16 Replies to ““Organic” Is The Latin Word For “Grown In Pig Shit””

  1. I deliberately avoid products marked Organic, as it usually means tasteless and overpriced.

  2. Inorganic fruits and vegetables are the way to go.

    Apparently crops need to be sprayed a number of times with organic pesticides when they may only need to be sprayed once with synthetic pesticides.

    1. Environmentalists are like the Pope over birth control; he’s not opposed to birth control, just methods that work. Enviros aren’t opposed to electricity, just methods of making it that work. Same with insecticides.

    1. To be fair to Savonarola he was railing against usurers, the precursors to slimy central bankers.

  3. Imagine that.
    People don’t wash their strawberries with soap and water because, well, people don’t like to scrub their strawberries with soap and hot water.

  4. That’s not as bad as getting crabs from a cherry.

  5. Remember when they panicked over the tsunami and Fukushima? Radiation was going to kill us all. In reality, no one died but at the same time, in Germany, many died and hundreds were sickened by organic bean sprouts. No one blinked an eye.

  6. Loving my regular strawberries. $2 on sale. The size of apples, smell and taste great.

  7. Hepatitis? Couldn’t be the jab could it? Better quarantine the strawberries!

  8. Can we not make a “Beyond Fruit” meat-based strawberry, by boiling down cows or something?

  9. All foods are organic even those grown with fertilizer and pest control. Crude oil is organic.
