Remembrance Day At The Toronto Star

Got home from the Remembrance Day service awhile ago, and thought I would check to see what is going on in the fake media. The Star has a muslim Canadian rant about how genocide against Indian children should be thought about today, and how Canadians fought in evil colonial wars.

27 Replies to “Remembrance Day At The Toronto Star”

  1. Please don’t call him a Canadian. Or no – perhaps that’s right. “Canadians” are now the dregs of the Marxist movement of the last half-century.

    So be it: I’m not a Canadian, never mind a hyphenated one. My living here was an accident of birth anyway. Fuck it.

  2. OJ. Speaking of Woke media or at least Woke institutions of higher learning, “ John Cleese backs out of Cambridge appearance over “woke rules,” is praised by Piers Morgan

    “…I am blacklisting myself before someone else does,” Cleese tweeted.”…perhaps some of you can find a venue where woke rules do not apply.”

    The article / opinion piece refers to Piers Morgan as “the conservative social media grifter and British broadcaster best known for harassing Meghan Markle after she shared her former struggles with suicidal ideation” so the piece is clearly not written by an SDA contributor.

  3. The left possesses such a singular focus that it won’t do anything but bring its causes into any topic or concern.

    Dead aboriginal kids no one cared about before are somehow the reason for November 11th.

    How could we have missed that?

    1. How could we have missed that?

      Possibly because no bodies or graves have ever been found, I’m guessing.

    2. TransLink, the Vancouver bus company, ran a two-fer on the Lest We Forget slogan. They had it up for the elusive dead Indian children of long ago and now again for Remembrance Day.
      Virtue-signalling propaganda-pushers.
      But I must give them some credit for taking it down before they put it up again.

  4. oj: “I check to see what is going on in the fake media.”

    oj is part of the problem, therefore he’s a 85%er i.e. Canadian idiot

    1. OJ must be deeply flattered to be credited with this much influence.
      Kate will be worried about his new demands for a pay raise.

  5. Things are going just as intended, this is why Trudeau # 1 instituted multi-culturalism. The plan was to minimize the English culture in Canada in particular in Quebec. Once the master plan was deemed acceptable by a gullible public it has been increasing every few years. How many statues of Quebec politicians have been defaced or removed to prevent destruction, damned Few if any. Soon a few special interest groups will decide government policy, Indigenous Citizens, French, Muslims, Enviro Nazis, Well organized immigrant groups and probably Chinese once they finish colonizing BC.

    1. “How many statues of Quebec politicians have been defaced or removed to prevent destruction . . . ” Good question. I can’t think of any. They go after McDonald, NOT because of the residential schools (that’s the smoke screen). They go after him because he is an important symbol for the country.

    2. You are absolutely correct. Trudeau II is furthering his father’s not-so-hidden agenda: the takeover and ‘de-Anglicizing’ (pardon the neologism) of the ROC by the Quebecois. It’s Montcalm’s Revenge writ large.

  6. Such a sour grapes piece. A real downer on Remembrance Day. Can we look forward to a similar “Let’s remember everyone else.” opinion piece on Gay Pride Day, or some Muslim celebration day?

  7. His article is a bullshit attack on Canada.

    Maybe the goat-fucking Moslem wife-beater can explain why his brothers in the Taliban are raping women as a price for not killing families.

    See, everyone can play the generalization game.

    Frankly it’d be nice if a We Were Here First Nations veteran wrote a rebuttal and told him to pound salt up his mother’s ass.

  8. He is woke AND muslim. What a combination. A double irritation. And such a punchable face too boot. He has it all.
    I wonder what his views are regarding the genocide of the Armenians?

  9. Defence Minister Anita Anand and Veterans Affairs Minister Lawrence MacAulay both were able to show up on time and be present for the whole ceremony, why couldn’t the prime Minstrel and the governor general?

  10. I’m sorry … that Star Article is effing SICK! “Re-imagining history”? Added “narratives”? “Forgotten History”? “Nation building”? “Cultural genocide”????

    I guess every leftist has the full Leftist lexicon on their word processors … boring and tiresome … and cultural suicide

    1. L – B.L.M. = M.A.C. = M.B.= Ikwan , the nose of the camel… the anti-Canadian MSM .

      Memory loss means a loss of identity, disorientation in life for individuals and a nation-state.
      Demonization of self as identity leads to nihilism, to the destruction of self and nation state.

      1. Yes … the “cultural turnover” of the Canadian Nation (old white men dying) … will set the stage for a “re-imagining” of Canada.

        The new nihilist Canadian State will distribute misery across all ethnic subgroups

        1. Equality of outcomes, however miserable, is the final objective. Its unfortunate progressives won’t adopt the non-interventionist policies of the The Federation.
