Good Job Everyone!

After all the lockdowns, masks, mass vaccinations, mandates, and passport systems you finally flattened the curve (along the wrong axis) and reached all time high case counts. Just in time for Christmas.

We’ve been watching overall case numbers in the fully vaccinated increase for some time now, but in Ontario the rate per 100,000 people (second chart below) just crossed over the parity line. Judging from the trend its probably not going to stay there.


click on images for full screen




59 Replies to “Good Job Everyone!”

    1. Everything cures this damn disease, even the disease itself is a cure. The only thing that won’t cure this is gov’t. Yet the sheeple want more gov’t.

      Guess it all goes to prove that the death shot works.

      Merry Christmas everyone, the best gift you can give anyone is a dose of reality. They can also re-gift it as much as they want, reality doesn’t diminish with its spreading.

    2. Can anyone recommend a good to-the-point repository for all the Covid skeptical doctors and buried statistics and articles and factoids and so forth that we’ve been seeing for months that don’t make it on to the nightly panic porn? My normie old parents are starting to twig that maybe they’re being sold a bill of goods.

    3. Statism is to power what stocks are to bull markets. All news is good news, for them, but in their case it’s bad news for us.
      The same goes for bear markets, any good news for us is bad news for them.
      I sense a correction; markets and statist always overreach. The question is will they continue to get away with it?

      As of Christmas Day, Canadians cases are up 298% daily average last 14 days and over the same period deaths are down 23%.
      Translating currently for Canada (and my BC) at 4 covid deaths per day per 10 million population. The real pandemic is blinkered fear.
      From 14% average daily deaths the day before, with 9319 new cases reported Christmas Day, 4 deaths, down from 14 Christmas Eve.
      You don’t have to be a statistician to see a reporting lag Christmas Day, so likely less cases/deaths were reported that day.
      All of it ignored reported by the intellectually lazy mediocracy, waiting to pounce on any bad news to cover their precisely wrong butts.
      Lag time; an idea totally foreign to the agonist apparatchiks and their statist usurpers, such as cases rising as deaths fall in flu season.
      So when the record corrects today or tomorrow, as for instance to 8 deaths, they will spew “Omicrons deaths doubled yesterday.”
      Same for cases. You can count on it as sure as the sun will rise tomorrow and these fools will double down on their negligence.

      And when the records again corrects back to daily diminishing dying, the neo-regals, through their court jesters shall proclaim the lockdowns and masks worked even though nothing changed in terms of serious illness or deaths; just their concocted cases claim.

  1. Minor correction: that would the “wrong axis” for those of us mathematically inclined.

    On the other hand it might be the “Axis of Evil”….

    Otherwise, point well taken… 🙂

    The proposition that pubic health orifices (PHO) know how to control a pandemic is laughable.

    Merry Christmas/Frohe Weihnachten/Joyeux Noel to the SDA “greater family”!


    Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

    1st Saint Nicolaas Army
    Army Group “True North”

      1. Yep their idea of “flattening the curve” is akin to strangling baby Jesus in His crib!

        The pubic health orifices can keep their “Kancel Khristmas Kulture”.

        Did I mention “Merry Christmas/Frohe Weihnachten/Joyeux Noel”?


        Hans Rupprecht, Commander in Chief

        1st Saint Nicolaas Army
        Army Group “True North”

    1. Except that everything they did to flatten the curve in 2020 changed nothing about the trajectory of Covid, and doing what didn’t work before won’t change it this time either. Virus gonna virus.

    2. I don’t think we flattened it then either. Viruses follow a regular pattern– waves come and go, each less virulent than the previous. If now we are facing a more serious strain with Omicron, you can blame the vaxes.

  2. So how is vaccinating everyone at a feverish pace while a variant races through the population, a good thing?

    1. It’s needed because Shut Up.

      There, don’t you feel better now that it’s been explained in governmentese?

  3. I get 0.04 per cent of the population being infected. Why are we still making a big deal over this?

      1. Amen, DB. I would never mention it if it wasn’t being used (failingly, like everything government does) to control every aspect of my life.

        1. Agreed. My mother is in LTC and last week non-vaxxed visitors could take a rapid test and if the results were negative, they could visit the resident. This week, only double-jabbed are permitted to visit. Yet, 75% of the positive cases are from people who have been double-vaxxed. How does that even make sense??????

