Poster Boy for the Totalitarian Left

If you’re interested to see an example of what kind of person supports coerced injections, the othering of fellow Canadians, the non-stop lies of the legacy media, and conveniently ignores the violence put upon peaceful protesters, including elderly First Nations women, look no further than here:

And surprise, surprise, Sean Devine was a candidate for the NDP. #Shocked!

25 Replies to “Poster Boy for the Totalitarian Left”

  1. A “life saving” vaccine.

    These deadheads……it’s not the Bubonic Plague.
    It’s not Ebola
    It’s not Hantavirus.
    It’s not AIDS.
    it’s not Smallpox.

    It WAS a little worse than the flu, in terms of fatality rate, to elderly ill people. But, unlike the flu, kids are safe.

    Not that the legacy media would state those facts, nor illegitimate politicians that wouldn’t let a crisis go to waste.

  2. Playwright. Means he lives in make-believe worlds that he writes himself into. Likely also a government parasite since that doesn’t sound like a very lucrative occupation in Kanada.

  3. Remember when ALL the public health experts assured us all that the mRNA in the “vaccine” could not affect your DNA-I do. Well it turns out that is precisely what can happen. I give you Dr Been who trys to explain this for everyday people. The main message is easily understandable the background data goes way over my head.
    This is potentially hoorrifying.

  4. Sean Devine eh.??

    Pah, just another mouthy Leftist ASSHOLE with Zero scientific knowledge but the pablum served up by the CBC. WEF grad perhaps.??

    FREE JABS eh.?? Where does this brain dead inbred sack of bat shit think the $$$ comes from to pay Pharma..???

    What I do know for certain is that said JAB’s DEGRADE ones Immune system – leaving it wide open for any viral – bacterial pathogen to encroach on ones health.

    LIFESAVING Devine..??? Fuck off you Lying filthy POS

  5. I think I have said everything that needed saying about the whu who flu. Take the poison if you wish, believe all the lies if you wish, it won’t change a damn thing except your immune system. Good luck being stupid.

  6. Free experimental injection now well known to cause more harm than good in most cases, or . . .
    Free and legal modern battle rifle, with ammo.

    Decisions, decisions.

  7. “Since 2017 Sean has worked as a program officer for Canada’s largest public sector arts funder, where he helps to support and guide inspirational artists and non-profit organization across the country”

    One of those essential cogs in our economy ….

    1. ‘And the economy will take care of itself ‘. I bet his contribution doesn’t come cheap.

  8. If you have an obviously correct argument, then you can offer it to another, and it will be accepted freely. If you have a dubious argument, you must offer something to change the mind of your hearer which would be facts to persuade a change of mind. If you have a dubious argument, and you are insistent on your hearer agreeing with you, you can first offer an incentive, but failing that incentive, if you have sufficient resources and authority, you can demand compliance by some measure of force. It is called the carrot and stick approach.

    Our government didn’t know all the facts (as did many physicians), and, using the argument of the greater good, and because of failing socialist health systems, offered a free incentive to take the shots (carrot), and when that failed, and their argument was shown to be false, used blackmail and coercion (removal of rights and freedoms) to achieve that same end.

    And I am not a good donkey because I don’t savor the flavor of freely offered bovine excrement.

  9. Channel surfing this morning,ctv had an “expert” on regarding Covid myths and vaccines He actually said educated people understand Covid but those that watch Fox News and were Republicans were much less likely to understand the real Covid facts.Canadian chap from Toronto

    1. It would have been interesting if he laid out the actual facts instead of disparaging people who would like to see said facts.
      He could not do that because his facts do not line up with reality. But of course he is an expert at spouting government propaganda.

    2. Lolol Fox News has an outside influence.

      Look at their average viewership and keep in mind the US has 330 million people. More people still watch the liars.

  10. That whole twitter feed is a cesspool of illogical liberal nonsense.
    They are completely brainwashed by their media.

  11. Remember when the media parroted the liberals propaganda that the vaccines were “98 percent safe and effective”-oh we remember and there will come a time that those that peddled those lies will go before a court and explain why they sold us bold faced lies-was it for profit or was it because Supreme Leader Justine told them to lie?

  12. This old bs way of arguing is completely invalid. We are not to complain about anything because someone on the other side of the planet is worse off. How dare you complain about the maggots crawling around in your food when people in Mongolia are starving.
    Bogus crap.

    1. Similarly, if one takes the advice of a lefty and it doesn’t work out, it’s still one’s fault because one made “bad choices”.

      It’s like taxpayers taking incorrect advice from the CRA and still being penalized for the result.

  13. Providing sterilizing immunity isn’t known yet.

    When females try to get pregnant and can’t and/or there’s a rise in reproductive cancers and/or stillbirths (Scotland) we might be able to discuss this IF we’re allowed to see “the science.” But that could be classified as dis- or mal-information so it must be hidden.

    This thing is in our liver w/in 6 hours. I don’t think that’s good, but I’m not an expert. If an expert wants to explain why that’s good, I’ll listen.

    1. I’ll take this one:
      “sterilizing immunity” is a term used by epidemiologists to denote a vaccine which kills the pathogen or prevents it from entering the cells of the body so it cannot reproduce. Whether it prevents conception is not known due to the dis-information cloud surrounding “the science” of COVID 19 and the effective marketing campaign launched by the vaccine manufacturers and their allies in the medical and political communities. When your profits depend on lies and deception, the more the merrier. Or, as Peter Drucker said, “marketing is the art of conducting your campaign is such a way as to make salesmanship unnecessary.” To which I would just add that if marketing doesn’t work, try vaccine passports, mandates, and the Charge of the RCMP Musical Ride. “They always get their (wo)man.”

  14. Forget denazification! The Russians should have said: “These dirty Ukrainians are not vaccinated enough and they risk infecting Russians! We invaded to give them a booster!” The covidiots in the Western world would have approved.
