23 Replies to “The Children Are Our Future”

  1. Soon … basic science and math knowledge will be as rare as tin during the Bronze Age, and the only source of that tin knowledge will come down “The Silk Road” from China. Communist China.

    Well played Kate.

  2. In ol timey days, the smooth brains shovelled shit or spread their legs.
    Now they control education curriculum.
    Equity Kills

      1. Crap. You telling me I’ll have to go back to work? My grandkids’ intermittence will be a tad short?

  3. ‘I’m etching these words on a cave wall: “9 parts copper, 1 part tin”’

    If you float like a duck, whatever you do don’t sign your name. Chemistry will be the new Blasphemy by the time these kids graduate.

  4. The way the world is going, the person finding that recipe will be wondering what a part is.

    1. They’ll look down between their legs and say “I don’t have my parts anymore”.

  5. Blah blah blah blah infectious diseases blah blah blah blah
    Wait, what was that?

  6. If you’re feeling fancy – 75% saltpetre, 15% charcoal, and 10% sulfur.
    No sense waiting for the Chinese.

  7. “The idea that these four elements—Earth, Water, Air, and Fire—made up all matter was the cornerstone of philosophy, science, and medicine for two-thousand years.” (Grabbed from googly)

    What, me worry? We’re in good hands.

    1. We’ll all be safer since no one will be playing with a Large Hadron Collider and creating world-ending black holes in Switzerland.


  8. Looking deeper, who gains from having the next and future generations less educated, less informed, feeding from the trough of predigested approved dogma? Deliberate censorship on truth and knowledge benefits whom? This ubiquitous nonsense is growing in intensity, it’s difficult to laugh at the meme’s anymore, its become a tragic truism…

  9. The result of this is quite simple: western society will continue its degeneration into a caste system. STEM will be restricted to those who are part of the elite who will lead the remaining sheep. This will simply add to the demolishing of the Age of Reason that emerged after the 17th century and restoring society to an Age of Faith and irrationality.
