19 Replies to “Look At Britain To See Canada’s Future”

    1. Line 5 going through Toronto is undergoing a major refurbishment.
      New pipe is being roto routed , layed and zigzagged under the Hydro Tower corridor right of ways.
      Maybe Enbridge knows something we dont.

      1. As an Ontarian I would like nothing better than to see a 100% Canadian pipeline from Alberta to the East Coast of Canada. However if our governments both Federal and Provincial cannot face down a bunch of special interest groups that are financed by off shore money and some Indian tribes that some morons at the Supreme Court granted a special status as “first Nations” that is never going to happen. So shut down the line 5 any time you want, Justin will soon have a pipeline approved that brings Saudi oil to central Canada and Quebec will have control of the taps that can be turned off at the slightest disagreement or non approved { by them} comment. At some point the Province of Ontario would have to look at other alternatives, I personally would be more than happy with an economic union with the USA. Should the situation that you are advocating actually come about perhaps that would be the best alternative for Alberta also, many possibilities would become available.

  1. But Trudeau is sooo cool in the media…
    His being an idiot doesn’t help.

  2. paying the price…?

    Ontario has been paying the price since the implementation of the “green energy act” drove many manufacturers out of Ontario because of big increases in hydro costs

      1. Too TOO many Canadians don’t suffer hard times.
        Read: too many are gubmint or gubmint agency or quasi gubmint employees.
        Canada is a company town. That company is the gubmint.

        1. The problem is that when the jobs go away the government just ratchets up the borrowing and spending so the public doesn’t feel the pain. The cause and effect loop is broken.

          1. It’s not broken it’s just delayed, allowing it to build up until it takes everyone down at the same time.

  3. I like that phrase “global warming scams.” It points to the essential dishonesty, the hypocrisy of the global-warming True Believers.

    They’re so fond of vilifying “deniers” and portraying them as immoral beasts. But the True Believers have an axe to grind — stifling all economic activity and industrial development. The global-warming boogeyman is the Snail Darter, the Spotted Owl, the Delta Smelt, and other pretexts writ large.

  4. IMHO anyone living in morontario with an ounce of grey matter could have seen this coming after putting up with likes of Dolton McSquinty and Katty Mc Windbag . The expression “can’t fix stupid ” comes to mind .

  5. TurdHole’s race to emulate Venezuela is at a frantic pace.

    Kill the wealth. Destroy those who have wealth, other than him and his so-called buddies in the Lawrencian Elite. Destroy the economy.

    We will be the Democratic People’s Republic of Kanada sooner than later. In much worse shape than Chavez and Maduro are inflicting upon Venezuelans.

  6. What was that line:
    If the gubmint was in charge of the Sahara desert it would run out of sand.
