How to Survive & Prosper in Our Increasingly Insane World

Patrick Bet David is a very bright & serious man. He’s also extremely successful. He isn’t particularly political and thinks that people should vote for whichever policies make the most sense to them. Then let the chips fall where they may. Rather than be black-pilled by the current state of insanity in the world, he encourages everyone to look at the data and make decisions that will lead to success. If you think that’s impossible, then this video isn’t for you. I found it exceptionally compelling and instructive.

2 Replies to “How to Survive & Prosper in Our Increasingly Insane World”

  1. “…he encourages everyone to look at the data and make decisions that will lead to success. If you think that’s impossible…”
    That same philosophy can be applied to succeeding in prison.

  2. “Vote”? Seriously? That’s so 20th century. If you are that far behind the times, you’re already lost.
