Thursday On Turtle Island

Biden’s America:  Old Joe directs press over impeachment inquiry.  It’s because you don’t report on it.  The IRS whistleblower gives more documents.   A Latin American hero.  Your morning meme.

Woke Britain:  Museums groom children.  Taking cars off the road.       China Virus News:  The new jabs.

Blackie’s Canada:  Indigenous propaganda required in schools (CBC).  The Westjet union is outraged about Poilievre.  Removing school library books to promote equity.  The Canadian holocaust.  From madness to revolution.

Today In Islam:  Arizona woman raised in Islamic cult (JW).

10 Replies to “Thursday On Turtle Island”

  1. The schools should teach indigenous material using traditional books printed with traditional indigenous writings.

    All students should use traditional methods to get to school.

    They could also learn how to hunt, using traditional implements, and how to skin and cut up the animal using stones.

    1. And Joe …

      But what we’ll end up with are courses that respond to local First Nations’ priorities …

      Deputy Superintendent Paul Block said potential new courses could cover local languages, plants, diets and culture.

      Looking at all the Native peoples associated with this … THEY need to learn about eating plants and going on a diet … they’re all morbidly obese. Grotesquely obese. Stop eating the white mans JUNK food bought at the local tribal 7-11. And get some exercise … go gather some berries or something. Go carve a totem to the turtle god.

  2. “Anyone has the right to their opinions but they can’t change the facts.”
    And that’s why the MSM don’t report the facts.

    1. You are correct BM. Additionally this westjet ain’t the old Westjet where the unions were secondary and flying was fun.
      The staff seemed to actually enjoy what they were paid to do unlike now where you may as well fly the government standard in planes made across the Atlantic.

  3. Re Westjet’s union CUPE’s response to Poilivier’s short speech — don’t we have bigger problems in this country? Is this an example of CUPE’s total lack of perspective? Seems so.
