44 Replies to “When Did Canadians Become a Herd of Ostriches?”

  1. Arse-kissing, COVID worshipping, whiny Canadian critters have no shame.

  2. The average Canadian is way too low IQ to question anything; Governments in Canada most always get elected by offering “free shit” to the masses of stupid in the GTA, Montreal, Edm & Van.
    I’d say 15% Cdns have situational awareness.

  3. “I’d say 15% Cdns have situational awareness.”

    You’re probably about right. But only a depressingly small number of them will do or say anything about the mess.

    1. Consider also that a subset of that 15% will ultimately just leave the country rather than tilt at windmills trying to fix the lost cause.

  4. A: Oh, about the same time the corporate media barked “Stand With Ukraine” and the flock of sheep replied, “how high, master?”

  5. Since the war at least, the majority of Ontario-Quebec Canadians have always chosen the “ easy “ path, whether that is freeloading off of American military might, or a cradle-to-grave welfare state, all while living in a fantasy world of their own sophistication, compassion, and smug “greatness”.

    Unfortunately, they have dictated to the rest of Canada, and kept it in semi-slavery.

    This will come to an end with a crash, but not before they wreak more havoc on the better part of Canada.

    1. Small c

      Having lived in Barrie for a short 3 yrs…

      I totally Concur with your opening statement. There is an ARROGANCE that permeates the EAST…be it Ontario or Quebec. Although not the Precise reason for leaving, it was still a sort of underground feeling kinda thing that infected everything there.

      …and damn it, there were no MOUNTAINS..!! and tons of work at the time.
      Came bk to Calgary 2011- ZERO regrets

  6. How can so many people follow religious cults? You could write a book (and they have, many times).

    1. Think of the amount of resources it took to break away a loved one from those cults.
      Now try doing that on a national scale, it will never happen.
      Only pain and deprivation will get through to a few, the rest will become fertilizer.

  7. When Did Canadians Become a Herd of Ostriches?

    A long, long time ago.
    When we consented to vehicle registration, seat belt and helmet laws, road-side checks, firearms licensing, tobacco laws… the list of affronts to liberty is endless.

    1. Watching the years pass with more and more “Canadians” willingly trading their freedom for bureaucracy, makes me weep. We had it all, and in a short 50 odd years, we allowed the government to grow to such bloated dimensions, they now make up one of the biggest voting blocks in the country. We allowed unelected, faceless bureaucrats to intrude on every facet of our lives. So many have become accustomed to the treatment, they do not even realize that prisoners entered Auschwitz had less scrutiny upon their arrival than people now merely boarding a plane. Showing papers is the least of your concerns, now as your medical history is now a necessity, and when you’re stopped by police, everything about you is on a screen before they even ask you for your licence. Your GPS devices tracks your whereabouts at all times, your phones are used to listen to you, more than 60% of your earnings are taken from you. Your internet is currently surveiled, and is about to be an open book for the government. Crossing the border, your picture is taken from multiple angles and used to update your files.

      And all the while, people look at their phones for their next instructions.

    2. HiHO

      Pretty much at the same time they killed the Avro Arrow…
      …and concurrently while Maurice Strong was peddling his Rockefeller encouraged De-Population BS. Another Eastern Liberal POS not DEAD ENOUGH

  8. That’s not a hole in the sand that canadians are sticking their heads in!

  9. Rex & Jordan are great and this might be interesting to the uninitiated but I’m more interested in the next steps.

    Questions like- Why did Trudeau win three times? Do you really believe we have democracy in Canada? What’s the end game and how can we stop it? Why did liberal democracy bring us to this? What will it take to replace it? What will replace it? Reform or revolution? Violence or non-violence? History of regime change and what can we learn? Should Canada Balkanize? What can we learn from Pinochet?

    Instead we’re always stuck in these boomer tier conversations in which they lament the state of things and list the latest grievances.

    “Can you believe Trudeau did this hypocritical thing?” “Isn’t it outrageous that they did this other thing that we don’t like!” “He once said he admires China’s basic dictatorship!” “Argy bargy me oh my!”

    1. You’re asking the right questions. You must read the Z Man. If not, go start. He’s much farther along the “liberal democracy is a spent force and we are living through its failure and collapse” thinking than just about anyone else.

      1. Nations of Sanity project seems interesting, but its probably too libertarian for most Canadians, cowardly safety-fetishists that they are.

    2. You think you have it bad?

      This is the second time this boomer has had to got through this shit!

