21 Replies to “When The Coffee Addiction Gets Out of Hand”

  1. That guy knows his stuff, and he’s done some neat tests, including this review.
    A million $CAD for a coffee machine.

  2. I have a slow brewing Braun from 1980 which I bought from Zellers back in the day because it came with a Braun clock, and a quick brewing Melitta branded unit which I like a bit more, ($20 clear out at Superstore!) and a couple of Bodum French presses, as well as the very slow but cool as all get out Bodum vacuum / siphon coffee maker (the one with the electric base not the actual flame version, not that I’m afraid of fire, I actually enjoy fire and have done a fair amount of acetylene torch copper sweating as I’m a plumber/gasfitter) and a very fast brewing Moccamaster Technivorm like this guy here…

    Starting over, I’d have bought the Moccamaster with a glass carafe instead of the stainless vacuum… and in red or yellow …

    A Bodum coffee grinder, and 2 Braun coffee grinders (one now dedicated to only grinding spices or flax seeds)
    99% of the time I drink a mix of Melitta hazelnut and French press… which may seem ridiculous to drink something so pedestrian but I’ve spent the bucks on speciality coffees from speciality shops and haven’t been able to beat the Melitta branded coffees for consistency and just being very very good.

    I like espresso, but never make it for me.

    1. I just use dark roast Maxwell House or Folgers in a moka pot.

      Now, if I was considerably more wealthy, I’d have something a little fancier.

  3. Ok, $20,000. Now, what do you think the mark-up is on that thing? It certainly doesn’t cost anywhere near that to manufacture. I don’t care if it makes the absolute best espresso ever made. It’s a status symbol. A piece of vanity.

    Call me simple. But, something like this is a byproduct and a failure of today’s world. I can look the other way for a sliver of vanity above the basis of quality. But, this is pure vanity and its demographic consumer would seem to be a shallow, self-important, showman hungry for fawning self approval.

    1. You like to pass judgement on people for their taste in objets d’art.
      This is no different than having a Rolls Royce or a Faberge Egg or a fancy Rolex.
      There exist people for whom money is no object, and characterizing those folk as you just did reflects more on you than it does them.

      1. “…and characterizing those folk as you just did reflects more on you than it does them.”


        Thank you. I take that as a compliment.

  4. Robbin Williams’ classic, Coke is God’s way of telling you you have too much money, is driving over to this guy’s house tomorrow for a cup of Joe.

  5. I have a ceramic filter (classically pioneered by Melitta) think it cost me $12.

    So I’m $19,988 ahead.

    1. I splurge buying Peet’s Major Dickason’s dark roast blend by Peet’s Coffee for $16.95/2lbs whole bean … at COSTCO … ground each morning in my Capresso burr grinder and drip brewed via my Melita #6 directly into my Airpot. Yes. It’s a ritual. But not a $20k ritual … honestly … that’s just STUPID.

  6. I can’t understand why anyone would want to dilute perfectly good espresso beans with water. I just chew the espresso beans directly. Chew ’em up and skip all that grinding and steaming nonsense in the middle.

    Barring that, the mark of a good cup of coffee is when you are done stirring it, the spoon remains upright in the middle of the coffee, and that’s black coffee. (What? The spoon is just for testing. You don’t actually add anything to good coffee. Sugar and cream? That’s crazy talk!)

    Oh, and room temperature. How the heck can anyone slug down steaming hot coffee?

    OTOH, the Mrs. is about dead opposite. Medium roast, French vanilla creamer, and 2 packets of sweetener. Reheats it in the microwave when she’s halfway through the cup.

    We’ve been married 47 years. Early on we worked out our coffee differences. ;o)

  7. Kicking Horse, Three Sisters or Pacific Pipeline.
    French press or Turk Perc for camping.
    Superstore had a sale on 1lb of beans for $10, I stocked up.
    KH is owned by Lavazza now..

    “I like my coffee like I like my women: hot, black and bitter!”

  8. My coffee preference is using freshly-ground expresso beans and a thermal french press, with a hint of milk and small amount of sugar. The beans I prefer need to be fresh and oily.

  9. Cheapest instant coffee.

    It’s just a cancerous African, naturally epic high insecticide bean.

    The insecticide, caffeine, toxics your nerve system.

    The rest is drama.

  10. FWIW no thanks, I will stick with my older metal percolator for over the fire outdoors or my vintage glass Pyrex percolator for the stove top. Yeah, it’s slow but worth the wait and if my coffee is not strong enough I can cook it longer. And when the grid goes down……

  11. You’d think, for that amount of money, it would look attractive and not like a lab instrument to do rectal exams.
