71 Replies to “Things You Won’t See on CBC”

  1. Well no shit.
    Under the bus with that loser.
    On to the Next new Thing.

    Naturally I expect our central scrutinizer to pop up here real soon,to tell us all the correct way to view this and why this person shall be ignored and dismissed as a “Putin Stooge”.
    And bring us new enlightenment as to why Saint Zelensky must be worshipped.
    Saint George will stay that evil Rusky Dragon yet.

    1. Yes; the West is revving up the omnibus. The plan was to wear down the Russians in an Afghanistan type war of attrition but it turns out they were smarter and it is the West who cannot sustain the war of attrition. Therefore the Ukes must be thrown under the bus; and given the corruption, it’s not hard to do.

      1. Well the Commies went broke in the arms race.. They are just returning the favorwith the help of the western commies and a blackmailed doddering fool.

  2. well John just don’t say he is related to George soreASS, and is a marxian Joo, DON’T DO DAT!!!!

    1. Apparently, GYM doesn’t know how to use the “reply” link, or maybe he doesn’t want to use it. This is the at least the third time that I have seen where GYM does this. GYM acts like a bully, but doesn’t want to confront people head on, so he sneaks his slander in through the back door…. “Back door!” Tee-hee… Get it, GYM? Sometimes I say the darndest things… Right, GYM?
      GYM doesn’t contribute anything positive to this forum, and I wonder why he still bothers to keep trolling. He is nothing but a petulant bully, who likes to pretend he’s big man on campus. It’s time we start to take down GYM’s bullying by confronting him head-on.

  3. Will someone please tell me why we hate Zelensky and Ukraine?
    I need it to do my 2 minutes of hate properly.

    1. He’s a CIA installed puppet via color revolution running a gigantic money laundering operation in Europe’s most corrupt country, and you can watch the video for the rest of the material.

        1. Jamie
          And you know this HOW???? Or are you starting to believe the propaganda news?
          I’v determined that I don’t believe anything about Poohteen that I’v heard or read in the last 20 years. People like you are just to embedded in your own narrative to be smart enough to admit you may just be wrong!

          1. So you’re an uniformed idiot incapable of filtering information?
            Film at eleven.

          2. McColon
            And I’m still smarter and more informed than you will ever be, butt don’t let that bother you, you aren’t to blame, your father should have pumped another shot, and in the front hole, not the back door!

          3. “And I’m still smarter and more informed than you”

            Clearly you aren’t by your own admission.

            “…your father should have pumped another shot, and in the front hole, not the back door!”

            So that’s why you’re so angry? You hate me because my father boned your mother? Everyone did and everyone paid. Why are you making it personal?

        2. I have said from the very beginning of this conflict that Zelensky was no angel,. I’ve also said that we should not pronounce judgement so quickly. We should wait for the truth to come out, instead of buying into the propaganda.
          Once again, I have been shown to be correct. I’m sorry, Colonialista, and I’m sorry too, TAT.

          1. No reason to be sorry. I never claimed that he was an angel. Zelensky is a flawed man that has risen to an occasion, risen spectacularly and deserves all the credit for that. Sometimes it happens. Despite his faults, he is a champion of Ukraine and currently by far the best man for the job.

      1. Thanks for the reply RN.

        I am fully aware of the facts and the speculation surrounding the colour revolution and draw a much different conclusion. I do not agree with the evidentiary leaps made by Ivan Katchanovski (University of Ottawa) in his “research” that “proves” that Azov killed numerous protestors to ignite violent opposition to the Russian installed President of Ukraine at the time. I read his proof and I read several criticisms of it. And I have talked to friends from Ukraine for their point of view on what happened. The conspiracy theory is not credible to me. I also note that Zelensky was not voted in until the second election after the colour revolution.
        I readily admit that Ukraine is corrupt. I’ve lived in Africa and seen many other countries that are just as corrupt or maybe even moreso.

        But Ukraine is on a trajectory of adopting more western values and the war is accelerating that.

        Russia on the other hand is going the other way.

        Am I to conclude that the hate is against Zelensky and all Ukrainians for being the CIA’s puppet in a US provoked war against Russia?