        1. MikeT,
          I hear you but it still pisses me off.
          I guess there is NO limit to stupid. No different than than the morons I see every day driving alone in their car while wearing masks and latex gloves.

  4. Manitoba hit a new record of 746 and that’s likely a fraction of the new cases due to a 10,000 test backlog.

    1. What shall we ever do, Allan.
      The world is ending.
      Shall we run around, play in the sand and sing songs ?

      Me, I gonna cuddle with the Mrs. and treat myself to 2 fingers of scotch.
      Dream of past glories and future ones to come.

    2. And Quebec has a 7 day rolling average of 5,231 and climbing. Eclipsing the previous high of 3.370 on January 2021. Of course, the media will go easy on Quebec because it is Quebec, after all.

  5. Here in Manitoba, it seems the narrative has changed from daily case count to hospitalizations. Provincial Dashboard has changed too, no daily breakdown of infections per Vax status but averaged out over 6 weeks and also it has a dangers of being unvaxxed chart.

    1. This is the correct way to do it. Raw numbers are meaningless u corrected for the population for each group.

      1. Well Allan, Ontario still has the population corrected numbers up, and the vaxxed are on a trajectory to become the most cases per 100,000, what then? It will become impossible to hide, but they will try, the only thing a bureaucrat is good at is CYA. Oh, and being a waste of air and water.

      2. “This is the correct way to do it.”

        No, this is called ‘moving the goal posts’, you may have heard of this term. Things don’t go your way so you change the way you present it. It’s absolutely disgusting.

        Remember, it’s not what they tell you, it’s what they are NOT telling you.

        1. Most “covid cases” in the hospital are people who went in for other reasons and “tested positive”. The scam continues unabated.

          1. How many “cases” in hospital are asymptomatic, but are being admitted as a “cautionary” measure. Oh and to pad budgetary requirements.

      3. Hmmmmm, a long time ago, way back in 2020, DEATHS were the primary concern.

        It still should be, but as they decline and continue at minimal levels (still the old and previously sick/obese/ co-morbidity), deaths no longer really matter to the propaganda .


        Now the sheeple are afraid of CASES…….what a pathetic existence the media, government and MHOs are trying to shove down the public’s throats.

        Not buying the BS, whatsoever. Not afraid of a cold/sniffles/sore throat.


  6. I don’t want to put a crimp into any of your Christmas spirit, but having lost my job, my family, my friends, and my social life due to this horrific nightmare, I am spending Christmas alone this year, and probably forevermore. I guess you’re the only “family” I have left.

    Now that that’s out of the way, I do wish all of you as merry a Christmas as possible under the circumstances, and hopefully the new year will bring change for the better to everyone.

    I’ll keep praying. Sometimes Christmas miracles do happen.

    1. fc, pour a couple fingers of something tasty, turn on the tube & watch one of those corny Christmas shows & laugh yer ass off, or escape into an actioner or two, get a decent night’s sleep & we’ll be here in the morning. Shit will get better, it always does.

      Maintain. Merry Christmas.

      1. + 1 here for FC and everyone – turn off the news – be thankful for what we have – the older I get the more that “at least you have your health” stuff makes sense 🙂

        Merry Christmas.

    2. fc,
      I don’t know you or the specifics of what you are dealing but I REALLY feel for you.
      Mr. K

    3. Fc, Merry Christmas!
      I know at times like this, it sounds like just words you say to a stranger on the street.

      When I was growing up, one of my young friends dad was Winnipeg rifles, iirc, captured Hong Kong Christmas Day 1941. Spent the next four years watching his friends die in various prison camps throughout se Asia, culminating in a horrendous coal mine in Japan.

      He never talked about it. Ever.

      But at Christmas, he always had the biggest ass set of lights in the neighborhood. He spent weeks setting it up.

      I, being 10 or so, asked my buddy about this. He said all his dad would say was Christmas Day was the only time the Japanese gave them meat, and a day off. Only day off in the years slave labour.

      His dad died an early death due to complications from the time he spent as a slave. Never went to church after his return. But he still believed in the spirit of Christmas.

      Over the years, when I’ve had a run in with fate… for some reason I think of those lights.

      We will get through this.

      Merry Christmas fc, and all the best in the new year.


    4. If Wuhan flu has taught us anything, it’s who our real friends are.

      Consider that you lost nothing of value.

      Happy Christmas. Sounds to me like you might actually get a chance to enjoy it this year.

