15 Replies to “NDP energy critic finds Drawing the Line white paper short on credibility and solutions”

  1. (Like, you know.

    Just looking down the road, or at the “state in time” prediction, you know it will cost more.)

    She has nothing of value to say, but hey, free electrons. What a bag of hot air.

  2. “We need adults in the room who are going to do the hard yards and the real work“

    And she’s certainly not one of them.

  3. I’ve read the column three times…she says absolutely nothing. Typical NDP – A veritable master class of vagaries when they run but once in become very specific how they’ll separate you from your wallet.
    Admits to not being an economist or a lawyer which begs the question: Then what are you? Oh right – cheese expert. Nice to see the NDP stable chock full of serious people.

    “Do I think it’s a concern that most people share? I have never met a person who loves pollution. “
    Duh. That’s dopey talk, I got dumber just reading it. Why just the other day I saw someone at the mall with a sign “I Love Pollution – Change my mind”.
    Get real.

    “I sit in airports and, have a beer at the bar and somehow I’d always end up sitting next to some diehard red state Republican,…”
    “Things that Never Happened” for 500.00 Alex.
    “diehard” as opposed to a totally flexible, solutions oriented, compromising blue state Democrat. Got it.

    Anywho – It’s obvious the Feds are hamstringing the West’s resource development via environmental
    regulations and this is Moe’s Rubicon of sorts and he’s rather upfront about it which is a good start as opposed to the wishy washy musings of NDP critic Ms.Word Salad.
    Restricting fertilizer usage…just to name one as the federales are proposing is in essence playing with the nation’s food security. That right there should be a bridge too far for anyone.

  4. Remember when the NDP was right about us all dying and going broke if the Sask Party won the election and the NDP lost?
    Yeah. me neither.
    Keep reminding the NDP voters about how they were WRONG.
    Keep reminding them that they are still WRONG and full of nonsensical gibberish.

  5. Verbal Diarrhea. Some a lot more smelly than the rest.

    “..You know, do I think climate change is real and a concern and has costs? On a global level, at the smallest level when it comes to insurance? Absolutely.

    “Do I think it’s a concern that most people share? I have never met a person who loves pollution…”

    Pollution and therefore CO2.

    There ya have it at its basest level, just another ignorant Oxygen wasting CLIMATARD.
    NDP eh..? Zero Surprise there

  6. “NDP energy critic”. Now there is a job title that requires zero skills or knowledge.

    “Electricity comes rom the wall, and gas comes from that nozzle thing.”

  7. I’m a separatist so I agree with increasing autonomy for Alberta and Saskatchewan.


    The NDP does have a point about Moe’s Saskatchewan Segregation Party having data credibility issues. They allowed their government agency, the SHA (sask health authority), to corrupt and hide covid data and statistics to push a political narrative and hide inconvenient numbers. It’s not a stretch to question the integrity and honesty of any data coming from the current Saskatchewan government. Liars tend to lie whenever it suits them. Personally, I wouldn’t trust this government about the time of day without verification

    1. Do you imagine that matters would be any better if the Dippers were ever allowed back into power? It’s a universal problem across Canada: there are no credible alternatives to conservative parties by whatever name they call themselves.

    2. Anyone who demands that child genocide be an essential service (Moe) is evil and NEVER be trusted.

    3. Segregation and discrimination is disgusting, immoral and unethical…always. Condoning it because you agree with a segregationists other policies is equally wrong. It shows a lack of character and historical understanding.

      The Saskatchewan Segregation Party could take a page out of Danielle Smith’s playbook and prevent future discrimination based on vaccination status by amending the provincial human rights code. Admit their error and ask for forgiveness for trespassing on fundamental human, civil and medical rights.