        1. “Am I to conclude that the hate is against Zelensky and all Ukrainians for being the CIA’s puppet in a US provoked war against Russia?”

          That would actually make an iota of sense so the answer is: no.

          The hate towards Ukraine comes from two angles. One group, still the saner one, sees Ukrainian defeat as humiliation for Biden. they don’t care either for Ukraine or russia. Both are simply tools. And in their hyperpartisan minds it is worth it to condemn 40+ million people to slavery and gulag if it will help with destruction of dhimicrats. This is still the saner group.

          The second group is genuinely seeing Pootin as a hero fighting Davos/Soros/WEF/Bilderberg/Reptilians/Schab conspiracy etc. To be fair, their derangement is caused by repeated MSM lies on other topics (Wuhan Flu, Stolen election etc). And thus they decide that every day is the opposite day. They consciously refuse to think anymore and just reflexively reject everything. Natural conclusion is that when Pootin is portrayed as a villain he must be a hero. No amount of evidence will convince them. Millions of refugees? Reject. Greates genocide in Europe since WWII? Reject. Brain off, rejection mode activated.

          Also there are genuine Kremlin bots, but very few, majority fall into the two (not always mutually exclusive) categories.

    2. “We”, or should I say I, do not hate Ukraine. I hate the lies I am being fed about Ukraine – this has been going on for some time, since the end of the USSR. The CIA/Soros/MI6 brigade of neocon warmongers overthrew the legitimiate elected government of the Ukraine in 2014 and have then had to replace a succession of corrupt toady Ukraine frontment AKA Presidents.

      The aforementioned MFers are willing to fight Russia to the last Uke in the belief that they can beat the Ruskies. Personally, I think Putin will go down in history as another Bismark type, like him or not.

      So get your 2 minute hate on for someone else, Red Emperor Xi or Shadow President Biden, for example.

      1. This ^^^^^^.
        Too bad there are too many blinded by hate that refuse to realize they are being played.

      2. Give it a rest, in 2014 Ukrainian ousted a corrupt russian puppet that was put in power by russia in the first place.

        Also russia is a primary reason Ukraine was corrupt to begin with. And they were slowly improving in this respect. But to effectively fight corruption you have to sever ties with russia. And Pootin had seen it as an opportunity to boost his popularity. He miscalculated and thus we are where we are.

        1. You are correct on that one point of the ousted leader indeed being a puppet of the Russian regime, and I initially thought that was a positive development for Ukraine, but what I didn’t know at the time was that Ukrainian politics was ever-so complicated. Consider that maybe it was good that the people ousted the former leader (or did they?), but seeing who they replaced him with… I don’t know if that was an improvement.

          1. You know that they did not replace him with Zelensky, right? That Zelensky was elected in 2019, right?

        2. Yes, that’s what the Nazis claim. No need for an election when you have an *actual* armed mob of *actual* nazis to storm the parliament building. How any election after that can be considered legitimate is beyond me, but I hate Nazis with a passion, so I guess I am not dispassionate enough to understand why Ukrainians are so butt hurt to share power with the ethnic Russians.

          What happened in Kiev in 2014 is exactly what Democrats claim was the intention of Trump on J6, except the very people making this ridiculous claim, like Lindsay Graham, for obvious example, were behind the coup in the Ukraine.

          1. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pDmGhethEoQ

            “but I hate Nazis with a passion”
            No you don’t you’re a bot, you have no passions.

            “I am not dispassionate enough to understand why Ukrainians are so butt hurt to share power with the ethnic Russians.”
            Not true, they invited them to become Ukrainians on countless occasions. Orcs rejected the invitation. It is perfectly fine Ukrainians did not allowed them to continue their pro russian sedition. Nor should they have allowed them to continue being russian in the first place.

    3. You have it right, it’s Putin you are supposed to hate. We have it straight from Hillary’s mouth. So no worries.

      1. No actually Hitlery wanted a reset, remember? Right after he occupied Crimea. Trump OTOH bombed him in Syria and warned EUnuchs that dependence on Pootin’s gas is suicide. Pootin did not like it much, but waited for a Dhimicrat in charge to make another move… and then Maxipads and other assorted cretins developed collective amnesia.

