33 Replies to “Toronto Police Service Requests Public’s Assistance In Locating A Missing Woman”

  1. That’s a man, baby.
    -Austin Powers

    Something that was a punchline until recently, and is now treated as a hate-crime by the reality-impaired.

    1. “That was a guy! A guy dressed up as a Sheila!”
      -Crocodile Dundee

      You’ll remember he determined the dude’s real sex by grabbing his crotch. Surprising that the “reality-impaired” woke mob haven’t gone after that movie, yet.

    2. C÷Miner

      The ” Reality Impaired”
      …no shit.

      I love that…!!
      Will put THAT to good use..

  2. Guess they’re trying not to find him. I think the ladies in the drunk tank would mess him up pretty bad, that’s probably why.

  3. I suspect the opposite. The more effeminate male prisoners would be catching in a male prison, but can pitch in a female prison. Pregnancy stats would seem to indicate that those who are imprisoned as women agree that women with penises have the ability to run roughshod over women without penises. What a time we live in that “women with penises” is accepted at face value by some.

  4. I must admit my dull amusement at the creative names these freaks fashion for their alter-gender-egos … Is-a-bella Disgrace. Nice. Accurate.

  5. He’s stuck in a gas station bathroom trying to apply his tampon. Hence the look on his face.

    It could be awhile.

    1. Hmmm. Mad Maggie was, and look how THAT turned out.

      In spite of all that – a Happy Dominion Day to one and all…!

  6. Well, now I’m disgusted. I had no idea there was still a Ryerson Avenue.

  7. This is no different than police seeking a blue convertible suspect vehicle but putting out a bulletin for a blue van.

    When law enforcement prioritize virtue-signaling over solving crime/finding missing people, you know the entire system is thoroughly FUBAR.

    1. Well they are looking for him the Ryerson Ave and Bathurst St. area. Since those two streets don’t intersect, they run north south, you might beright about Toronto police really not caring about finding him. Or her.

  8. Even the police are acting like woke dolts …. I try to maintain respect for the police, but they make is nearly impossible. Police need to get back to being men of good moral standard or they will continue to deserve the “pigs in a blanket” moniker.

    Police are social lepers … no one wants to socialize with them for obvious reasons. They need to smarten up … the police NEED the support of the citizenry.

  9. Missing: Weirdo who thinks he’s a woman, possibly sashaying around conspicuously in public with overdone clown-like makeup. If crossing a bridge, have a peek over the guard rail to see if anything dead and fruity looking is down there as it would really help us out.
    Do you want results or not?

  10. I have no doubt that he/she/it is what is considered to be a “woman” these days in Toronto. After all, they consider Trudeau to be a “politician” rather than a clown.

  11. A lost soul. This person has been in contact with the social services industry for some years, I suspect. Offered drugs to cure his aches and voices. Talk therapy of various schools. Workbooks filled in, and crafts made (using round point scissors). Around this person, a peer group with the same sorts of problems. Not innocent, they share their meds and their bodies with each other.

    The police, when they get involved, find a drugged and angry hobbit. A hobbit trained in civil rights, screaming, and, complaining. There is drug soup in his head. Nobody gave him a workbook or activities on pharmacology, just ‘defund the cops’, and a subway token to the needle exchange.

    Something bad is happening around this person. For years, this person has been under the eye of social workers, psych doctors, street nurses, housing managers, and, ally dentists. This person is getting worse. If you work back from outcome to motivation, the shepherds appear evil.

    This person needs help. We have the technology, experts, and, material. For years, with this person. Looks like their shepherds are evil scum.

    A lost soul.

    1. Fenris Badwulf,
      Very insightful yet painfully accurate, and thoughtfully put to word.

      Let me be more plebeian in contrast
      Could you be describing those who profit all the way to their indexed pension from the misery of others, while proclaiming their saintly moral superiority because of “doing good”?
      “the Dysfunctional’s Immorally Corrupting Kleptocrat Syndicate”
      The DICKS

  12. Check the rinks, she’s giving off a weird Connor McDavid with playoff beard vibe…

  13. And we are supposed to take the Toronto Police seriously? Clowns and idiots.

    1. Much like the new USSC justice, TO cops don’t know what a woman is.

      And yet, they want to Goon it up like their Ottawa Fascist mob counterparts.

  14. Concerned for her safety yet has an existing mugshot.

    Question; why is TPS virtue signalling?

    Shouldn’t we, as the public, need be concerned if a suspect is roaming loose on the streets of Toronto?


    That’s literally the whole city.
