When Resentment Is Currency

Dr Inoue has been mentioned here before, as when telling us that teachers should “dispense almost completely with judgements of quality when producing course grades, on grounds that a student’s ability to convey their thoughts in writing – and to formulate thoughts by writing – is merely a manifestation of “white language supremacy,” an allegedly lethal phenomenon. And when boasting that a simple 495-word press release for his own “racial justice” Writing Centre took “over a year” to write. As if this reflected some profundity of thought, and not a more prosaic explanation.

You see, if you have brown skin, you don’t need to be articulate. It’s the “anti-racist” way.

20 Replies to “When Resentment Is Currency”

  1. Being inarticulate was a criticism of Trump and submitted as proof of his unsuitability as president but somehow being of colour gives someone a pass from being articulate?
    Talk about mind swirling

  2. I get it. Non-whites (Asians counting as white for this purpose) aren’t intelligent enough to compete with whites and need standards dumbed down in the name of equity. /sarc

    1. Why would that be sarcastic? It’s what the left says every day and it’s what all the evidence shows to be true.

  3. Reminded me of when Ben Shapiro gave a talk on gender at a University followed by taking questions from the audience…up steps an African American “mathematician” and “physicist” double major and who, as he so desperately wanted everyone to know, ” won multiple awards”, although how his achievements are related to Biology is anyone’s guess. What came out of his mouth next was a flood of “I think I’m qualified bro”… “bro”…”bozo”…”pussy” and “can’t make your wife wet bro”.
    God help us all.

    1. I’ve seen a video recording of that exchange. Mr. “Mathematician & Physicist” wasn’t just thick as a plank, but frightfully rude and disrespectful to Shapiro.

  4. Is this a manifestation of the idea that brown people are too stupid to learn to read and write fluently? … But just smart enough to vote liberal.

    It is precision language and understanding that got us to the moon and much much more. Accurate, clear, honest communication is vital in all areas or you wind up with a cartoon world such as we find ourselves living in at this time. Why? Because bullshit baffles brains and makes it easier for liars and crooks to run the show. The result is end of civil society.

    1. No, not too stupid … too lazy. It takes effort and discipline to achieve academic success. REAL success, REAL knowledge … not nonsensical “social” studies and woke topics.

      Every time a black man calls the curriculum “white” … a bell rings and a lazy person gets their wings. Sadly … they then get elected to ruin our countries

  5. Damn, I could of used some of these excuses when I was in high school. Wait a minute you are white and so is everyone else in the school! Never mind then……carry on.

  6. I’ve noticed for many years, but getting increasingly worse, the frequency and types of spelling and grammatical errors, in local and national newspapers, magazines and articles, that would have earned me a failing grade (yes, you could fail and be held back a grade, in the past, the horror!) in elementary/primary (used to be called grammar) school, whatever they call it now..

    No problem, there’s an app for that! Spell check and now ‘Grammarly’, to the rescue!
    There must be a collection of really old English teachers, making a fortune developing these apps, but it seems that people are too lazy even use them!
    Clear, concise communication is raciss, doncha know?!

    There’s always an easy way out, nowadays, it seems, no effort required!
    Starving? Food bank. Jonesing? Safe injection site. No job? Welfare/UBI.
    Sniffles? ER.

    Using backup systems as primary ones, are never a good thing..

    1. I’ve noticed for many years, but getting increasingly worse, the frequency and types of spelling and grammatical errors, in local and national newspapers, magazines and articles.

      While I was at Armpit College, I used to joke that the ideal state to be in while grading assignments or lab reports was to be half-drunk. I’d be sufficiently alert to still know what I’m doing, but too numb to care.

      I don’t think anybody ever asked how I would get that drunk, though I might have considered having a shot of hootch each time I came across a glaring error, one which the kiddies shouldn’t have made. That might not have been a good idea as I would have been stark raving blotto within minutes of starting.

  7. Tin foil hat time. All this crap about education (English, Math, ect..) being racist is just the end goal to keep everyone in their respective lanes and unable to communicate with anyone. Much easier to control an ignorant population than an educated one. They won’t question what the elites tell them. Canada has become a shining example of the end goal

  8. Perfect example of that Soft Smarmy Evil of The Racism of Low Expectations.

    We all know from personal experience that race plays no part in a mans skills,work ethic or love of life..But our Progressive Comrades know better that all..

    That a man shall be defined by the colour of his skin and thus excused from being a fully functional citizen,is the most evil form of racism we know.

    Liberal love this.
    Martin Luther King,for all his human weaknesses was right,”The Content of his Character”.
    Which of course is toxic to a Welfare State.
    Dumbing down and destroying our coloured cousins is what these evil “Helpers” live for.

    Every group hate..A Liberal collective..

    Canada probably holds the International Record,well maybe second only to the Caste System of India, for Systemic Racism,by Government,against a race of people.

    The Canadian Apartheid System,designed to crush ,cripple and imprison our Native brethren has stood unchallenged for decades..All “Right thinking people” believe Indian And Northern Affairs does good works..
    A myth almost as impenetrable as “Free Healthcare” in the Lies and deception that found Confederated Can Ahh Duh…

    As always,the supporters of such systems point to the “good intentions” of the machine..ignoring the actions and subsequent results..

    Insanity? defined as doing the same thing ,over and over again,expecting different results..
    Or straight up EVIL?
    With a smiley face.
    By their actions you shall know them.
    For their lies mean nought.

  9. I am still questioning if Jesus will be returning to save us from ourselves because of self antihalation by war, or stupidity by no longer being able to have the mental capacity to feed, cloth, and house ourselves.

    1. I’ve actually seen notes from Mommy that used writing that looked a lot like that of their kiddies. It’s amazing how many of them used stationery that looked a lot like looseleaf paper.

      Yes, students really did think that the teaching staff was that stupid…..