  4. As in most Middle Eastern and African conflicts, I don’t think we should be looking for a good guy and a bad guy here.
    I watched Putin’s speech where he attempted to delineate his reasons for invading. It was not incoherent and rambling, as CNN & co. labelled it.

    I also watched “Ukraine in Flames” and have some awareness of some of the corruption ongoing there.
    I do not view Putin as the saviour of civilization as some do, and do not know whether his grievances justify what he has done. So I really don’t know whose propaganda has a preferable mix of lies & half-truths vs reality.
    But amidst all the unsureness, there is one thing I do know.
    As soon as this conflict started, all the Covid Crowd lined up as one with Zelensky. Trudeau, Biden, Pelosi, Johnson, Macron, media, etc.
    Just as they spoke with one united voice about the absolute truth of the Covid Narrative, allowing no dissent, they now are totally in the tank for Zelensky.
    So from day one I was skeptical.
    That does not mean I think Putin is doing the right thing.
    The fact is that I just don’t know. (At least I admit that.)
    But anybody who has the unqualified support of Shiny Pony, our MSM chattering class, and Sleepy Joe does not immediately inspire my undying allegiance.
    Call me names if you want, but I am on the sidelines with this conflict.

    1. First timer, you have perfectly summed up where I stand on this entire thing. Thanks.

      I don’t believe a word they say.

      1. The Western Establishment, their mouthpieces and bureaucrats, have completley lost the trust of the population, altough I do not think they understand this yet. I do not see the next 20years as being very healthy in so many respects because of this. Ultimately, our “leaders” will bend the knee to the people or, more likely, to the guillotine. I think the ancient Greeks would have used the word hubris to define the Western elite’s attitude over the past 30 years, since the fall of the USSR,

    2. And another here.

      Don Surber’s 24 hour rule applies here; only make that 240 days or so.

    3. FT. My wife and I feel exactly the same. Completely skeptical of the “current thing”. Thanks for summing it up so succinctly.

  5. I don t know who to believe either but since Soros, Democrats and the evil lying main stream media all root for Ukraine, if I had to chose a side, I’d pick Russia.

    1. Sure pick genocide because Soros.

      Are you aware that Soros does not like Xi? Which one is your friend now?

        1. They would if they could. They have done that many times before. Ask anyone from Finland to Georgia for examples.

    2. I am sympathetic to the sentiment, but don’t go too far in the other direction. Consider a third option: YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PICK A SIDE AT ALL! Let the geo-politics sort this mess out. The truth will come out eventually.

    3. Soros and Chicoms have had a falling out. China wasn’t going to give up its sovereignty to the WEF globalists like our western countries.
      Soros & Co. have given the Chicoms the rope to hang us with. As if by transferring all the jobs and technology to the Chicoms, they were going to turn the Chicoms into democrats.

      Chicoms are Chicoms. Blame our politicians and captains of industry for building up communist China.

    4. The social controls being imposed by the WEF owned politicians using the plandemic as a pretext pose a greater threat to our freedoms than a Putin and Xi. The Ukraine war serves as a pretext for ramping up more propaganda and controls.

  6. The russians infesting Ukraine are in Ukraine because of ethnic cleansing, forced resettlements and genocide. Their alleged plight was in fact a treatment much more generous than russians have ever afforded Ukraine. They are the remnants of occupation, disloyal and treacherous. They should have been marched to the border at bayonet point. Instead they were given every opportunity to join Ukrainian society as Ukrainians. They refused and despite their vile past, despite wave after wave of genocide that russians have inflicted on Ukraine they demanded more of the same. They are Pootin’s fifth column. They deserve no consideration or sympathy.

    Also, Azovs aren’t neo Nazi. Plenty of Nazis serve on russian side with Wagner Group and other mercenary/volunteer units like the openly nazi Sparta Reconnaissance Battalion.

      1. “And you have the audacity to state I’m uninformed.”

        You have stated that yourself. I have only reached the natural conclusion that those who can’t filter out information and thus remain informed are idiots. Which you clearly are by your own admission.

