23 Replies to ““The Great Replacement has started””

  1. Great speech, and only too true.
    Our imbecile nepo-baby WEFexcrement “leaders” in Ottawa are doing the exact same thing as Brussels, with the same end goals here.
    Diversity means our downfall from a well functioning rational and reasonable classical liberal democracy, to where we are today a failed divisive kakistocracy, and on our way to become a bankrupt fundamentalist strife torn hellhole.

    1. This Shit is 100% on PURPOSE.

      The GOAL is to Eradicate those who built the Greatest Civilization known to date.
      “Those” would be us EuroCentrics.
      Once eradicated, what’s left.??
      Africans – Middle Easterners – Asians, with the great majority being Islamics.

      And ISLAM WILL most certainly be the the “power” that keeps the entire remaining population UNDER KONTROL. Only way out is a fall from a 50 story bldg or in a pine box after stoning.

      Seems to me that not 1 Western Govt is doing ANYTHING about these student “protests” re Israel.. These “attacks” are Coordinated and tacitly approved (possibly financed), by said Western Govts.

      It is time to lock n load.

  2. When done to the Western World, it’s called “diversity”, when the Western World does it anywhere else it’s called “colonialism.”

    1. Hey Magi,
      Is that what your marxist sociology indoctrinator told you is the root of all evil, when you stumbled your way through to your victimology degree?
      I’ll have a Venti please, and leave room for cream.

  3. Good speech,now where is the followup?

    Europe needs a good cleansing and the only way to that is via a war, as it has always been.

    Same can be said for Canada and the USA, but the ability to wage war on our enemies has been educated right out of us. And I don’t mean enemies conveniently “over there” but right here in our midst and now.

    I don’t see any way out of this mess. Glad I’m old.

    1. Any Revolution, will start in the US.

      The US has at a minimum, 80-100 thousand folks that have NEVER forgotten how to Lock N Load – EVERY one of them Combat Experienced. Compared to Canada which might have 100thou. if that.

      Should that occur, One would hope that after a Washington cleansing, they might turn North and cleanse Ottawa.
      And I use the the Word CLEANSE on purpose – with NAZI’s out n about, its fitting

  4. Bravo Eva! You didn’t stutter. You didn’t mince words. You spoke the unvarnished TRUTH. And when she concludes that we must put on the armor of God … you know she is speaking of our Christian faith and heritage. Yes, my friends … the Marxist overlords are fixated on replacing Christianity as much as White folk. Yet I see NOTHING of a fighting spirit from my Christian brethren. Nope, they are bending the knee to every manner of perversity, and turning our churches into art museums for hoisting the rainbow flag. My fellow Christians have embraced diversity … and literally welcomed their own death. And certainly the death of their culture.

    Sorry … but I don’t expect much of a fight … just more whimpering and apologizing for “taking the lands of others” … which is utter rubbish. Self Hate by those obsessed with self love (if you know what I mean?).

      1. Christians used to fight, but the west was infiltrated by the likes of Roosevelt and Trudeau, Marxist to the core. Marxism requires destruction of the family and religion, the state must become the center of all, as all governments are spectacularly incompetent, and so can’t handle the competition.
        Don’t look to Europe they have given up and given in. Canada? Enough said. the USA is the only hope, there are still many with traditional values, and unlike the rest are armed.

  5. I’m going to double-down on what I said earlier when I saw this speech for the first time, which was that yes, it was a great speech, but it’s a speech that will justify in the progressive mind that conservatives are truly what they say we are… racist; unfortunately.

    There are two visions at work here. Ours, which is to preserve our culture and maintain public safety, and theirs, which is multi-culturalism, bordering on Marxism.

    This can only end one way, and that is one side vanquishing the other. Our side are the underdogs.

    1. Re multiculturalism- the reason that there are cultures that we must apparently bow to – is because they never practiced multiculturalism. As such they have strong cultural identities.

  6. The saddest part is the speech is nothing new.
    Mark Stein, Laura Southern (who’s been hitting it out of the park lately)…..etc. Have all be warning us for ages!
    And here we are, the only difference in my case listening to her speech, is that today it’s given by someone that resembles your 30 year old children .
    That is one hell of a warning and probably the final one that will truly matter to this 59 year old man.
    Because we aren’t getting a second chance with this particular blunder.
    But as it goes you curse, shake your head, tell your friends and coworkers like you have done for years what could be coming ……. and it isn’t the “sky is falling” no, it’s always been ” the sky could fall” and by the Jesus it is.

    1. Agreed. And even without the warnings of these modern-day prophets, anyone with an ounce of curiosity and a gram of awareness has witnessed the plot unfolding before their eyes for the last three or four decades.

    2. I feel raje now when I see what these evil people have done to Mark Steyn, Julian Assange, President Trump. I have to spell rong so bots don’t flag my comment. FFS.

  7. “Rivers of Blood”
    Enoch Powell

    What Israel is doing to Gaza right now are those cities futures.

  8. Watching the video I noticed a panel repeating the title. When I clicked on it I got a little blurb:
    // The Great Replacement […] is a white nationalist far-right conspiracy theory espoused by french author Renaud Camus //

    & “why am I seeing this”?
    // When you search or watch videos related to topics prone to misinformation, such as the moon landing, you may see an information panel at the top of your search results or under a video you’re watching.
    Information panels show basic background info, sourced from independent, third-party partners, to give more context on a topic. If you want to learn more, the panels also link to the third-party partner’s website. //

    Google’s AI at work?
