3 Replies to “The Leftist Smear Machine”

  1. Negotiating in bad faith.. A hostile witness.. The left has created it own laws and legal system based around equity.. Equity for the environment, equity for the minority.. A completely rigged system that superimposes itself over our traditional political systems..

    A quiet coup that has turned democracy into a cadaver that we drag through the streets every 4 years.. They own that dead body..

  2. Progressives lie, PERIOD. Like when they sell communism as: sit on your rear while some sucker busts theirs and somehow your wants will be fulfilled.
    Race, to the progressive, is just a hustle. A means to the end.

  3. Notice that the lies are all broad labels and smears with no specifics to back them up.
    Some have called DeSantis….anti-black, anti-Muslim, blah blah blah.
    Some have called…
    With no specifics as to what DeSantis has actually said or done.
    Without specifics, it is as banal and untrustworthy as the constant “Sources inside the Trump camp say…” or other anonymous “sources.” (ie – made up by the media, or just a disgruntled individual who merely wants to sling innuendo)
    Remember the interview with Blacklocks? She said they will not use unnamed sources. But her approach requires real journalism based on, you know, facts and stuff.