          1. And you’re the most witless, ankle biting, “me to”, loyalty declaring cockroach with no thoughts off your own. No bravos for you.

    1. For the sake of argument, let’s suppose what you’re saying is true. Does that justify the civil war that Ukraine has been waging against the Russians since 2014? Why were they denied a promised vote? Colonialista… You’re kind of sounding like a fascist when you say that should be given a choice to “join Ukrainian society”, or “marched to the border at bayonet point.”

      I don’t know how the Russians came to settle within Ukrainian territory, or why they decided to leave Russia. If you can show me some references to prove your allegations, I’m willing to listen, but these are some pretty serious charges you’re laying.

      1. Just read up on history of Ukraine and Crimea. Timothy Snyder “Bloodlands” should be a required reading and a good starting point (it will give you nightmares). Then reach deeper into history of Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth, read Norman Davies “Good’s Playground” then reach for books on Russia by Richard Pipes. There are many others. Find out what, for example, happened to Crimean Tatars. Read up about Holodomor and man made famines that preceded and followed it. I could go on, but really just start reading. There is a common denominator to all that.

  7. What is the first casualty of war anyone?

    The answer is not an original thought of mine, we all know it.

    We also can say without any doubt that many innocent people have been killed from evil agendas in power.

  8. I just can’t wait for China to attack Taiwan and then to read all the comments from the usual suspects of how President Tsai Ing-Wen is a not all she seems to be and must have taken money from some suspect sources in the past; that Taiwan had it coming for the way they created a democratic nation (how dare they!) in the shadow of a communist dictatorship; that Taiwan is just a puppet state of the west; that Taiwan oppresses mainland Chinese who reside on the island; that if they really wanted peace with China they would just merge once and for all time or at least give up the eastern part of their island…..

    Oh, and I’m sure there is a Nazi-like battalion of Taiwanese troops somewhere, just polishing up their blood-oath daggers and tattooing up their bodies with all sorts of runes.

    Why can’t we all just get along with Putin and Xi?

    1. Howwee
      Yah, China will attack Taiwan, are you that uninformed The Chinese have about 400 million people who are pissed off at their government over banking issues , and China will rue the day they attack any one, while have that level of internal problems, Try keeping up, and quit gitting yer info from the COLON!

  9. Funny, I do not see any reaction by NATO to Zelenski’s appeal to China to help rebuild Ukraine following the ongoing skirmish with Russia.
    Doesn’t make sense to me that you would contact the partner of the one wreaking havoc on your nation to assist you in such a manner when your current financiers and cheerleaders are more than able to provide funding and expertise in that effort. They would also be assisting in the reconstruction with fewer strings attached, no?

    1. And why would NATO react negatively to it? Creating incentives for Xi and Pootin to co-operate less is a good thing.

    2. On a recent episode of the Duran, Mercouris sums up China’s response to the Polosi provocation.
      And the tone deaf idiot tool comedian owned by the CIA acting as a leader has the chuzpah of a psychopath to go begging the Chineeses.

      How did that work out?

    1. I highly recommend people check out the above link for insight into Ukraine situation. Title is:
      Ukraine War: Biowarfare and the Theft of Billions
      That war is being fought becsuse some people are getting rich. There is no accountability. Link is Dr. Mercola so check it soon as it might disappear. It is one of the more convincing analysis I have seen.

      1. Funny because when that war began months ago , one of my first comments was that I would not be surprised if that war was caused because too many corrupt people ( mainly democrats ) are using Ukraine to get rich.

  10. We are being played by the oldest scam in the book of Kleptocracy.

    After robbing the citizenry blind,destroying the financial substance of our nations and now facing bitter resentment toward their “help”, our parasitic overload has attempted that age old play,whip up a War,so that they may declare “War time emergency” and round up and destroy all those citizens now pissed off enough to seek their personal destruction.

    Their hero Zelinsky is doing exactly that ,imprisoning,impoverishing and murdering all who oppose his hold on power.
    And if our dear leaders are able to start WW3 they will be doing the same here..
    I say a pox on all their heads..