    5. You’ll do ok. Have had a few rough years, managed, this year no job because of no jab, but screw them. Keep the faith, things happen for a reason. In other parts of the world Christmas is just another day, probably because of no snow…but as long as you recognize and honor the reason…you’ll do ok.

    6. FC

      Hang in there, things always appear darkest before the dawn. Many of us here have faced dark times in our past, where nothing seemed to be going our way. I surely have.

      Times change, grudgingly slowly, almost imperceptibly. There are better times ahead. And try and make some minor changes in your own life, no matter how small. Sometimes a new perspective can yield new opportunities and perceptions.

      There is always hope, even when it isn’t obvious. I’m hearing this in my own household, though my son does continue to work, I fully understand where you are right now.

      The journey of a thousand miles starts with a single step. Corny, yes, but oh so true.

  7. Why is that graph line RACIST!!!!!!

    They could have had 1000 different colours, but they used BLACK!

    EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee – Unme

  8. BC has exceeded testing capacity and so they’re rationing like all good healthcare systems do. We’re probably at 6000-12000 a day

  9. I just read all of your wishes. Thanks, Everyone. It’s fills my heart with hope knowing somebody cares.

    TC… I had the best lights display on my street… over 4000 LEDs… all synced to Christmas music. I could show you some videos I made.

    Not this year though. But maybe if things turn around in ’22.., I still have all the hardware in my basement.

  10. fc:
    I was informed two days ago that I am finished after 35 years with the company. My crime was explaining to them that I was not ready to take these vaccines currently offered based on my risk/reward assessment. I feel for you. I, like so many, have had several months of being treated like a disease. Tonight is a night to reflect on the friends that any of us have left. It is probably the same number that we ever had anyway. If there is a small benefit in this it is seeing that balance sheet played out. Stay strong, you are not alone.
    Merry Christmas

    1. To all that had to give up their job because they just couldn’t’ rationalize getting the jab and had to change jobs or lost them , my heart goes out to you just know that I know of more than a few that have giving up very lucrative pensions not to comply, township workers and city workers have left, to work where they aren’t expected to get the jab.
      You are very brave , and my heart and admiration goes out to you . You are an inspiration and a hope one and all for our country because you symbolize what made this country great.
      Thank you and God Bless.
      Merry Christmas

    2. Don.

      God bless you for staying strong and sticking to your principles and personal health choices. I’ve also had to put up with the nasty I’ll-informed comments as well, vermin we are, right?

      I may be in your shoes come February, due to the maniacal federal mandate. It depends how workers and workplaces are interpreted, the devil is in the details, and in
      Ottawa. As a full time home based fibreoptic designer from 2016, this mandate is ridiculous. My employer would lose 10% of its workforce, the effects would be chaotic on the whole company, and on customers. Vendors have lost staff, as some of them have decided the same mandate, now we are dealing with terribly inexperienced people across the board. I can’t imagine how much worse it will be if the company does the same thing.

      Worst case, I retire early and take a small financial hit, and forces us to take a full review of what we want to do and where we want to live out our remaining years. Something that’s been on our minds anyways. Getting rid of your experienced team is absolutely moronic.

      By the way, my wife has also been put on LWOP due to her PUREBLOOD status. Since then, the reason to put her on LWOP, has been pushed out due to Omicron well into the new year. She’s in a large group grievance, that will probably be won, resulting in a nice backpay cheque, and maybe even severance, going on past precedent. Trust government to make continuing stupid decisions.

      1. The good news is the vaxxed’s taxes are going to pay for the fat settlements that are coming!

        Beautiful. To all the vaxxiNazis out there, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for paying for a nice, long, fat Covid vacation, followed by an early retirement payout!

        Thanks again.

  11. Three things to keep in mind when looking at “covid” numbers, tests are not cases, computer models are not patients, and last but not least “covid” does not exist.

  12. Don’t forget hundreds of billions of dollars of debt incurred for no reason.

    What better way to usher in a reset than having every government, industry, and organization undermine itself by demanding subservience to a demonstrably false narrative.

  13. I have lived in BC since 2009 but have recently sold our house and we are moving east. If anyone is so inclined and want to slam St. Bonnie of Henry with some unwanted emails please feel free. The help would be appreciated.

    There is a place there to send her an email. I gave her as much information as I thought she could handle . There was an email campaign when that New Brunswick Psycho proposed not allowing the unvaxxed access to food. She backed off.

    Thank you
