11 Replies to “Honey, I Finished The Shoveling”

  1. “Snowflakes can form in either a plate or column shape, but no one understood why”

    Didn’t Jordan Peterson talk about this ?

  2. Oh. Wrong kinda snowflakes.
    I seem to recall Mandelbrot describing them as fractal critters,agents of chaos and proof of the wicked wonders of water.
    The other kind of snowflakes have armour plated minds and form up into columns of brown shirts almost organically.

  3. “You know what they say about snowflakes, that there ain’t no two the same but all those flakes look alike to me and everyone is a dirty shame.” – from “Snow” by Jesse Winchester.

  4. Why I was in university, getting my BSc in physics, I used to love spending time (not all my time, I’m a nerd but it was still in my early 20s) in the library reading through the old Science books. I loved Newton’s Principia. What caught me eye, and I suddenly I want to go a find a copy that I can buy for myself, was a treatise by Johannes Kepler on snowflakes. Really interesting, and if you’re a Christian, as I am, it’s also beautiful.

  5. I started being sciencey around7 or 8, the same time as the 1970 National Geographic article, “Natural Phenomena: Snowflakes to Keep.” Even tried to find the chemicals to make real snowflake slides for my microscope.