    But when comparing their actions ,while dismissing their words as lies..Putin has acted in Russia’s Interests..I can not say the same of our Dear Leaders.
    Whose interests has Zelinsky been acting in?
    Nothing says “commitment to the people” like having million dollar assets abroad..
    Assets that are hard to explain on a “Comedians” income.
    So has he sold off or remortaged these properties to get the funds he so desperately begs of us?
    Just kidding.

    What is Canada’s “Interest” in badgering and annoying Russia?
    Why were we spending such large sums “training” Ukrainian Fanatics?
    What benefit do we seek here?

    If “Global Warming” keeps up,we will be forced to contract the Russian Nuclear Icebreakers to keep our Northern Sea Lanes open,because our idiots have bet on warming,apparently believing their own manufactured “evidence”..as the pack ice grows..
    And no one else has the equipment already built..
    We being a “Polar Nation” can’t even sail the NW Passage in our outdated Ice Breakers,cause we can no longer refuel them in the North..
    Beyond pathetic..
    But back to the Propaganda War,”The Ukraine” failed to sell.
    The first season rating are tanking and soon Cable TV will cancel the series..
    A year from now,they will deny it ever happened..
    “We have always been at war with Oceana”..
    Meanwhile,thanks to our Dear Leader,this country could not defend itself from a invasion by a USA city police force..
    Now we don’t even have our antique artillery and time xxed munitions to pretend with.nor all those aged Nurition bars to fling at our opponents..
    As we slide into civil war,how many of us will give a damn or even remember the betrayal and abandonment of the Ukrainian People..?
    The meme Fighting Russia to the last Ukrainian would have been funny,if it was not so accurate.
    Canada is far more guilty of setting this fiasco up than most of us knew..so why?
    What Canadian Interests are being served here?
    Who profits from inciting War in the Ukraine?

  11. So many facts wrong its not even funny.

    Poroshenko signed the language law, before Zelensky was elected.

    I love how people comment on thebMinsk agreements but obviously fail to actually ewad them.

    Corruption in Ukarine has improved since 2014. If they join the EU, it will improve further. They are required to implement anti-courruption reforms in order to join

    11 political parties were banned, but only one was even remotely significant. After the next elections, they wouldn’t be.

    Russia decided to go to war before Biden was ever elected, it was just a matter of when.

    1. Oh nazis nazis nazis!

      Of course he does the usual media thing of neglecting the reforming of Azov Battalion into Azov Regiment in 2015. There were about 15 nazi members purged.

      If he was concerned about actual nazis, he should look into Rusich.

      1. When NATO and Swedes were training Azovs they explicitly refused to work with anyone NAZI. Some surely have slipped through the cracks but anyone who confuses Azov with Nazis is either duplicitous or uniformed.

        Moreover, even if they were some Nazis in Azov. So what? How is that an explanation or justification for anything? Since when is Nazi worse than russian?

  12. The Murder Rate Per Capita in Chicago Is Higher Than the Civilian Death Rate Per Capita From the Ukraine Russia War
    The narratives we’re being sold about the Ukraine Wars and gun control in America do not jibe when we look at the actual statistics. What is the real purpose of our billions of “aid” dollars?

  13. Thanks for the reply RN.

    I am fully aware of the facts and the speculation surrounding the colour revolution and draw a much different conclusion. I do not agree with the evidentiary leaps made by Ivan Katchanovski (University of Ottawa) in his “research” that “proves” that Azov killed numerous protestors to ignite violent opposition to the Russian installed President of Ukraine at the time. I read his proof and I read several criticisms of it. And I have talked to friends from Ukraine for their point of view on what happened. The conspiracy theory is not credible to me. I also note that Zelensky was not voted in until the second election after the colour revolution.
    I readily admit that Ukraine is corrupt. I’ve lived in Africa and seen many other countries that are just as corrupt or maybe even moreso.

    But Ukraine is on a trajectory of adopting more western values and the war is accelerating that.

    Russia on the other hand is going the other way.

    Am I to conclude that the hate is against Zelensky and all Ukrainians for being the CIA’s puppet in a US provoked war against Russia?
