Climate Change- Old White Women Hit Hardest

Reuters- Swiss women win landmark climate case at Europe top human rights court

The Swiss women, known as KlimaSeniorinnen and aged over 64, said their government’s climate inaction put them at risk of dying during heatwaves. They argued their age and gender made them particularly vulnerable to such climate change impacts.

The verdict in the Swiss case, which cannot be appealed, will have international ripple effects, most directly by establishing a binding legal precedent for all 46 countries that are signatories to the European Convention on Human Rights.

Update: Judith Curry responds.

41 Replies to “Climate Change- Old White Women Hit Hardest”

  1. Yeah a little country of 8 million is going to change the world’s climate. I guess they could offer MAID to those over age 64.

    1. Good luck telling China it’s a human right they stop using fossils and concrete.

      The leftists are freaking insane, we need to end the internationalist structures that undermine our independence with neo-Marxist ‘court decisions’.

  2. When I leave my house, whether it is 30 degrees C or minus 40 degrees C, I do just fine. Being ethnic German I am flexible, apparently unlike the Swiss princesses who should immediately commit suicide to save themselves from the nasty world.

    1. As Mother Superior so beautifully sang to Novice Maria … BUCK-up! BUCK-the-FECK-up!! Don’t be such a pussy!

    2. lol never saw that flic until the lockdown
      follks in this town putting on the play in the very same movie theater that showed the movie about 2 years straight when it came out. nuthin but.

      1. Whoa! How young are you!? I’ve seen The Sound Of Music about 50x since it came out … it is simply BRILLIANT at multiple levels.

  3. You have to know that somewhere in Canada a purple haired 68 year old with 10 feral cats is stroking her chin thinking… “That’s interesting”.

    1. In Canada, she’d be stroking something alright, while ogling a picture of la belle Joostaihn.

  4. This is truly excellent.
    Hopefully ALL 46 FILTHY MARXIST Countries go broke.
    islam is going to own them anyway in less than 20 years.
    They deserve all of this. We cheer and laugh ha ha at you failed states gaslighting your citizens.

    We are Next

  5. This idiocy boggles the mind.
    With the mental gymnastics needed to think we mere humans can control the climate, or really have much of any effect on it is stupid. Along the same lines of that mentally incapacitated thinking, why doesn’t the Swiss government simply install a climate control switch?

    Then, when it gets too warm they can just turn it off, and back on again when it gets too cold!

  6. “…which cannot be appealed…” – so if they give out a bad ruling, such as this one, there is no way to reverse it?

  7. It’s very disappointing to see that supposedly knowledgeable institutions are completely sold on the climate hoax.

  8. Is there a human right not to be randomly and violently attacked by fake refugee rage-monkeys? Maybe try that first.

  9. If you’re basically stupid and have nothing useful to offer to society, become a lawyer. If you’re really stupid, you might even make judge.

  10. So now there’s a human right to government (i.e. all your other fellow citizens) subsidized air conditioning. Who’d a thunk?

  11. Well, now. I have a question. On January 13, 2023, Switzerland had temperatures of about -30 F. Personally, I find cold temperatures such as that much more dangerous than “hot” days. So, can we file suit against the Swiss Government for doing too much to combat “global warming” hence leading to a cold and dangerous situation that not only effected wrinkled old Europeans, but everyone within Switzerland equally?

  12. My elderly parents keep their thermostat at 80 degrees Fahrenheit all winter long.

  13. The main problem I see is that normally there is 2 sides to a case? I doubt any euro government would actually argue against the suit. If the same thing happens in the US or Canada, it might at least depend on who’s in charge at the time. Maybe they should put the old ladies on the next flight to Beijing, they can sue Xi Ping and see how that goes.

  14. Can we have a global moratorium on Human Rights commissions? They are at the root of most vexatious and baseless court actions that drive up legal costs and delay timely justice to other, more deserving cases.

    1. My prediction is that most of these organisations, including the UN, will cease to exist within the next ten years. Maybe it’s just my fantasy.

  15. Why not? The absurd notion of positive rights is now main stream. If you have a “right” to housing, education, “decent” wage, health care, why not a “cool climate”.

  16. 29 C in Bavaria yesterday, Adolf and Eva would have been in such a better mood if this were 1939, make love not war. Wrote a song,

    Old white women you’re hot,

    Old white women you’re not

    gonna live very long

    when the heat gets strong

    in the Alps, so party

    hearty. (Ri-cola)

    Party hearty (Ri-cola)

    pass the Toblerone.

  17. There’s a significant net mortality from cold – the world getting warmer would, on balance, result in fewer deaths from temperature.

    So we should sue these women for preventing the world from becoming safer.

  18. Those clowns in our Supreme Court would undoubtedly rule in the same manner while being cheered on by the freaks in Ottawa and of course the whore media . They are a cabal of globalists cut from the same cloth .

  19. Supreme Court in Canada already showed they’re with the eco-nazis:

    Decision of Supreme Court of Canada addressing 38663-38781-39116

    Mar 25, 2021: “Climate change is real. It is caused by greenhouse gas emissions resulting from human activities, and it poses a grave threat to humanity’s future. The only way to address the threat of climate change is to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.”

  20. Like I’ve said before, we’re living in a modern dark ages. Even the thinking is the same.
    Change witches to climate change , and you’ve got it.

  21. I wonder when European women are going to band together and bring a suit against the governments who flooded the continent with Muslim invaders who regard the women as nothing better than spoils of war and have put their lives at risk with their insane immigration policies.
