaning up the environment since 1977 when it started operations. They actually leave it in a better state than when they started work on the oil sands. But it takes anywhere between 20-30 years for trees to grow so the results are not immediate.

  4. Suncor’s figures must be a source of regret and embarrassment for progressive Canadians who believe that we need to atone for such prosperity and pursue imaginary and unreliable sources of energy, abandoning high density sources. The image of Canada having the third largest reserves of petroleum on the planet and having the temerity to develop it makes it uncomfortable for our elites to circulate in western international circles of like minded plutocrats. Fortunately for the rest of the planet’s prospects for prosperity, the west is being ignored and the pursuit for and adoption of hydrocarbons is at record levels. The Sierra Club may control the White House and the LPC/NDP Bolsheviks, but high density energy adoption remains the key to prosperity everywhere.

  5. Justatwit tried to shut down the sands, saving them for his China pals for a few decades in the future, but, has ultimately failed. Yet, at the expense of well paid Middow Clath Canadian jobs and families. Oh well, he can relax in his Caribbean retreats with his BF when he has finished his destruction.

  6. Oil is not going anywhere anytime soon, like for generations.
    Oil is over $2 Trillion a year business eclipsing the 10 biggest metal markets by a mile.
    Gas should be 25c a litre in Canada.
    When smarter heads prevail as they eventually do, wind and solar will be outlawed for the ecological disasters they are. Millions of acres of virgin land/habitat destroyed running power lines of precious copper displacing millions of wildlife. Million of birds and bats killed every year. Yes a disaster and the irony is they don’t work.
    Grifting greeners, follow the money, they could care less about the environment.

  7. As I’ve commented somewhere, not sure where, I agree with the above comments regarding cleanup by Suncor. I’ve not seen it, but read the government data regarding oil in lakes, nearer and further.
    To my understanding, Saskatchewan has greater oil sands reserves than Alberta and as yet untapped. Let those Peak Oil nutters cry over that.

  8. Profits: ✅
    Good paying jobs: ✅
    Environmental cleanup: ✅
    Mucho taxes paid: ✅
    Possibly the most virtuous (harmless) oil on the planet: ✅

  9. There will always be oil – its just a matter of who will control it and have access to it.

  10. This Liberal government has been so unfriendly to businesses in Canada. I am happy about the ones who stayed, made $$ and pay dividends to investors.