      Second Trudeau, same shit.

      Same crooked Media.

      Same stupid, uninformed, misinformed, ignorant populace.

      Same docile, bovine, cowardly, do nothing populace.

      An excruciatingly unfunny Ground Hog Day!

      I should note I think they waited for the real dumb generations to really go for it.

      Timing is everything.

        1. Feel free to lead the charge, oh Great Keyboard Warrior.

          I determined long ago that my fellow Canadians were worth little of my time and none of my life.

          Decades of experience has only shown how right I was.

          Let me know when you start your revolution, birdbrain.

          If they could only invent a phone that shoots.

          I’m expecting hilarity followed by tears, complete surrender and endless government ass kissing forever.

      1. Pop..

        Me too bud.

        The National Energy program heralded my coming of Political AGE.
        200 hrs short of Journeyman status…wasn’t till 6 yrs later I managed to finally attain that. Most of which was spent Driving a flippin Cab. That was the time I became an Alberta Separatist….and remain as such.

        Pierre Trudeau..?? Also NOT DEAD Enough

    3. Jeff, what if I told you, there are no elections? Since the imposed Elections Canada, and the insertion of unelected Chief Electoral Officers, the also ran party, that constantly received barely 30% of the vote (in a two party system), morphed into being called the Natural Governing Party. Only 7 Chief Electoral officers in the last 100 years, two of them were father and son and ran the operation for almost 40 years. All from Quebec and all known Liberals. The latest CEO wants to destabilize and remove party status from the political group in Ottawa that he thinks promotes hatred. Since Perreault is a known Liberal and Liberal party donor, I doubt it was the Liberal, NDP, or even the Bloc of which he speaks. As there are only four political groups with party status, it’s obvious he wants to remove the Conservative Party standing.

      A little History, before Elections Canada, Conservatives won 8 of 13 elections and held power for 33 of 53 years (62%)
      afterwards, especially with the founding of the CBC, Liberals won 21 of 30 elections and held power for 71 of 102 years (almost 70%)

      One thing Elections Canada did was dividing the tasks to the point that no one group saw much of what the other group was doing, and kept each riding center in the dark.

  10. Fascinating to see many people are starting to agree with me about our fellow citizens.

    1. Until it comes to Ukraine, then you bleat right along in unison with all the sheep brainwashed by the corporate media and Prince Pretty Socks.

      1. No, he does not.
        His position, it seems to me, is pretty reasonable:
        1. Its none of our business.
        2. Russia is militarily stronger then the Ukraine, by orders of magnitude.

    2. Never needed to convert me my friend, I’ve known for decades after my TRUE Full on Libertarian awakening…Bk in 1980/81 – National Energy Program had a shit ton to do with that…

      Period. Applies to every generation

      I’d seem them all……

  11. My epiphany came when I saw my millennial neighbour pulling her helmeted, seat belted toddler (Chad) in a semi enclosed plastic wagon in an all grass backyard. That’s no lie. My clairvoyant wife warned me not to say anything and mind my own business.
    My thoughts turned to the time my older brother took a note home from his high school cadet leader suggesting if economically possible my father purchase a .22 rifle so Jim could practice target shooting at home only because he wasn’t quite up to snuff on the school range. My father’s response?? Put his shekels together and bought a used .22 rifle. And that was that as they say.

    Oh well, I’m just rolling with it now only because there’s no turning back so I don’t bother bitching about it anymore.

    1. One of the best memories of my childhood when as a 13 year old army cadet I fired the .22 version of the Lee Enfield for the first time in the cadet corps’ school basement firing range.

  12. “When Did Canadians Become a Herd of Ostriches?”

    Oh please. When were they ever not? I’ve been screaming about this stuff for THIRTY YEARS. I didn’t wake the hell up and smell the rubber burning until 1992, my old man screamed at me about it for thirty more. The handwriting has been there on the wall, plain to see, since Pearson was Prime Minister.

    Whistling past the graveyard since 1965. What a frigging sh1t show.

  13. If it makes anyone feel better, the free ride is over.

    Canadians can smugify all they want but there is no money to pay for their “free stuff” and their pervy robber barons will one day flee the country and leave the morons holding the bag.

    Then the fun begins …

  14. Canada is a cult of government dependency.
    Hell, it says so: ‘Peace, order, and good government.”

    The sheep are comforted by the government lies and promises.

  15. When did Canadians become ostriches? I’d answer, but I don’t want to stick my neck out.
