19 Replies to “Your Moral And Intellectual Superiors”

  1. In the now accelerating decline into fascism, its always interesting to see the naked defense of show trial authoritarianism by the corporate media lap dogs of the state. In the US, it’s the weaponized lawfare Trump trials. In Canada it’s Tamara’s trial, and in the UK, it’s Tommy Robinson or anyone else who dares venture a public critical thought directed at state-sanctified criminals and or Jihadis.

  2. That could have been Rosie Barton, except that Tommy would have been 5 feet further back to accommodate her girth. Yes I am fat shaming you, sow.

  3. Heh…she was performing for the approval of the other “journalists” there and didn’t expect the target to hit back. It’s a good microcosm of the media industry these days. Most of them really are socially inept and just plain dumb.

    1. She’s ticked because she knows that her “job” is almost extinct thanks to places like SDA and RebelNews.

      Send her packing, Tommy.

    1. And waaaaaay below an octopus on the intelligence scale. More like Jellyfish. They just mindlessly float with the prevailing current and sting stuff.
