The Pandemic Politic

How it started;

[T]o end the pandemic, wealthier countries must address global vaccine inequality. The low vaccination rates in developing countries are driving the relentless mutation of the virus. Not only do these wealthier nations have a moral obligation to expand vaccine access in these countries, but they should also do so to better protect themselves and developing countries who lack the infrastructure necessary to relax public safety regulations.

How it’s going…

Now, with the world taking sides in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, vaccine access is being used to retaliate against countries that aren’t expressing full opposition to Russia’s actions. This is what happened in the case of Lithuania, which decided to cancel its donation of nearly half a million Pfizer covid-19 vaccine doses to Bangladesh, after Bangladesh abstained in the UN General Assembly’s vote condemning the invasion.

33 Replies to “The Pandemic Politic”

  1. The people in Bangladesh will probably now survive instead of being wiped out by the ‘vaccine’.
    what’s so bad about that?

    1. In Canada, the mandate wasn’t even legal when the media, hospitals and health care officials started imposing it on everyone.
      Just assuming the manufacturer’s limited liability applied to them as well.
      Businesses can be taken to court for damages that they stupidly assumed when forcing everyone to take it…the jab.

    2. Yep….their proximity to India pretty much assures that… Ivermectin being EASILY-READILY available in India.

      As to low vaccination being a driver of new mutations…?
      Looks like typical Covid boiler plate BS from the WHO, GAVI or the WEF..or all 3 combined.

      Seems to me the “science” has shown CLEARLY it’s garbage leaky Vaxxines that do that. The world would have been far far better off not “Vaxxing” every walking talking dolt on the planet….but that wasn’t the PLAN now was it..??

      This whole SHIT on RUSSIA thing is just an extension of COVID IMO.
      Pile on Anything & Everything even remotely RUSSIAN – “IT MUST BE ERADICATED”. Hell, if they had a Russian specific “Vaxxine”…it’d be aerosolized by now. Hmmm, One wonders just what was being created in those Ukranian Bio Weapon labs in the Ukraine anyway eh..?

    3. Perhaps Bangladesh would be better served using the eminently affordable Ivermectin? Tell the white men of Lithuania to SHOVE their piss-poor non-vaccine vaccines where suppositories go.

  2. The countries with the highest covid death rates are those with the highest vaccination rates.

    1. It’s like all of The Emperor’s people chosing to wear the invisible parkas as they go out in the cold. They are risking their lives in order to try to fit in. And the more who go naked, the more who want to go naked. And it’s not the people you wouldn’t mind seeing naked, either.

      I’m with the little boy who called out “you’re naked!”

    2. Without doubt. The richest, whitest nations are in the top 20 worst performers in the world.

    3. Steve, no one is “vaccinated”. A “vaccine” that does not immunize is not a vaccine. That sir is a fact, indisputable.

  3. I don’t think there is any proof that the unvaxed are driving new mutations. Many unvaxed have natural immunity. Viruses naturally mutate. The typical pattern is they become more transmissible and less virulent over time.

    1. The vaxxed would be driving new mutations if there really were any such thing. The vaxxed immune systems are collapsing.

    2. “I don’t think there is any proof that the unvaxed are driving new mutations.”

      This. Like any organism, if the virus doesn’t encounter any environmental resistance (eg., leaky clot shot), there is less need to mutate. With all the leaky “vaxxes” people have received, they have forced the virus to mutate in order to survive. Far more so than natural resistance.

    3. The country’s that had new covid strains emerging in 2020 like South Africa, Brazil, India, England are the same that had extensive vaccine trials. Coincidence, I think not.

    4. LindaL

      Precisely. I’m sure there are quite a few unvaxxed who did catch the Vid…and survived handily, but what of those like myself and my wife – UNVAXXED, & who NEVER got sick this entire 2+ yrs..??

      How is that even possible..?? /sarc off.

      I certainly don’t buy the Utter LIE Of Asymptomatic Infection.

      Only thing that seems reasonable is previous IMMUNITY. Either from a genetic variation or a previous flu like infection. One of which I did suffer in the Fall of 2003 – (after travelling to Toronto 3 times during that year), and I can tell you, THAT my friends, was no ordinary flu. 5 days: 103.5F … fluid in my lungs – constant headache…yea, tons of fun.

      But since that time, I have not had a FLU, and only twice have I had a cold. near 20 yrs.

      Or could it possibly be the Delta 32 Gene.??
      That which allowed a certain town in England to easily ward off the Black Death. And is thought to have provided immunity to some HIV survivors as well.
      Given I (Dutch), & My wife who is Italian are both direct descendants of BD survivors…that also seems plausible.

      But we are the danger here….uhuh.

        1. Well thats a hell of long way round to call me a Neanderthal…?? LOL.

          Interesting article.
          I’m pretty sure that genetic variations within our planetary population have much to do with natural immunity to this and many other pathogens as well….and vice versa.

      1. Steakman, it might have been HCov -0C43 that got you.
        It has been running around for awhile since the 1889-1890 influenza outbreak.

        “If HCoV-OC43 was indeed the pathogen responsible for the 1889–1890 pandemic, which resembled the COVID-19 pandemic, severe disease was much more common and mortality much higher in populations that had not previously been exposed.[16] ”

        Wikipedia has a bit more on it.

        That bug got me real good in 1999-2000 flu season.
        Layed me on my arse for 2 weeks and took about a month and a half to shake off.
        That may be what contributed to those ocean cruise petri ships good outcomes at the start of the Coof.
        At some point me, we, you , may have been exposed and developed antibodies to it and it stayed with us for life helping fend off covid-19.

    5. Brian Hjelle, virologist

      The reason highly vaxed countries don’t spawn variants as do poorly-covered lands is that the virus’ replication space has been diminished in former. No VOC has emerged from a highly-vaxed jurisdiction.

      1. The variants appear to be more contagious but less lethal. That’s a good thing. I would rather get Omicron the the alpha variant which caused Chinese people to drop dead in the street if I am to believe the Main Stream Media story tellers

      2. …AND PRAY tell….
        What do VOC’s – “Volatile Organic Compounds” have to do with anything here..???

  4. Poorer nations will be healthier via not taking the clot shots, not only don’t they work we have no idea what the long term damage to one’s health might be. Now that we know conventual treatments work and are safe and effective why would one put that experimental goop into their body?

    1. The people from poorer nations will be able to come here in a few years when the 80 percent of people here drop dead due to the clot shots.

      There are going to be lots of empty houses for sale in a few short years, and us purebloods won’t be able to fill them all.

  5. To end the “pandemic” people have to say it is over and mean it. Force every government to their knees if need be.

  6. Good Morning Kate!

    Excellent point…..cancel culture at its finest.
    Fortunately there are groups who continue their efforts to provide vaccines to countries that require them.
    Would love to see a photo of your dogs!

  7. I donated my clot shot 2 years ago,how is it working out world?
    And I’m still interested in running away to Alberta,not going to tell you where I’m from,may hurt my chances.

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