Friday On Turtle Island

Trudeau’s Canada:  Grooming kids in London Ont.  An Ottawa father is thrown out of school board meeting.  Field Marshall Justin’s new military.  Forget about Chinese interference. Conservative MP was mean to Foreign Affairs Barbie.  More on the terrorism scarves.  Will Toronto residents be eating bugs?

Biden’s America:  Old Joe gives an award.  The Fauci syndrome.  Hunter Biden and the Russians.  Biden funds protests in Israel.  Deep thoughts with Kamala Harris.  New DHS report.  Why Tucker Carlson is needed.  An award for Robert Downey Jr.  The nine benefits of socialism.  This week in really big lies.  And aboriginal vengeance.

Pervert News:  Celebrating men wearing dresses.  Your morning meme.

Woke Britain:  The movie Zulu incites extremism.  The reparations scam.

Today In Islam:  Diversity in Italy.  And diversity in Finland.

26 Replies to “Friday On Turtle Island”

  1. In Juthtin’s Chinada, its no surprise that masked bitch, Dr. Nili Kaplan-Myrth, is protecting mentally ill teenagers with hard-ons. Its also no surprise that Palestinians and their adoration club are claiming racism because they can’t dress up like Yasser Arafat. Its also not surprising that some in the Canadian Gay Forces are Antifa lovers.
    Happy Friday, unless its International Bug-eating Friday.

    1. I thought the article made it clear that there is no proof that those claiming to be members of the CAF are indeed so.
      I’m thinking they could be treasonous others attempting to sow dissent now that their scheme to undermine our elections has been exposed.

    2. Nili two names is certifiable -/ she is unfit to be a medical practitioner and totally unfit for elected office. She got the equivalent of 15 per cent of eligible votes in her school district and now has a public platform for her insanity. she’s profoundly awful.

    1. @Batcracker:
      Why? I watched that movie 3 times over the years and I didn’t notice
      anything that offended me.

    1. I can’t imagine there are too many closets in Africa ? Or indoor bathrooms, central air, etc..

      Diversity !!

    2. Ya know, MeBarb …

      Most every one of those anti-gay African statutes ALSO INCLUDES anti-beastiality provisions. Hmmmmmm … I wonder why that is … ?

      People love to mock The Old Testament’s myriad rules about Kosher eating, such as no pork or shellfish. Yet, the origin of these religious laws is decidedly practical and logical by nature. There were multiple diseases and death carried by unclean organisms … sorta in the same manner that ewwwww … exchanging intimate bodily fluids with monkeys is ill-advised.

      1. STDs were as rampant back then as they are now. Infidelity and home wrecking was also just as heartbreaking.

        Before penicillin, STDs were as bad as coming down with Hanson’s Disease.

      2. OK. It’s about health.
        And I bet there’s no Drag Queen Story Hour at a public library in ANY African country . . .

  2. “In the early nineteenth century, British voyagers traded seal carcasses and dogs for the region’s indigenous women.”

    First man: I got a puppy for my wife.
    Second man in reply: What do you think I could get for mine?

  3. Will Toronto residents be eating bugs? If there is a God in heaven then yes they will hopefully maggots

  4. Would any one have been upset if MP Cooper had made those exact same comments to a male minister? I highly doubt it.

  5. If I may …. No one is allowed to dis Trudeau’s skank. Especially whilst she is taking on and whooping the Chinese ….. eh?

    1. I was stunned that Joly did not talk about how effective her use of her magic convening powers was on her Chinese counterpart.

  6. A new bill was introduced to eliminate anyone asking any questions/hate crimes about Liberal/CCP elections crimes.

    It is called The No Asking Justin’s Side Pieces Mean Questions About Liberal Election Crimes Bill.

    How many of these bimbo ministers is he banging, and is that why they are ministers?
    I don’t see any evidence of any of them being qualified for their positions.

    1. “How many of these bimbo ministers is he banging…”

      For the life of me, I cannot imagine that being a perk. After hours of searching for his manhood, the mood would be long gone.

  7. In reference to ‘ZULU’, the progressives feel that they have succeeded in destroying Western culture and are now hell-bent on destroying history. The list of authors, movies and TV shows now under attack to be eliminated by the PREVENT program in Britain is monumental. Not satisfied with attacking authors like Rowling, Orwell, Le Carre, Shakespeare, Milton, Fleming and the rest the progressives are now moving past the removal of statues and have their sights on visual examples of history starting with ZULU they will move on to The Dam Busters, Sink the Bismark and The Bridge on the River Kwai.

    Perhaps to save the British culture which has given so much to Western Society we need somebody like Henry II in charge. To paraphrase the quote into the Twenty-First Century parlance of our esteemed PM in Can Ah Duh, “What are we to do with these people?” I’d like to turn it around and ask “What are we to do with these meddlesome progressives?”

  8. Why is our Jolly old St. Feminist minister of Justin’s sordid affairs face so rolly-polly? Is she taking the Sandra Bulloch foreskin treatment?

  9. Fauci Syndrome I feel can be explained by the “Gain of Function research”! Dr. Fauci with wealthy benefactors sponsored this research. When their super virus escaped the Wuhan lab they saw the cross hairs were on them! So Dr. Anderson and Fauci pushed the transfer from bats theory to cover up their guilt!
    Now we have family members that have died from this disease and long haulers have their lives changed , possibly for ever! I hope that Fauci is taken to task and all the rest like Dr. Anderson!
    The stupidity of gain of Function research is a lesson for mankind! Pandora’s box is open will we be able to close it!

  10. In their zeal to protect safe spaces for non conforming gender identification ideologue’s have created unsafe spaces for those who identify traditionally. By what right is a tiny minority given automatic precedence? This is not unique to schools. It is known to harm women’s sports & cause concern in women’s prisons, change spaces or other spaces which have typically been gender specific in the past. It seems mostly to come about more frequently when it is women’s spaces being invaded but I’m sure it creates some discomfort for men too. One persons demands for rights should not automatically transcend the rights of a majority. We already know that self identification creates problems because it has in other areas too. Its not limited to gender identification. People claim specific cultural heritage self identify to gain hiring privileges. The notion that all women should be believed when they claim assault or discrimination is another. The fact is people lie sometimes and the notion that all people should be believed and taken at face value is naive. There are those who will take advantage and safeguards need to be in place. That will come with open discussion and problem solving not by shutting down and removing people who dissent. The man in this video was very polite and respectful but it got him no where. He is right that shutting people down leads only to anger and frustration and even violence. The school board was wrong. People will react to protect their children from what they see as inappropriate risk.
