23 Replies to ““I didn’t attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it.””

  1. “I’ve never wished a man dead, but I have read some obituaries with great pleasure.” .. Mark Twain,

    1. I’m reminded of the response of Dorothy Parker when she heard that Calvin Coolidge had died: “How can they tell?”

    2. Stolen from Kim Du Toit’s blog:

      “Leaving a trail of slime behind him –”
      Start over.
      “A repugnant, repulsive reptile –”
      Try again.
      “What can be said about him that hasn’t already been said about bubonic plague?”
      Strike that.
      Man, I’m really having trouble staying on the high road for this Harry Reid obit.

      1. ^ Ugh, ok so I have linked the same thing that the original post has linked, ops neverminded then.

  2. Stupid me. I never put two and two together…Reid was portrayed by Dick Smothers in “Casino” where he shut down Sam Rosenthal’s efforts to obtain Nevada State gaming license.

  3. Democrats have a habit of not looking more than one move down the chessboard.

    Reid’s limiting of the filibuster was one of them. He figured that because the change would favour Dems, it would always favour Dems. Pointing out that they would not always have a commanding majority in the Senate, and that a filibuster on judicial appointments might come in useful for them in the future, fell on deaf ears.

    The aborted attempt to expand the Supreme Court was another example. Did the Dems think that the president would always be a Democrat hereon after? How would a Republican president respond to a Supreme Court that had been expanded with Democratic appointees?

    1. “Did the Dems think that the president would always be a Democrat hereon after?“

      I would suggest that is exactly what they thought, Marmot. And 2020 showed us why.

  4. I didn’t wish him dead, simply that he stayed retired.

    But he was the embodiment of crass, corrupt, power politics. Even the Dems hated the guy, although they tolerated him for same reason Don Corleone tolerated Luca Brasi.

  5. This is how the low life operated.


    Whenever they eulogize politicians, it makes the worlds insides turn.
    There is nowhere so much bullshit thrown around.

    The guy was old, like the rest was, is and will be and will meet the same end.
    Most of the plebeians never hurt anybody.
    The politicians on the other hand do it daily with the approval of most of the plebeians.

  6. I recall the news item when he was atop the Hill: It’s a fact that the majority of Americans live within 100 miles of some sort of nuclear waste/deposit/spent fuel etc. So the planners set about determining where in the country, in the interests of all Americans, would be the safest place they could store said nuclear detritus. That place turned out to be deep in the bowels of the Nevada mountains. But Harry Reid wasn’t having any of it – no nuclear dump in his state. So he stood up for his constituents at the expense of the country as a whole.

  7. You have to admit that Harry Reid, in one fell swoop, has gone from being the worst sort of politician to being the best sort of politician. If only many more politicians were like Harry Reid is now.

  8. Another crooked son of a bitch who became obscenely wealthy in and through government. Yet complaints of such crookedness are reserved only for those who earned their wealth.

  9. I would drive all the way to Nevada to piss on his grave, but after the Marines, I swore I would never stand in line again.
