11 Replies to “Dear Leader Has a Truly Sick Sense of Humour”

  1. Viva’s repulsion of Trudeau’s voice and words reflects mine.
    He rips Trudeau to shreds once again.
    Thanks Viva.

  2. After all these years, there is one constant in Canada.

    You have the protection of the Charter, as long as you accept 5 year totalitarian dictatorships, where GOVERNMENT is the only entity with absolute freedom to do whatever it wants, for any reason.

    The rest of you? Pay your damn taxes and shut the fck up!

  3. I doubt the headline.
    To have a sense of humour,sick or otherwise,requires some self awareness.
    Dear Leader has only self worship.
    And the evidence is pretty conclusive ,has a skin so thin,it can tolerate no criticism nor mockery.
    Emperor Justine The Petulant,is unable to make the connection between his Proud Celebration of Pierre The Idiots Scam,40 years Big Lie and his trampling of every Right and Freedom Canadians supposedly have .
    Of course people with “Unacceptable views” are obviously not seen as Canadian by Dear Leader.
    Notice,that as of yet,not one legacy media has asked Dear Leader”What are acceptable views?”
    Which of course would be a classic “Deer in the headlights” look.
    Both because the moron has no answer and the shock of having one of his paid pals ask such a question..”How dare you?”
    The Media Party has come out into the open..
    And yes they are just as naked and ugly as the other wearers of The Emperor’s New Clothes.

  4. The Spawn-Fuhrer has mastered the sincerity act while engaging in pure Orwellian newspeak – black is white, up is down, virtue is contempt. The country was done for when it accepted his arrogant POS of a father’s vision of a constitution empowering generations of unaccountable progressive robed legislators to ensure group rights and the continuous growth of the interventionist federal state. The only thing worth celebrating is the fortieth year of the Canadian voter continuity of being shrunken, hollowed out, dependent Eloi.

    1. My fist motorcycle mechanic in Vancouver, a Toronto man who called Conrad Black Connie, who was evidently from a connected family, once told me: IF YOU CAN FAKE SINCERITY the world is your oyster. Justine the Petulant is good but not as good as Obama. Justine is a tad too unctuous and lacks Barry’s beatific smile.

  5. I don’t know why the guy in the video has his shit in a knot over Trudeau’s invoking the War(Emergency) Measures Act. I suppose it’s because he’s too young to remember the many criticisms of the Great Goddamned Blessed Charter when Trudeau first enacted it.
    Canadians recognized that the Bloody Charter was a communists/socialist’s dream constitution, giving de facto absolute powers to The State. It is nothing like the American Constitution, and there isn’t a working amending formula.

    Pierre Trudeau was a halfway-out-of-the-closet communist and his Boy is no better. Of course Trudeau 1 enacted a Charter giving all power to the State, why would anyone have expected anything different from the guy who toured every communist state extant during the Cold War. I’d still like to know how he managed to tour Mao’s China in 1949, unless he was considered a good friend of the glorious revolution.
    I believe Justin Trudeau wants to pass his Dad’s record as PM, 15 years and a couple of hundred days. We’re in to SIX f***ing years of Trudeau 2,so we can look forward to only NINE more years of JT as PM.

    Things may not be so good in Canader for non-civil servants by then.

    1. But… but, by definition the Dauphin of Turd Island is the most indispensable person in the realm.

      As decreed and proclaimed by the Dauphin of Turd Island (Piss Be Upon Him) …

  6. As those in the USA, who are repulsed by our Constitution like to claim … your Canadian Charter is a *ahem* … “living document”. Putty in your PM’s hands … to mould and shape as HE sees fit. Such a “living” document … is nothing at all … gossamer pen strokes in disappearing ink
