35 Replies to “Greta Doesn’t Like Christmas Lights”

  1. Haven’t put up Christmas lights up outside our house in years, but now I want to.

    1. I live on a street where tourists come by the busload to see the lights. It’s a hell of a lot of work putting them up, and I shall take this article to my commandant/wife and show her why we shouldn’t bother this year!

      I WAS always under the impression that the more faith you had in God, the more lights you’d put up, but a good Catholic friend says the two things aren’t connected. Hm. Who knew.

        1. Candy cane lane.
          They are all over Canada, in neighbourhoods that get into it.
          Some are impressive, albeit hokey and with too much blow up China shit.
          That said, I will light up in homage to tradition, with my old lights.
          Oh, and don morris, not sure about the catholic friend’s theological point.
          But, by my lights, the more light, the better.
          Let there be light.
          Or, as Bruce Cockburn said.. “kick at the darkness till it bleeds daylight.”
          God bless the SDA military folks on this day.

  2. “Tear it all down and turn us into serfs. Cowed, beaten, JOYLESS, fearful serfs.”

    – Me, 10:11 am today (emphasis mine)

    1. Me too.
      But I turn on ALL the fucking lights and sit in the Jacuzzi outside while imbibing on a nice single malt scotch on the rocks, in my birthday suit no less.

  3. I keep some Christmas lights around my door going 24/365. I do not keep a yard light on all night like some. LEDs cost almost nothing.

  4. Save the planet. Knock the lights out of a politician.
    Then kick reGreta in the box. She’ll never use it anyway

    My Christmas lights are clear “Edison” bulbs as they’re labelled today. Good ol’ filaments. Bright light that doesn’t hurt your eyes. Gonna clean them soon to get them brighter as they’re up all year. About 60′ worth on two sides of the house.
    If anyone wants them taken down, I’ll hold the ladder….heh.

  5. Politicians, or fascist criminals as they are more commonly known should intercourse themselves sideways and then once they’re finished doing that they should then have a 2×4 slammed across the side of their shit filled heads, Merry Christmas !

    I put up lights every year and so does everyone else on my block. I will continue the tradition but I think I will put up even more lights this year, in celebration of our new Globalist fascist State, and for Jesus.

    Now I don’t want to speak for Jesus or anything but I think if he were here today and hearing this kind of satanic blather spewed by these fascist rulers he would probably say, ” fuk you politicians and take the commie Pope with you while you’re at it” … I’m paraphrasing of course.

    1. When someone asks “What Would Jesus Do?”, remember that kicking over tables and chasing people with a whip are within your realm of options.

      1. Wow!!! I never put it together before, but in His new incarnation, he grabs politicians by the arm and elbows other politicians in the tit when his patience runs out!

        The Bible said we wouldn’t recognize him, and they were obviously right on again!

  6. Was gonna wait ’till December to put up my lights. They go up to-morrow and they ain’t coming down again.
    I’ll throw some plastic in the burn-barrel in Greta’s name, to boot.

    1. She has a bigger carbon footprint than 10,000 average Canadians, Americans, or Europeans.

  7. Life under the green theocracy of the “new left” will be pretty much similar to that of the former Soviet Union. When the wall went down, the Reds cloaked in Green and although that sounds like Christmas colours, it will result in dull, impoverished, and bland grey.

  8. Long before Global Warming was even a thing … in 1973 at the peak of the OPEC embargo and long gasoline lines … our next door neighbors knocked on our front door and scolded us for having SO MANY Christmas lights on our house! “Don’t you CARE about the energy shortage?” They scolded!? What about “Peak oil?” I think they were just bitter Jews who hated Christmas, and found an excuse to kvetch about our lights

    All the way back in 1973 … the eco-scolds were acting the fool.

      1. The leftist Christian- hating Jews … who also bitched about any and all School Christmas displays and eliminated all “religious” Christmas songs from our local elementary school.

        Not all Jews. Just a subset of cranky, Christian-HATING Jews.

  9. Reading the article, it seems like there are two different groups involved, one makes some sense and wants to see the lights on timers so they don’t shine all night “disturbing neighbours and confusing wildlife.”: This makes some sense especially for the larger and more elaborate displays, people can enjoy the displays in the evenings but after about 11 p.m. they could probably be turned off without much of a negative impact on anybody (or anything). I wouldn’t care if the lone string of lights stayed on, but if I lived next to one of those super-illuminated houses I probably wouldn’t welcome the lights after midnight really.

    As to the more general ban on Christmas lights, no thanks, it’s just a foot in the door for those who want to ban Christmas altogether.

    Next up will be the methane production of turkeys or some such thing. There were a lot of turkeys assembled in Glasgow, maybe somebody took a reading there.

  10. After looking at the Dailymail article photos of some very pretty Christmas light displays, I couldn’t spot one single piece of Christian imagery. No cross, no Nativity Scene, nothing.
    The only person who even mentioned Jesus in the article is one of the state woke-scolds.
    Its long past time to re-name the UK “Airstrip One.”

    1. The couple responsible for the Christmas lights had no agenda beyond making people happy and raising money for a good cause.

      The absence of a nativity scene was not the crux of the matter.

      It was the politicians who were looking for an excuse to mock Christianity, a faith of which they understand nearly nothing, except that it’s never given them anything but trouble.

  11. If global warming is killing people in Canada lets kick dear leader to the front of the bus and hang a TAKE ME FIRST sign on him.

    As for the dear child greta, I wish she’d told us this a month ago. It’s almost too cold now to go out and hang lights.

  12. Got those permanent led lights now. On 365. Different colours to suit the occasion. Been poppy red this week in honour of those who served. It pains me that we have this Prick in Ottawa on a run to destroy this country! It makes one weep.

  13. So the poor woman in BC who lives in a trailer is suffering from “climate change”. In other words, she is suffering from summer.

    I am suffering from climate change today in Winterpeg. Winter rolled in with a vengenance.

  14. I can understand the old Edison 7-10 watt exterior light bulbs drawing heavily on the grid. Bit a few strings of LED lights?? Give me a break Greta! 265 feet of exterior Edison bulbs can consume up to 1950 watts. Total cost for the Christmas season, $52.00. 265 feet of LED bulbs, total wattage, 35. Cost?? $1.05.

    Greta is Swedish. My daughter has friends who left Sweden to live in Calgary. When we visit them at Christmas, they have windproof candles lit on their front steps when we arrive. Then we have smoked fish for an appetizer!! Cool and very seasonal!! Get a life Greta!!
